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Posted: Fri May 07, 2010 6:54 pm
by stinkypinky

Posted: Fri May 07, 2010 6:59 pm
by stinkypinky
sorry for the multiple posts.....

Posted: Fri May 14, 2010 3:11 pm
by stinkypinky

when back the ent. he did another exam. prescribed flonase and scheduled a barium swallow test for next week. on the diagnosis receipt thingy he circled chronic rhinusitus and sinusitus (sorry for the poor spelling) and at the bottom he wrote dysplasia.......

(im leary of doctors tho bc i know they play word games when it comes to billing insurance.

my gut tells me he has no clue whats wrong and wants to just milk my insurance..)

but anyway can anyone explain those terms and how they relate to BB

Posted: Sat May 15, 2010 11:31 pm
by dark
Flonase (fluticasone) is a nasal spray corticosteroid, used to reduce nasal inflammation, congestion and sneezing. IMO, you don´t need this, but you can try it and see if it works.

Barium swallow (Fluoroscopy) is an examen that you swallow contrast (barium) and with a fluoroscope, the doctor can see the pass of the contrast. With this examn you can find the origin of your BB, but you need an experimented doctor in fluoroscopy of esophagus. ... re=related

Chronic rhinosinusitus. is an inflammation of the nose mucosa and paranasal sinuses. IMO you have a chronic rhinosinusitis, but this is not the cause of your BB.

Displasy. is an anormal appearance of the cells (example: Barrett´s esophagus in acid reflux). IMO I don´t think that you have displasy.

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 6:44 am
by GoodLuck!

would definately not start doing the zyrtec. I`m a 29year old who started doing anti-histamines as a child and have gone through the whole ladder from teldanex, to clarityn and finally zyrtec.

These days my allergy isnt that bad anymore thus i want to quit the pills. When i stop i get seriously ill after a few days and the condition rapidly becomes worse until a point were i cant function.

What i am experiencing while quitting zyrtec for a few days is not allergy, it is simply my body being totally dependant on the zyrtec.

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 9:13 am
by macks86
with the apple cider vinegar, would it have the same effect in pill form? im concerned about the damage the drink could have on my teeth. my enamel is already very weak.