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Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2012 4:23 am
by mike987
sadman wrote:FYI
Subjectively I think that I get very good result with it and have more confidence in talking with others . If someone can verify that with a Halimeter , it will be great
Can you elaborate? I've been waiting to here more from you, sadman. [-o<

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 5:03 pm
by bblady
mike987 wrote:bblady, I'm looking forward to hearing more! Don't disappear like most people do after they started trying something and posted about it. :)
Well, I have now tried it twice, and I don't believe this product is safe for me to take on a routine basis. As I mentioned in my other post, I tried a tiny amount with chewing gum. Well, afterwards, I had a reaction to it. I felt a little spaced out. The next day, I decided to try it mixed in with water. I used a scant teaspoon amount. After both times, I had the same spaced out feeling, and I don't like it. When I tried it the second time in drink form with the water, I did so after having had a large meal. Even with the food in my stomach, I still ended up with that spaced out feeling. The feeling went away about an hour later. I have no idea if the product worked as a mouth deodorizer, nor do I care at this point after getting a little sick from it. I don't feel comfortable taking this product and have decided to discontinue it.

I may look into trying odorzout. For the past 3 weeks, I have been taking zantac, I take 150 mg once a day. I can't tolerate taking more than this. I have a very sensitive system. I believe it is helping my stomach, but I get bad breath from dry mouth and stress as well. I'm not interested in dry mouth meds because they work for only a short while and come with side effects as well.

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 9:18 pm
by Tibya
bblady wrote: For the past 3 weeks, I have been taking zantac, I take 150 mg once a day. I can't tolerate taking more than this. I have a very sensitive system. I believe it is helping my stomach, but I get bad breath from dry mouth and stress as well.
I am using zantec and hydrogen per oxide. Its helping my stomach too and I feel light and easy. Do you see reduced bb after 3 weeks of zantec usage?

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 10:54 pm
by bblady
Tibya wrote:
bblady wrote: I am using zantec and hydrogen per oxide. Its helping my stomach too and I feel light and easy. Do you see reduced bb after 3 weeks of zantec usage?
I should begin by saying my bad breath comes from my stomach, back of my mouth, and dry mouth. I really do believe the zantac is helping. My stomach is much more calm since I started taking it, and I no longer sense odors coming from it.

I just started using hydrogen peroxide, but only a tiny amount for cleaning the middle and back areas of my tongue. I can't use more than that (hydrogen peroxide), because I'll end up with an even drier mouth if I do. At any rate, my tongue is more pink since I started cleaning my tongue with it.

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 11:01 pm
by bblady
sadman wrote:FYI ... -giveaway/

You can try OdorZout , it's much cheaper , safe for animal and human and it's granules , not powder and therefore can absorb odor more . Subjectively I think that I get very good result with it and have more confidence in talking with others . If someone can verify that with a Halimeter , it will be great

Can you describe how you use the OdorZout? Do you add it to chewing gum, add it to water and drink it, or just take some in your mouth directly? Do you use the powder or granule form? How much do you use? How long does the deodorizing affects work?

Thanks! I will be trying this too. I hope it won't give me any unpleasant side effects. Since this also contains zeolite, I just don't know, but I have to try it anyway. [-o<

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 2:09 am
by sadman
bblady wrote :
Can you describe how you use the OdorZout
Please read my thread : Zeolite .

The dose depends on your need . You can use it as frequent as every 1/2 hours and you can use up to 10 tsp a day .
You can use it with gum or just swish it in your mouth for as long as possible and spit it out or swallowing it for detoxification effect . OdorZout is granules and gritty and its main use is for deodorizing , not detoxifying as Zeolite Pure powder . I really feel that my breath is fresher and feel more
comfortable talking to my clients or... maybe it's just a placebo effect :D

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 6:44 am
by mike987
sadman wrote:bblady wrote :
Can you describe how you use the OdorZout
Please read my thread : Zeolite .

The dose depends on your need . You can use it as frequent as every 1/2 hours and you can use up to 10 tsp a day .
You can use it with gum or just swish it in your mouth for as long as possible and spit it out or swallowing it for detoxification effect . OdorZout is granules and gritty and its main use is for deodorizing , not detoxifying as Zeolite Pure powder . I really feel that my breath is fresher and feel more
comfortable talking to my clients or... maybe it's just a placebo effect :D
Sadman, how long has it been working for you? Placebo effect wouldn't last very long... And exactly to what degree does this rescue your ability to socialize?

Can you converse face to face as long as you're grinding that gritty kitty in your mouth?


Also, Zantac peoples... The community has been taking it for 2-4 weeks now. To all who have used it extensively, is it doing anything for you? Anything you can be sure of?

I'm still doing it.... It hasn't changed the rest of my symptoms (and if it is, it's not significant, I don't believe) and I'm not sure if it's done anything for my breath. I've been sick for the last 5 days so I can't comment on genuine reactions.... Went to a doctor to see if it was the flu.. tested negative, but she gave me an antibiotic and some other drugs.... Why the antibiotic? ... How about no?

One positive thing... I had a good day yesterday as far as breath goes..... due in part, or entirely, to the fact I was wearing a good quality mask during classes. Not a single reaction, though there was a close proximity moment where I thought I smelled some backdraft, and certainly smelled something close to what the backdraft usually smells like.... Sense of smell is weak though, because of the effect on my sinuses.

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 4:54 pm
by Gooner
Mike - I used the Zantac for about 4 weeks and nothing. There's no harm in trying it though I had no negative symptoms and i was exceeding the recommended dosage.

