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Everything is getting worse

Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......
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Post by joe1 »

billie, where are u from?

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Joined: Wed Jul 30, 2008 12:55 pm

Post by deebas »

billie wrote:

My symptoms:

-poor memory
-white furry tongue (it just looks like it grows)
-Big bloated belly
-Gas after eating dinner don't have gas after eating bread in morning. Ate patatoes yesterday and it was bad very painful.i just feel everything moving.

These problems all sound dietary related..

Definetly for the gas/bloating etc, - look up FOOD COMBINING.

Here is an example but you can find heaps of info/charts on google -->

It really helped me with feeling like a brewery after eating but unfortunately prob wont rid you of bb.

p.s. bad memory is a key symptom of candida as the bacteria release alcohol when disolving the sugars (carbs)
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Joined: Mon Jul 21, 2008 3:50 am
Location: New York

Post by jane »

I haven't had hold-my-breath-on-the-train bad breath in about six months. My bb derives from my tonsils. After years of trial and error, i have found a very effective solution.

First off, i had a tonsillectomy of the palatine tonsils and adenoids about a year ago. The smell comes from the huge tonsil stones in my LINGUAL tonsils -which i knew before the surgery- but i was desperate. During the healing time, there was an overwhelming amount of mucus which helped pull out the months old stones lodged in there. My throat was also very relaxed (something it hasn't been in years due to bb fighting methods) and didn't alter the formation of my tonsils ie.swelling, etc. thus allowing the stones to come out easier. Btw, post nasal drip created foul smelling stones in my adenoids also. Overall the surgery did help reduce my bb.

So with that said, i knocked out the most problamatic stones during that time and got to start fresh. As soon as i was healed enough to start eating normally, the stones came back... inevitably. Luckily i had heard about grapefruit seed extract and started to gargle with it about three times a day. It's pretty acidic. Now, because i realized that vigorous gargling could harm my tonsils and make things worse, i just gargled about twice a day. Just a few drops in water equal to a/b two mouths full; anything more will make your throat raw.

This is the key:

I boil water EVERY MORNING to gargle with (my faucet water does not get hot enough). Hot water is EXTREMELY effective in loosening stagnant mucus that turns into tonsil stones. I pour it in a cup and add either the drops of GSE OR salt water. I alternate betwwen that and ONCE IN THE BLUE MOON: alcohol free mouthwash diluted with water. This must be done before you do ANYTHING in the morning.. even speak; you don't want to move your throat, allowing the mucus to get into a crypt.

I don't eat dairy, cheap icee's or juices that create thick mucus, or anything that will likely stay in my throat for a long time- i use my judgment. I also drink a few cups of tea everday just to clear the mucus in my throat as an alternative for gargling. After that morning gargle, followed by brushing my teeth, i always drink a hot cup of tea just in case there was any mucus i didnt get.

Give it a shot!
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