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Post by Bbc »

Pervy - why don't you try Zantac 150mg to start with? Give it a shot for a month.

Halitosisux - I had checked for H pylori a while back...negative. Haven't taken anything other than Zinetac. Didn't know that Zantac has an antibiotic component. Very interesting. Nevertheless, if you have a problem, why not give Zantac a try?

Cambodiangirl - I'm glad to hear that you've taken the first step. Do keep us updated on progress.

Please dont forget the other stuff like flossing, cleaning the tongue with fingers (not scraper or brush), and rinsing/gargling thoroughly with diluted hydrogen peroxide.

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Post by girlie girl »

Bbc, going to try this! Will post outcomes.
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Post by Gooner »

I am trying this too after reading your post but 75mg which is all i could get hold of at the supermarket. The thing with Zantac though is it can cause dry mouth so it could make things worse for most of us.

I feel like im going round in circles, when this doesn't work next month we will be trying to increase our stomach acid.

Id like to know dolittle's thoughts on stress as a cause of BB. Over xmas i was much more relaxed having a break from work and my BB was greatly improved, almost gone. 3 hours into my first day back last week it suddenly came back worse than ever in the 3 years ive been battling with it. I know the obvious that stress can cause dry mouth and maybe for me its as simple as that explanation but i wonder if stress is a catalyst for some other reaction that have been proven to cause BB.
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Post by mike987 »

Gooner wrote:I am trying this too after reading your post but 75mg which is all i could get hold of at the supermarket. The thing with Zantac though is it can cause dry mouth so it could make things worse for most of us.

I feel like im going round in circles, when this doesn't work next month we will be trying to increase our stomach acid.

Id like to know dolittle's thoughts on stress as a cause of BB. Over xmas i was much more relaxed having a break from work and my BB was greatly improved, almost gone. 3 hours into my first day back last week it suddenly came back worse than ever in the 3 years ive been battling with it. I know the obvious that stress can cause dry mouth and maybe for me its as simple as that explanation but i wonder if stress is a catalyst for some other reaction that have been proven to cause BB.
I often feel like we're going in circles too... Right now, I feel an air of hope, though.

As for your last statement... We were talking earlier last year, about the possibility of dysfunction in the ileocecal valve, perhaps triggered by stress.
So the idea was, when you get stressed, the valve becomes locked in the open position, allowed literal shit to back up into your small intestine and become digested, which would basically be sending crap into your bloodstream and into the very air you breath. It would also explain why someone's breath could be decent at one moment, and then suddenly become very very bad in a tense situation.

I still need to leave this possibility open for myself... It would certainly explain why my breath seems to smell just like my own gas.
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Post by Bbc »

Hi all, and to all those who were posting on my other thread and whom I requested to move to this one. I'll respond to them first.

Mike 987 - There's no harm in trying this. Many of your symptoms would suggest that there is something going wrong in the stomach. Btw, I also suffer from a dry mouth, and this does get exascerbated with stress.

Username 123 - I'm glad to hear that you've started (one tab morning and night). Keep at it. The first thing I noticed when I started was that the tongue had less of a coating. I hope you're also working with the tongue cleaning and the diluted h2o2 gargling. You'll be amazed how far back on your tongue you can push two fingers without gagging.

Girlie girl - like you, my dad suffers from acidity, bad enough for him to have to sleep on an inclined bed. He often gets up at night to chew antacids. And he too has bad breath. I haven't yet told him about what's worked for me (partly not to hurt his feelings, and partly because he's skeptical of anything that is slightly off main-stream thinking). I will eventually.

Haligirl - I hear you, and would be interested to learn how you found out that your problem was a lack of acid. Is there a test for this?

Gooner - About the circles, I know what you mean. Went through plenty over two decades, as you'd imagine. Hold tight, we'll find a solution for everyone, even if it takes time. Why don't you take two 75 mg tabs?