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 5:30 pm
by mike987
bblady wrote:
mike987 wrote:bblady, I'm looking forward to hearing more! Don't disappear like most people do after they started trying something and posted about it. :)
Well, I have now tried it twice, and I don't believe this product is safe for me to take on a routine basis. As I mentioned in my other post, I tried a tiny amount with chewing gum. Well, afterwards, I had a reaction to it. I felt a little spaced out. The next day, I decided to try it mixed in with water. I used a scant teaspoon amount. After both times, I had the same spaced out feeling, and I don't like it. When I tried it the second time in drink form with the water, I did so after having had a large meal. Even with the food in my stomach, I still ended up with that spaced out feeling. The feeling went away about an hour later. I have no idea if the product worked as a mouth deodorizer, nor do I care at this point after getting a little sick from it. I don't feel comfortable taking this product and have decided to discontinue it.

I may look into trying odorzout. For the past 3 weeks, I have been taking zantac, I take 150 mg once a day. I can't tolerate taking more than this. I have a very sensitive system. I believe it is helping my stomach, but I get bad breath from dry mouth and stress as well. I'm not interested in dry mouth meds because they work for only a short while and come with side effects as well.

Just noticed your post here. Thanks for sharing your experiences!
Yeah, try what sadman's trying. If we could get two positive voices for that product, it might be something serious after all. I'd have tried it myself by now, but I can't get this without having someone ship it to me... I wanna make sure it's confirmed as doing what's it says it does, and works for at least some people, before arranging an order.

Gooner, I've been using it for a couple weeks now... I'm having similar feelings, but I'll keep trying it.

Wonder if I should up the dosage, or maybe take one in the morning in addition to before bed?

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2012 4:40 am
by Music Lady
I just finished a two week(plus) supply of Zantac and don't think I'll continue as it doesn't seem to be helping.

I'm anxiously waiting to see how things go for Hopefulone and whether she'll continue to be bb free from having the hysterectomy. Many of the symptoms she spoke about I have.

I'm also looking in to alternatives to HRT meds, possibly herbs and vitamins, to see if this would make a different for me at all even if its very little.

I'm continuing to taken vitamins C,D and A and they always reduce the smell but never takes away the smell completely. It also changes the smell to a different rotten egg kind of odor.

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2012 3:36 pm
by mike987
I'm starting to think all of the recent cures are bunk.

Not to offend, but how are you people so easily led into believing something is working for you?

Still waiting to hear updates on zeolite though.

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2012 4:40 pm
by Tibya
mike987 wrote:I'm starting to think all of the recent cures are bunk.
I have not given up on Zantec and hydrogen per oxide 3% rinsing. Its working for me in some manner. I defiantly have lighter stomach, no doubt about it. Thick white coating at the back of my tongue is very less.I have not completely gotten rid of my bb, but it has reduced. As I developed bb over a period of time,I am not expecting results over night. Moreover my dosage of zantec is not very strong. I am on 75mg tablet, so will wait and see.

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2012 8:04 pm
by bblady
mike987 wrote:Still waiting to hear updates on zeolite though.
Okay, I have now tried odorzout all surfaces granules a few times. I tried it as a mouthwash and by adding it to chewing gum. I did sense my mouth odors became significantly reduced while this stuff was in my mouth, both as the mouthwash and with the gum. However, I sensed that the deodorizing affect occurred only when the granules were in my mouth. I was able to detect my own bad breath returning within 10 minutes (or less) after using this stuff. I did not have any side effects from using it, but in my opinion, it seems to be more trouble than it's worth for using as a mouth odor neutralizer. I got the impression that odorzout works, but at least a trace amount of it needs to be in contact with the surface with the offensive odor in order for it to work. I would have to have this stuff in my mouth constantly in order for it to really work. #-o

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2012 10:00 am
by mike987
bblady wrote:
mike987 wrote:Still waiting to hear updates on zeolite though.
Okay, I have now tried odorzout all surfaces granules a few times. I tried it as a mouthwash and by adding it to chewing gum. I did sense my mouth odors became significantly reduced while this stuff was in my mouth, both as the mouthwash and with the gum. However, I sensed that the deodorizing affect occurred only when the granules were in my mouth. I was able to detect my own bad breath returning within 10 minutes (or less) after using this stuff. I did not have any side effects from using it, but in my opinion, it seems to be more trouble than it's worth for using as a mouth odor neutralizer. I got the impression that odorzout works, but at least a trace amount of it needs to be in contact with the surface with the offensive odor in order for it to work. I would have to have this stuff in my mouth constantly in order for it to really work. #-o

What about actually ingesting it for use as an entire body deodorizer (like Chlorophyl)? My breath seems to be identical to my crap at that moment... After today, I'm even more sure of it..... So what I'm hoping is, I could eat enough of this stuff to strongly reduce the smell of my own gas and shit, which I believe would reduce my own breath odor too.

Any thoughts on this? Someone had actually suggested that, earlier, maybe sadman.. I want to know about that implementation of this stuff.

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2012 2:30 pm
by billie
I stopped using HCL Betaine, but am now taking very high dose of digestive enzymes. I used to take 3 pills every meal and i was allready feeling a difference. No more bloating, gas and diarrhea. Now i'm taking 8 pils every meal and it works so well. My tongue looks less hairy and i haven't even changed my diet yet. Today is sunday wich means i will eat a normal meal and monday i will start to put in a lot of green and fruit. I smell really bad when i wake up in the morning(like shit) and my armpits to.It feels like my body want's to get rid of toxins, but can't because i keep eating the wrong foods and drink verry little water.

I did not know how important digestive enzymes are untill i started to read more about them. I also take them on empty stomach so they can eliminate toxins from the blood.

"Life could not exist without enzymes. What this means is that our breathing, sleeping, eating, working and even thinking are enzyme dependent."