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Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 2:54 pm
by mike987
How about Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide.... I can't seem to find an international seller... and I don't know where I would buy it in this country :/

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 8:57 pm
by mindyb
Prince, I took this for a long time thinking it helped me.
Aerobic Oxygen ,
but says its not a chlorine dioxide product-
where MMS is. What do you think MMS is a better aide than cheaper Aerobic Oxygen?

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 11:59 pm
by Gooner
I know the warnings about MMS have been covered on the site a while back but its worth refreshing our memories: ... mms-bleach

MMS will be a last resort for me im afraid.

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2012 12:12 am
by LMA05
Hi Everyone

i have a felling tham MMS gonna cure me, i don't know but i have some felling...... :o

Anywhey i ordred it yesterday for 22 dollars and i payed 24 dollars for fast DHL shipping coz i can't wait to try total was 46.87 dollars.

Hopefully its the cure, please god hope that u sent it to me please... [-o<

if not this is my last year in this earth... i can't live with it anymore..... Anywhey i ll keep u all updated.

Please god Pleaseeeeeee [-o< [-o< [-o<

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2012 10:44 am
by Prince
Read this please
I will not recommend the aerobic oxygen because the mms is stronger, more effective and safer. The aerobic oxygen is made by another company and they are just trying to fool people by selling them ''oxygen'' wich is chlorine dioxide. The same compound in mms. How do you know that they have not put other things in it? Read this under

"Stabilized oxygen" is said to be the ingredient, and the company describes this more accurately as "oxides of chloride" which is what you get when you bind an oxygen molecule with a chloride. In this case, chlroine dioxide (CLO2) is the "oxygen molecule" and binds it with sodium chloride (Na). This ends up creating the compound NaCLO2 which is nothing more than sodium chlorite - the same compound you purchase from Dr. Katz & other companies that sell "chlorine dioxide" (MMS) products.

This website is safe and i know others who have buyed from them.

Do some research bro, ive talked to many people that got cured with mms. Am not saying its 100% safe but as i know its only oxygen. It oxydize in the body when you drink it and it works only for 2 hour then its gone in 24 hour from your body. Do some research about chlorine dioxide or read more about how oxygen works in the body.

I will pray for you brother/sister that you get cured from God the Al-Mighty, Amen. If you want a good program for mms just let me know i wil help you

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2012 1:02 pm
by elliott
Bless you for giving so many people confidence!

I only hope someone can break this down in an easy to understand list. There is a lot of stuff mixed in which seems confusing to me.

What does one need to do as a procedure, do not include what is not necessary, and please include links for the products.

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2012 2:43 pm
by Prince
I will post the list tonight.
Take care

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2012 4:42 pm
by elliott
hmm maybe it's better you don't.

I would not be surprised if some of these vultures, bigger companies would try to get the products you used off the market. If your procedure works, it would ruin a lot of businesses that take advantage of people like us. Maybe that's paranoid, but I do not trust people like Katz with this sort of info in hand. What do you think?

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2012 9:14 pm
by mindyb
Prince, please do post. If you decide not too, please PM me with your broken down list and products. Thanks a bunch!!! And congrats...
I still have not found a reliable MMS site to purchase from...

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 2:26 am
by mindyb
Ok I'm overwhelmed with the negative press on MMS. You described taking it it with lemon 5 times a day. The first thing I read was a woman dying after taking it with lime juice, due to taking it with citric.
People read up before purchasing from anyone. Mineral in the title is misleading.

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 5:36 am
by hoping
Prince - Thanks for sharing your experience on how you got rid of nose BB and mouth BB.

What kind of flaxseed did you use for curing the nose BB? For instance, ground flaxseed powder or flaxseed oil?

What is the brand name of probiotics that cured your nose BB?

Thanks for your help.

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 8:57 am
by Prince
I would not be surprised if some of these vultures, bigger companies would try to get the products you used off the market

They have tried and they cant ban it from the market, the question is why cant they ban it. Its because you can find sodium chlorite everywhere. You can buy sodium chlorite and make MMS at home. If you wanna know how to make it, just search on youtube: how to make mms. Its not simple to just take it of the market, because many company use it in their product like the soap you washing your hand with at home, contains sodium chlorite. I bought mine mms here in sweden from a company that have received so much threat from FDA and other swedich medical company that they could not sell it anymore, they closed down the store and they told all the customer about what happend. The problem was nobody wanted to sell sodium chlorite to them. My question is why? Have they killed people? or have they cured people? Iam a living proof and there are many many people out there who is using mms right now. Read what other have said about mms in
If you see this video, you will understand everything. Just give your self 50 minute.