The more I think of it, the more I'm convinced that for most of us the problem is not oral related, regardless of the statistics that dolittle brought to our attention. My deduction is based on the fact that most of us are here because the problem is chronic. Given that, most of us have tried to eliminate all issues that could cause oral cavity induced bb - brushing, flossing, gargling, cavities, wisdom teeth, tonsiloliths, lozenges/sugarless gum for dry mouth....etc etc. Having gone through this, what are the chances that the problem still lies in the mouth? Let's now eliminate the cases where kidney, liver and lung problems are the cause (because that's not common, and if one of these is the cause then bb is the least of ones problems). What's left? Stomach!

My wife and I holidayed in another city over new years, and we were spoilt rotten by our hosts, specially on the food front. As a result, I thought it wise to take 2 Zinetac 150 mg every night, anticipating major acidity problems at night. My wife kissed me next morning (before I cleaned my teeth/mouth) and I knew from her reaction that my problem was really cured.

I've known hell. That's the only reason for these long drawn out posts. The intention is to help every one here, not to sound verbose.
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Post by girlie girl »

Thank Bbc for your post...very informative. Love hearing someone else's thoughts! I am only taking 150mg at night. Are you taking one in the morning and one at night? Thanks for the clarification.
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Post by Gooner »

Bdc - ill double to dosage, cant hurt right. I haven't felt any effects over the past 5 days so doubtful the Zantac is the answer for me but ill stick with it a bit longer in case.

Like Mike was saying in Thanatos' other post im also open to trying these things now, however fanciful they sound. Even if they are all useless i would rather not stay wondering. Im going to list all of these 'cures' people have been posting about and order the lot tonight. Will post back if i get lucky.
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Post by Bbc »

Gooner - please stick with it for at least 3 weeks. And don't forget the diluted H2o2 gargle/rinse. If after a while there is no result, it would be fair to assume that the problem may lie elsewhere. Can I also suggest that you don't try more than one remedy at a time (whichever that might be), as it may be counterproductive.

Girlie - I was taking 150 mg at night. Temporarily stepped it up to 300 mg at night. My logic ....the flow back of acid/other stomach material is greatest when you're horizontal (gravity, I guess!) and that's when I sleep.

For all those trying Zantac, here's a question. Are you noticing a reduction of the white coating on your tongue? Is there less of a slimy coating on your teeth when you wake up?
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Post by dolittle »

mike987 wrote:
Gooner wrote: i wonder if stress is a catalyst for some other reaction that have been proven to cause BB[/b].
As for your last statement... We were talking earlier last year, about the possibility of dysfunction in the ileocecal valve, perhaps triggered by stress.
So the idea was, when you get stressed, the valve becomes locked in the open position, allowed literal shit to back up into your small intestine and become digested, which would basically be sending crap into your bloodstream and into the very air you breath. It would also explain why someone's breath could be decent at one moment, and then suddenly become very very bad in a tense situation.

I still need to leave this possibility open for myself... It would certainly explain why my breath seems to smell just like my own gas.
When we go in to "fight or flight" state, the flow of saliva decreases and makes the mouth dry. Any volatiles that were held in suspension are released into the air and become perceptable. However, one textbook said that the decreased salivary flow rate is not enough to fully explain why stress makes halitosis worse.
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Post by username123 »

Guys im so ****ing happy that i had to make a post,

Been on zantac 150 mg twice a day and been gargling 3% hydrogen peroxide, for about a week now.

just woke up, no white coating not even in the back no mucus anywhere, my saliva feels light and not mucusy my teeth arent slippery. done the lick test 5000 times now used to have a sour vinegar smell, now there is nothing i havent even brushed my teeth or eaten anything.

im gonna update after i get home from work.

if this proves to work iam Bbc's slave for the rest of my life hahah
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Post by Bbc »

Hey there Username!! I'm thrilled to hear you sound so positive!! Let us know how people react...that will be the acid (or in this case, should I say 'alkali') test.

