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Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 9:08 pm
by LisaLisa
Nothing to see here, folks... move along...

This was originally an incredibly whiny post. I've been going through serious die-off and/or a nasty virus, along with stress in my personal life, for which I felt a need to vent and hopefully find some commiseration among fellow posters.

It was nothing a long hot bubble bath and Pandora radio couldn't fix.

I've (obviously) replaced the original post as it had nothing to do with my Lufenuron experiment.

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 9:21 pm
by mtr
Maybe you should have some rest Lisa.. Stop researching about fungus, candidas, PND or anything..

Just go to youtube and listen to the music you like.. I understand that you are tired but you actually need some time also for yourself, to do things that you like.. I know that bb is altering many possible pleasant activities, but you need to balance it for a while..

Relax for a while and let your mind to think and feel something else, other than BB..

I personally listen to kind of music when I am feeling down.. ... lf=mh_lolz

Hope you feel better tomorrow, because we need you to remain ,cautiously or not :) , positive!

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 9:45 pm
by fthis
^Good advice right there.

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 11:41 pm
by LisaLisa
Thank you both for your comments. I've replaced the original post.

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 4:05 pm
by LisaLisa

I eased back to 4 tbsp of coconut oil yesterday, and feel a little bit better. My cold sore is healing quickly, so I won't comment on that anymore. The rash on my hands keep coming and going, so I won't comment on that either, unless something extreme happens.

1. I went to the grocery store this morning. When I got in my car I smelled something bad for a split second. Could be "leftover car smell", could be my breath. I'm pretty paranoid. Every whiff of car exhaust, cigarettes, hell even driving past Burger King... I was sure everything I smelled was me. Anyway, while at the store I made a point of standing very close to other people in the aisles. 80% of the time this used to cause them to sniff, then turn and look right at me. That didn't happen at all today. I didn't hear any comments either.

2. I'm having sinus issues... congestion, pressure and a very thick pnd (?). I can't see the pnd when I look at my throat, but I can feel a thick clump of it right behind/above the roof of my mouth. When I spray saline up my nose I can smell the mucus; it's sweet and moldy smelling. Makes me think fungal sinusitis, but I'm just going to sit on it for a few days and see what happens. If it continues I have a recipe for a sinus rinse containing xylitol and GSE that I'll try.

3. I did the "Candida spit test" this morning. Most of it remained floating on top of the water, but a small portion sunk to the bottom of the glass and had tails sticking straight up... kind of like stalagmites in a cave. Weird.

4. I'm still tired, depressed, foggy. I don't know if it's die-off or self-doubt. My body still aches: die-off or stress? I also have a slight fever (99.6 F)... is this all just a big ol' virus?

Totally off topic: I don't know if everyone's PM system is like this, but when I send messages some will send right away while others get stuck in my outbox for an entire day. So for the people I message with: I always reply to PMs when I log in, before posting anything. If it takes a long time to get a reply back from me it's not because I'm ignoring you!

CONCLUSION: My plan remains the same: continue with CO until it's gone, then switch to oil of oregano. Also start up with strong probiotics to build up the good guys. I would have picked some up today but going to Whole Foods is like a 2-hour round trip drive for me. I don't want to comment about whether I feel this is working/curing me/bullshit. I've been in such a negative state of mind that anything I say would probably be completely irrational. As always, lots and lots and lots of water!

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 5:44 am
by mike987
Can someone scientifically explain the Candida spit test?

I think it's bullshit. I imagine any saliva with some mucus or biofilm in it will act like a gooey tendril when in water... Does anyone dispute this??

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 6:40 am
by halitosisux

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 1:54 pm
by LisaLisa

So it's half-time. I'm kinda sick of the coconut oil, so I'm about to go buy some oil of oregano. I'm very (probably overly) excited about trying OO. I won't bore you with all the articles I've read, except for this one academic study done in 2001: some mice were infected with systemic Candida (the killer stuff that none of us have). Group A was given oregano oil in an olive oil base (8.6 mg per kg of body weight). Group B was given olive oil alone. After 30 days, 80% of the Group A mice had survived. After 10 days, all of the Group B mice had died. PubMed

1. I feel pretty good today, with only minor sinus issues. My mouth is neutral (I haven't brushed yet). I don't smell anything bad.

2. I went over my monthly budget yesterday and discovered I basically have NO disposable cash for the rest of the month unless I blow off a bill or two, so the probiotics will have to wait (The OO is way cheaper than decent probiotics).

