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Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 2:38 pm
by who farted?
[quote="Stankie"]I'm gonna post this here, since this thread is about hormones.....

keepfaith had mentioned something about salt/water hormone regulation, so I did a bunch of research tonight.
The hormones that control osmoregulation are associated with the kidneys and adrenal glands. I am usually thirsty, lips dry, and always drinking water, so my interest was perked.
I did some looking into what helps these, mainly natural things, since that's how I roll. Some things mentioned are licorice, valerian, and yohimbe. These may help with osmoregulation because they are antidiuretics, meaning they would slow the body's water excretion through the kidneys. I may do further research into these later but for now I am going to focus on amino acids.

I also did some research into amino acids. Arginine, Citrulline, and Ornithine are also involved in hormone regulation and production. I also came across that these 3 are very important to kidney and liver health. They also have a key role in the removal of ammonia from the blood. Citrulline is also very low in people with impaired digestion of the small bowel. These are also mentioned for people with liver problems and enzyme reactions. Some sources/articles even recommended these for people with cirrhosis, fatty liver, and liver disease/failure. They are also key to heart heath and male sexual functioning.
I am going to go purchase these 3 amino acids this morning as soon as the health food store opens. Citrulline and Ornithine are 'new' to me, as of today, but I am definitely intrigued by what I have read about them tonight. I see a lot of reference to liver, kidney, ammonia, fatigue, thirst, hormone issues and a lot of other symptoms I have. Probably won't do shit, but it's worth a try.

Certainly worth a try Stankie nothing to lose interesting info,in the back of my mind i always wondered about water,i drink a lot but the urine is still a darkish yellow and smells,i always thought there was a problem getting water into the body somehow,and yet when alchol is consumed the urine goes clear after a few units strange, anyways good luck with them amino acids

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 2:48 pm
by Stankie

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2013 12:29 pm
by loyd99
im pretty up on hormones basically if you have the 3 main players in check everything else should level out.
those being insulin leptin an adrenalin/ cortisol

another good one to mention is melatonin

if anyone wants me to do a more in depth post i can

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2013 5:10 pm
by Stankie

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2013 9:53 pm
by loyd99
Stankie wrote:That's just a tad bit myopic.... No offense.
whys that?

the hormones i mentioned have are master controlling hormones and cascading effect on all the others hormones therefore without dealign with the ones i have mentioned you will never be hormonally optimal ? sure there is more to it but your time should be focused on those hormones.

someone mentioned they had low progesterone it will be from one of the hormones i mentioned. I would not advise taking a hormone also unless you have had a serious injury and your body cant produce it naturally and you have tried every possible natural method. i would say that probably for most of us it has something to do with stress adrenalin/ cortisol which is closely linked to other things such as inflammation, lifestyle, gut health etc

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2013 10:32 pm
by Stankie

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2013 11:02 pm
by loyd99
im not day just 3 hormones should be addressed but they should be the main focus as with out taking them into consideration your fighting a loosing battle. trying to fix a single down stream hormone such a progesterone by just boosting it with hrt of whatever is not getting to the cause. similar to the battle we are fighting we need to get to the route cause an fix that

its hard to write it all out on here as hormones are very complex but i have studied them alot been to many seminars of leaders in the field an basically you are your hormones they are chemical messengers. if you fell like crap no sex drive zeal for life guess what your profile will look like. if your tired int the mornings find it hard to get straight up out of ben id say your cortisol is out of range.

what you stankie is true and androgens are synthesized by cholesterol so that needs to be present in your diet but if your body is not signalling for it to be produced no matter how much cholesterol you have your body wont produce the amount you need.

stress adrenalin/ cortisol have a huge effect on the whole cascade both positive and negative i recon thats where the problem lies with us

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 6:24 pm
by Stankie

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 6:37 pm
by Archimonde
I remember Tony, he said in a post from 2010:

"I have just been tested for my mineral levels and my copper levels were off the chart."

About a year ago i sent him a PM to get an update and i still haven't gotten a reply. He's probably gone for good :(

And there was a woman on this forum who was cured after having her uterus removed, she said the operation changed her hormone levels and her BB disappeared shortly after. Anyone remember her username?

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 9:33 pm
by Stankie

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 2:52 am
by Archimonde
'HopefulOne', who had her uterus removed and was temporarily cured of BB, said she was truly cured after taking H.Pylori antibiotics and Lactoferrin



Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 9:45 am
by FedUp
Stankie wrote:viewtopic.php?t=4327&highlight=uterus

I've considered myself 'asexual' for some time.

Maybe it's time to be a real eunuch? :lol:

Sheldon, is that you? :lol: