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another visit to the doctors

Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......
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Post by stulla »

@Mm123 I so feel your pain. I was a junior in high school late spring getting ready to apply to flight school hoping to start working towards my dream the next year after I graduated and then BAM curser (bb and nasal) came out of now where. It is indeed ruining our lifes. I used to cry too but I think I accepted it by now lol.

I went to do pre admission testing today at the hospital today and there was this old lady who walked passed my room and said "What smells like that?" ,she then looked in my room and said "Oh I know why it smells so bad". So embarassing yo!

Hopeful the procedure that Im going to do will help with this sh*t and I can finally work towards my dream.

Suggestion to you do your research,(I use google like crazy) try remedies, diets, herbal stuff, see doctors if you can,read up on stuff etc. There is tons of posts on here with valuable information. Dont let this shit ruin your life there might be an answer for you.

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Post by compor »


I am depressed for a very long time. Most of the time I cannot find the energy to leave the house. A few days after I stopped using antibiotics prescribed by the GI doc, bb came back with full force. Last week I had a job interview so I started using metronidazole (again) in desperation. Somehow (I am not sure how) I got the job. Of course I was completely free of bb during the interview. In a week or two I will need to stop metronidazole.

I wonder what happens if I don't stop? I mean, bb blocks our relations with friends/colleagues/family. What else is there? Friends, colleagues and family, that is all there is. I know it's mostly depression talking, but I am thinking more and more about s*****e. There is still a long way for that, but it kinda makes sense. A long time ago, a very good friend of mine has told me "Even the realization of taking one breath, knowing that you are alive is worth living". Well, I don't believe this any more. There is no way I will enjoy living with this horrible curse. There will be moments of course, but they will go away whenever I come into contact with another human being.

Pros and Cons of abusing metronidazole:

I will be bb-free as long as I keep using it
I will be able to talk to people
I might even have a girlfriend
I will do good at work

It will cause much bigger health issues in the future, no idea when
It might not be irreversible, so it's like a prolonged s*****e

Two sides of the equation:
* Why live like this? Why? If this is the life that has been given to us, and if it will be like this till we die, why the suffering? Why the pain? No marriage, minimum social life with a couple of remaining friends, jobs that are way below my level, more time and money spent on the search for a miracle cure

* Why do I care about what other people think? Why am I thinking of killing myself just because I have bb?

I hate the fact that I have to live this life. But since I am still a reasonable person, abovementioned items are not enough for me to commit s*****e (yet). Whenever I go to the doctor's office, I hope he tells me that I have a terminal illness. Yes, that is what I hope. But instead he says "Are you sure you have bb?" while rubbing his nose. We can't always get what we want...
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Post by sadmum »

Hey compor...I completely understand what you're going through and how depressed you are feeling, I think we are all in the same boat here! But s*****e is never the answer to this problem. Look at the positive side, at least metronidazole works for you even if it's just temporary! I wish it did that with me! I've been on so many antibiotics but none make my bb completely disappear. Another advantage for you is that you know what could be causing your bb, so just a bit of more research into it might lead you to the cure.

My advice to you is to go for a walk or a run and expel all the negative energy, I bet you'll feel a lot better.

Stay positive and optimistic because a cure is out there somewhere for all of us.

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Post by BBad »

Hey Compor, I just need to dig this out again.

I think we have the exact same thing.

Penicillin (Metronidazole) is working temporarily for me and I think I have the exact same problems as you.

Also, I got checked with endoscopy where gastritis with atrophy was found. Yet HP was negative. So my doctor still thought it must be HP and sent me to other test such as breath or stool test - which sadly were also negative.
Therefore we concluded that it must be an autoimmune gastritis.

Any solutions yet? I really think my problem is the exact one as yours!
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