3. I want to fix my reflux and get off of omeprazole. My first step is quitting my morning mug of coffee (waaahhh!). I have just about enough java left for the weekend. Monday can go suck itself. I won't try quitting the omeprazole until after my 2 week Lufenuron experiment is over

CONCLUSION: The closer it gets to the end of the 2 week Lufe period, the more frantic I feel. I wish I could totally remove myself, emotionally, from this trial.

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 2:14 pm
by coconuthead
LisaLisa wrote:DAY SIX:

it's sweet and moldy smelling.
OMG, that's exactly what my nasal odor smells like :shock:

I've been having this nasal odor since mid January. I went to the ENT, he prescribed antibiotics, and after a few days of taking them the smell left, but once I was done with the antibiotics it came back. Some days the nasal odor is much worse. Like I can simply breathe through my nostrils and get a whiff of it. Other days I have to put my fingers by my nose so that the smell can backfire from off my fingers. I've tried rinsing my nose with the neti pot. I even put 10 drops of tea tree oil in boiling water and inhaled the steam through my nose for about 10 minutes. Still no luck :(

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 8:24 pm
by mindyb
Lisa, try to relax! Go out and live and more importantly- talk! See what happens.

Also, OO may be good. GSE is good also, bitter. I mix 5-10 drops with a 1/4 cup of any kind of juice and its down the hatch. I like that it hits my mouth throat and tongue on the way down. I haven't brushed with it.


Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 10:10 pm
by sadgirlbb
Yep I'm going to change to OO too. GSE is SOOOO bitter! And Hopeful said she just puts a few drops under her tongue. So I'm going to try that!

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 10:11 pm
by sadgirlbb
mindyb wrote:TGIF

And Hell Yeah TGIF!!!!

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2012 12:50 am
by LisaLisa
Coconuthead: That's SO bizarre. We must have some sort of common bacteria or fungus going on, dontcha think? I'm afraid to do a nasal rinse, because not knowing what it is, I could make it worse depending on what I use. Please let me know if you learn anything more about it.

Mindy: It's okay, you really don't need to tell me to relax. I post everything I'm going though, good and bad. I do it for future travelers who may be interested in an honest assessment of one person's Lufenuron experience. Sorry if it bothers you. As far as your assumptions about me not going out, living, or talking... well, you know that old saying about assuming.

Yes, I agree the OO is potentially a very good thing (assuming my "Candida overgrowth" is real). I spent some time speaking with the cashier at the health food store, and she believes it can kill damn near anything that's attacking your system. Unfortunately I once had a bad reaction to GSE and can't imagine ever ingesting it again. Kudos to you for tolerating it so well, and I hope it continues to help.

Sadgirlbb: Good luck with the OO! I actually bought the softgels instead of the essential oil. I've had a couple "pizza burps" since taking one, haha. And yeah, GSE is yuck-o-rama.

Have a good weekend everyone.

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2012 1:03 pm
by LisaLisa

I started taking the oregano oil softgels yesterday. I took 3, and will continue at that dose as it's nearly identical to the dose per kg used on the mice in the study I cited yesterday.

1. My throat hurts, worse than yesterday. I just poked around in there with a flashlight, and it might be a little irritated-looking. I've also had a thicker than usual coating on my tongue the past two days, but I'm not all that concerned about that. Still a little sinus-y, but nothing major, although I still catch whiffs of my mucus, which is kinda depressing. I also still have slight earaches.

2. After 4 days of continuous relief, I'm happy to be able to say that my GI issues seem to be gone/going away.

CONCLUSION: I still don't know what to make of the continuous symptoms in item #1. My best guess is that it's either die-off, reflux, or sinusitis. I've had reflux for years, so unless the anti-fungals I'm taking are exacerbating it, it seems the least likely. The sudden sinus attack concerns me, because if it's being caused by Lufe and/or anti-fungals, it could indicate that I've always had fungus in my sinuses, and this treatment is irritating the fungus, but not eradicating it. Most ENTs say fungal sinusitis can only be cured by surgery/scraping the fungus away, but Dr. Google offers several other options, of course :) Still hoping it's all just die-off.

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2012 1:41 pm
by mindyb
I too had a bad experience with GSE years ago. I decided to give it a whirl again starting with only a few drops, then upping dose gradually. That seemed to do it for me.
just a suggestion. Sounds like OO is better for you, good luck.