There's something else - as dolittle mentioned, the 'fight or fright' state leads to a dry mouth. As you gain confidence with fresh/normal breath, the 'fright' state because of this problem will slowly disappear, and the mouth won't go dry. So if there is any truth in the fact that dry mouth leads to bb, it's killing two birds with one stone. Also, if you have receding gums like I do, you'll note a marked improvement. Not sure if that's a result of Zantac, h2o2, or both.

I'll be looking for your update. If this has worked for you as it has for me, let's try and help as many others as we can.
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Post by mike987 »

Took the Stomach cidity self test this morning..

1/4 teaspoon and 8ounces of water. Belched within 40 seconds or so.. Though my accuracy in measuring a quarter teaspoon may have been off.

(And I think the acid gets much worse while I'm awake all day)

Anyway, that would indicate I have too much acid... though not enough acid was said to have similar symptoms.

Well I ordered Zantac a while back and will be trying what you guys have done.

Very happy for you, user!
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Post by Frog11 »

Have posted this somewhere else by mistake but hopefully copy and paste will work:

Hello, I am completely new to this site so forgive me if I am posting in the wrong place. I have been stalking this site for a while but for some reason I was a little scared to join. Anyway, I saw the post about gerd and thought I would contribute.

I have suffered with bb ever since junior school and

have tried everything to get rid if this problem especially the bad taste that comes with it. Sometimes it was so bad that I couldn't bear the taste in my own mouth.

I realise that this isn't my thread so I will get to the point. About 6 months ago I was diagnosed with Gerd. I didn't really have heartburn but certain foods would make me feel sick like chocolate. I also got a new dentist who told me that the enamel at the back of my front teeth was really worn. She said that as the rest of my teeth were fine it must be acid

rising up and hitting the back of my teeth.

I went to the doctor and was prescribed Lansoprazole 30 which I now take once a day. I am not cured but the bad taste has all but gone and I would say that the bb has reduced by about 70%. also, after and sometimes during a meal if a ate a healthy meal my stomach would start to bloat and get really uncomfortable. This no longer happens at all, the doctor said this was a symptom of gerd but not sure why.

All my family suffer from digestive issues so in my view it does run in the family but I just didnt have what I thought were typical symptoms.

To the person who says their bb gets worse at work, I used to have this and be better at the weekends both with and without the Lansoprazole but always put it down to there being so much dust in the office which somehow made it worse. I work from home now so no longer an issue for me.

I hope my comments have been helpful. Sorry for butting into someone's thread
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Post by username123 »

hi guys sorry for the late post, but i didnt feel like going home after work =)

did not get any bad reactions from anyone at work or after.
but im still not 100% sure, it has definitaly become a lot better it might even be gone.

my tounge doesent get that white coating anymore not even at the very back its all very pink no matther what i eat.

cant smell anything but my arm when i do the lick test.'

i have stopped with the hydrogen peroxide, atleast temporarily beacuse it doesent feel like i need it and to be honest i dont think that its something you should have in your mouth or swallow.

does anyone get a wierd/bad taste (almost like potatoes) in their mouth after gargling the hydrogen peroxide?

Bbc: Iam all for helping ppl my boss has halitosis to iam going speak with her when i know it works for sure. and all other people i get a chance to help, like u helped me =) thanks again. will update here when iam 100% positive
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Post by Bbc »

Username123 - it appears to be working. Good! H2o2 is the best mouthwash you could use. When diluted adequately, it should do no harm whatsoever. And yes, it does have a godawful taste in the mouth that lasts for about 2-3 minutes after gargling. You'll also notice a froth on your tongue (a swish with water gets rid of that). btw, the taste you get doesn't create any offensive smell - do the lick test as soon as you rinse to verify this.

Zamtac looks after the GERD, but h2o2 loooks after all the bacterial build up in the oral cavity. So please, please don't stop using it. Once in the morning and once before bedtime. And you could even keep a small bottle in office for a swish after lunch.

Have fun and keep us posted.
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