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Metronidazole Mouth Wash & Colgate Elyzol Dental Gel

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Post by caramiamine98 »

Brightonguy, the orange juice was added to make the mouthwash more palatable for the young person mentioned in the article. It’s not necessary and was only added to mask the bitterness. I probably would just skip it too. I would also use less water more like 30 ml (300 ml may have been a typo in the original article as all other information I’ve read suggests using less water).

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Post by brightonguy »

Many thanks for this info. I agree that less fluid seems to make more sense. I've come a long way with my BB, it's not as bad as it used to be. I'm hoping this might be the final thing that frees me from it.
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Post by caramiamine98 »

Hopefulness wrote more detailed instructions a while back. Seems easy enough to follow. If I ever have to go back on metronidazole I’d much rather do this than taking it the ‘regular’ way. Anyway, I hope it works for you. Cheers, C.
hopefulness wrote:The trick with bb and metronidazole is never to swallow them, think of them like salt water. Morning and Night after eating crush 1 tablet into a power, mix a little water to form a past, and brush your whole mouth with it, when finished, add a little more water, add gargle it for 2 full minutes. Then avoid fluids and food for an hour. Yes this will taste terrible and some will tell you to mix the paste with toothpaste-and that’s fine. Just don't swallow it. Hope this helps you..

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Post by halitosisux »

Has anyone tried this yet?
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Post by mimmi »

I'm still waiting for my pills that I have ordered...
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Post by Jimi Stein »

Metrodinazole here in Thailand is dirt cheap, that is why that guy was selling it and over promoting it. Becuase he can earn money.

15 tablets of metrodinazole costs 1 USD!!!!!!!

One dollar only!!!

How much did everybody pay that guy??

This is why I felt bad when he was plugging metro all over the place.
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Post by mimmi »

I have ordered Metronidazol from Elitenetpharmacy.
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Post by bblady »

I just ordered the Metronidazol as well. I have a question regarding whether or not it is safe and/or effective to use this as a 14 day mouthwash while also being on probiotics, or should I do them separately? I'm just so anxious to get this bacteria out of my system, yet I don't want to do too much at once and lose the benefits of either treatment. What are your thoughts?

Thank you.
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Post by caramiamine98 »


It’s best when taking both antibiotics and probiotics to wait at least 2 hours before or 2 hours after ingesting an antibiotic before taking probiotics to ensure the probiotics’ effectiveness. If you take them at the same time, the antibiotic will kill the good bacteria that you are trying to replenish. Even if you are not ingesting the metronidazole just gargling with it, I would still follow that rule just to be on the safe side. Hope that helps you. Cheers, C
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Post by bblady »

caramiamine98 wrote:bblady,

It’s best when taking both antibiotics and probiotics to wait at least 2 hours before or 2 hours after ingesting an antibiotic before taking probiotics to ensure the probiotics’ effectiveness. If you take them at the same time, the antibiotic will kill the good bacteria that you are trying to replenish. Even if you are not ingesting the metronidazole just gargling with it, I would still follow that rule just to be on the safe side. Hope that helps you. Cheers, C

This is very helpful information indeed. Thank you so much. ;)
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Post by findacure »

Ives tried making my own mouth wash.. mixing a crushed Metronidazole tab with water (very bitter taste) But what I've noticed is that when I take antibiotics they give me really bad sore throats. But I haven't had any side affects doing this so far...only time will tell
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Post by aydinmur »

brightonguy wrote:I'm going to order those antibiotics and give this mouthwash a try. I REALLY want to find a mouthwash that works.

Aydinmur, if you read this post I'd be interested to know what you think about the potential efficacy of mixing this crushed antiobiotic with water and orange juice (as per what's written in the above article) to make a mouthwash.
I have just read your question.
Yes its potentially effective on type 1 halitosis.
It musnt be used more than 2 weeks or so.
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Post by faith21 »

Has anyone tried this method. I figure the 14 days maximum of being on the mouthwash is over so I'm curious about the results because I to would like to try this method.
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Post by bblady »


Well, I used metronidazole as a mouthwash for a 2 week period. Sadly, it did not give me the results I was hoping for. I did notice a minor improvement with my breath, and this did not become noticeable until being on day 6 or so of the treatment. My bb still returned about an hour later or so though. It has been a couple weeks since ending the metronidazole routine, and my breath is not as bad as it was about a month ago or go, but believe this is due to many things I have been doing. I've been taking probiotics and digestive enzymes, vitamin C, folate, coconut oil, mastic gum, and I removed a lot of white flour and sugar from my diet. I don't know which of these has helped or if its a combination of a couple of them. Whatever it is, I intend to continue using all of them because my breath definitely has improved. My breath isn't perfect though; I still rely heavily on mints such as salese lozenges to help me get through the day. I don't believe the metronidazole had anything to do with my overall improvement with my breath though.

Good luck to all.
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Post by mike987 »

Sorry to hear it didn't work for you, bblady. :(

Findacure and mimmi, how did the metronidazole mouthwash work for you guys? At the end of the 14 day period and even now, what would you say it did for you, if anything?
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