Maybe that's paranoid, but I do not trust people like Katz with this sort of info in hand
Why should you listen to katz? Listen to your self and your body and read as much as you can before trying anything, to ensure that what you want to use is safe.

Prince, please do post. If you decide not too, please PM me with your broken down list and products. Thanks a bunch!!! And congrats...
I still have not found a reliable MMS site to purchase from...

I will make the list today, i ran out of time yesterday. I will post the list with everything you have to know. And here is a good site for mms if you wanna buy.

Ok I'm overwhelmed with the negative press on MMS. You described taking it it with lemon 5 times a day. The first thing I read was a woman dying after taking it with lime juice, due to taking it with citric.
People read up before purchasing from anyone. Mineral in the title is misleading.

I said take the mms 3 times a day not 5. Hahaha thats bullshit i take mine with lemon. I put 10 dropps of lemon with every dropp of mms. There is some people saying that the lemon may work better on some people and the citric acid may work better on others. How can someone die because he used lime instead of citric acid? Lime and lemon and citric acid is the same all three. The only thing that you can use to activate the mms instead of lemon, lime and citric acid is apple vinegar. Please when you do research show us where did you read that. Post the page you did read it on. That women is a joke if she died from lime hahaha. Common people use your brain, its not that difficult. Read as much as you can about the mms. The best thing to do is to read about how mms works in the body, then after that you can read peoples story when you understand how mms work its then you will understand everything.

What kind of flaxseed did you use for curing the nose BB? For instance, ground flaxseed powder or flaxseed oil?
What is the brand name of probiotics that cured your nose BB?

Normal flaxseed that you buy in any store. I recommend you to buy the organic one. You will need the flax SEED, not oil or powder. When you mix the seeds with water it become like gel, you have to drink it fast after you mix it with water because it may be difficult to swallow it then. The seeds becomes like gel and this gel cleans out your whole intestines and stomach. Its good to do this every morning or before sleep on empty stomach. The probiotic i used is from sweden, but use a good probiotic without any sugar, sweeteners and yeast. You can find a good probiotic almost in every country. Take a high doses of probiotic, something like overdose, its because your body needs it more than a normal healthy human. One time i did take 40 probiotic pills and noticed nothing and i still had mouth bb. You can overdose on probiotic, but use the one without yeast, sugar or sweeteners. Am sure that you will get rid of nose bb if you take the flaxseed and the probiotic and at the same time clean out your sinus and nose with salt and water or with the Grapefruit seed extract mixed with water and rinse your nose.

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 9:25 pm
by mindyb
Here is the link of woman dying after taking mms and lime juice: ... f=2&t=9695
I googled mms discussions ( FYI if you add discussions to google search it will return forums like this of real posts from people. )

Prince I appreciate your confidence, I'm not completely knocking mms. Has anyone else here ordered or tried it ? I guess I will read further on it. I can't die, I have 2 small children to think about. (yes it is possible to find someone to love you through this bb hell).

My husband truly loves me and looks past it, I don't give him much chance to get blasted by it).YES I have and NO I'm not imagining it. However for my children's sake I don't want them to hate me because I stink, so desperation for many reasons plaques me. I have found some things to manage it (bentonite clay and chorofresh). But is hugely constipatating me which causes pain. I need something to kill the evil. ](*,)

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 3:11 pm
by hali_grl
Thanks Prince for sharing your cure with us! I don't care about what others say theres dangers in just taking asprin and other FDA approved drugs that have been fatal to a smal minority percentage. Even when purchasing asprin it should be gotten from a reliable source. Please keep us posted I look forward to hear of your continued results. :D

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 3:50 pm
by LMA05
I just got my order delivred today, So im a bit affraid but .....

Anywhey i just need to contact Price before. Hope he will reply to me.

i ll keep u updated