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Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 10:50 pm
by cool
did this tooth did leave any kind of odor on floss/brush/finger/etc when toughing it?

i find it quite interessting why your mom could not smell it...if you or anybody else have any other ideas about it, it would be interessting to hear.

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2010 7:10 pm
by whatevz
It is my very back left side upper molar!
Ok so when I would do the lick test in the past, the smell was very mild and would go away immediately after
But now I do the lick test, the smell is very strong and lingers for a while until I wash my arm. It's the same smell i would experience before except its 10x stronger... I'm hoping its just because the tooth is healing and the infection is releasing from the tooth... hopefully this goes away soon?! Has anyone experienced this? How long will it take for the smell to fully go away?

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2010 7:13 pm
by whatevz
There was no smell or any pain from that tooth at all, I would always floss around it and would not detect any smell at all also
I would also touch the gum and not detect a smell as well.. odd eh?

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2010 7:20 pm
by cool
whatevz wrote:There was no smell or any pain from that tooth at all, I would always floss around it and would not detect any smell at all also
I would also touch the gum and not detect a smell as well.. odd eh?
did you smell directly at the floss back then?

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2010 1:28 am
by whatevz
Cool: Yes i did, it would floss that tooth and would smell the floss and would not smell anything.

So it's been a couple days, and i notice that my tongue, under where the tooth was extracted is far more white than the rest of my mouth. I also notice that it is VERY rough, and sensitive... I brushed my tongue and that part was still white and very difficult to clean off... odd eh? I'm wondering, maybe that's the bacteria from my infection? As well, I notice that when I floss the teeth beside the extraction it smells terrible, like, even a couple hours after flossing, i floss it again and it still smells - but only on that side. So I am also assuming that's probably the infection still? I also now know my tonsil stone is definitely attributed to that, because I noticed my tonsils had an odd smell after the extraction, probably because of it draining... i also just did the lick test, right after brushing my teeth it didnt smell like anything, but its been half an hour and that same slightly sour smell is back.. i'm wondering if that means my breath still smells? can someone enlighten me on whether this lick test truly works...

i haven't noticed any true improvements as I have had the nastiest taste in my mouth the last few days.. I'm thinking its from the infection draining... so I will update you all later throughout the week on how it goes.

Also, I am getting my last wisdom tooth out tuesday as it's partially emerging and slightly painful. I will update you all on that as well.

Re: My Case

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2021 8:52 pm
by Rissa18
I have read your case, I got really interested because I am suspecting we have the same problem.

It's been 11 yrs. Passed since you posted.
I hope you are still here and hoping for your update.

Were you get cured after your molar removal?

PLEASE REPLY if you read this. I will wait for you.

It might be the answer we are looking for for many years.

Thank you so much