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Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2012 11:35 pm
by Stankie

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2012 12:11 am
by mike987
I'm 90% sure the 'undigested corn' in my slop this morning was brown rice, which I eat typically twice a day.

I never examined it as closely as I did today. I didn't eat nuts in the last 48 hours, nor corn in the last week, but brown rice seems likely.

I didn't expect to see anything after a single capsule anyway. Now day 2. The dosage doubles.

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2012 4:19 am
by sputnik
Thanks for the encouragement guys.

Mike you should stick with the program. Don't rush it as I did because the die off's can be really terrible. One of the first signs I experienced were exessive flatulence, I mean I had so much gas that you could've shuved a pipeline up my ass to reap its rewards. I made the mistake of starting with 2 tbls of black walnut tincture 3xday with 3 capsule of wormwood and 3 caps of clove also 3xday. It followed with very intense stomach cramps and severe headaches. To make things worse, I took 3000mg of CoQ10 only 2 days apart (it should be at least a week and only after completing 3 weeks of herbal) with 2 tbls of ozonated olive oil per day and 6 caps of L-cystein. After that I developed flu like symptoms with thick mucus from my throat and dark green snot stained with blood.

It was very stupid, but when I started seeing these things come out of me (and yes they were without a doubt parasites) and felt that fresh feeling from deep within, I just couldnt control myself. But the pain just got to be too much to handle, and so I cooled down and later took a 5 day break. Now, I'm not taking any herbs, just Diatomaceous Earth with 1 tbls of colloidal silver. I'm still seeing a couple of white rice like stains in my stools every time I poop

I had a 10mn conversation with a coworker today that was 2 feet away and he didnt have any reaction. He was just as surprised as I was. You should google anti parasite diet and try to stick with it as much as you can. I've mostly been eating brown rice as well as quinoa with veggies, eggs, and chicken. No bread, pasta, regular rice, sugar, beef, etc.

When you check your stools, it helps to have a flash light to get a better look, and if you do have parasites, trust me, you'll know. Just remember to look for anything unusual in your stools. I never saw anything in mine before the parasite cleanse. I even did a 7 day juice fast with colonics 2xday with stools collected in a collender to have a really good look and I never saw one, never!

Stankie Make sure you get quality herbs for your cleanse. I got mine from this site:

For bentonite clay, I use Sonne's product because they make it got thru a distillation process that keeps only the beneficial ingredient montmorillonite. Here's the link: ... -oz-liquid

It really helps flush the critters down the pipe.

I really don't know how these parasites can cause bad breath, maybe they were so many of them that my body was overloaded with their wastes. I also want to add that I'm still not certain to be completelycured but there is a HUDGE improvement and of all the things I have tried over the years, nothing has giving me so much relief for so long. It's been well over a month with great results and I am truely hopeful for the first time in decades because I feel I've touched the root of it. That being said I'm thinking that the worse case scenario is that I still have bad breath but have eliminated a factor that makes exponentially worse.

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2012 7:29 am
by halitosisux
sputnik wrote:I mean I had so much gas that you could've shuved a pipeline up my ass to reap its rewards.

Do you normally suffer from abdominal distention and bloating? If so, has this eased at all?

Do you suffer with allergies? Asthma has been linked to the absense of parasites in the gut. I wonder if there is some kind of allergic link to the cause of bad breath from parasites.

Stay hopeful sputnik, there's no question you're onto something here!

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2012 2:31 pm
by mike987
Today during classes I had to step out to have a spontaneous liquid dump.. I'm also experiencing the bloating, gassiness...

This no good. I have parental observations coming up, but if I don't do this now, I won't have it done in time for my winter vacation.

Maybe it's because I'm trying something new, but I was feeling confident about my breath.. I've been sleeping upright the last few days, eating almost nothing but vegetables and salads, and just didn't feel gross about it... and yet, I got some comments about stink throughout the day, such as the girl 7 or 8 feet away covering her nose violently shouting 'who's is that', to guys in front 'doesn't it stink?' .. also students looking at each other and covering their noses. This is actually more than I typically get.. I had set this theory aside, that my BB was actually released odors, either through blood or straight up the valves, of my own gas... I was pretty certain of that before, but eventually felt that it just didn't make much sense... and yet, here it was, worse than usual, and when I went to the toilet during the lesson, my gas stank reeaally bad. It's like it's really somehow getting from my bowels, to straight out my mouth.

How soon did you start seeing parasites in your stool after starting the cleanse?

I had a 10mn conversation with a coworker today that was 2 feet away and he didnt have any reaction. He was just as surprised as I was. You should google anti parasite diet and try to stick with it as much as you can. I've mostly been eating brown rice as well as quinoa with veggies, eggs, and chicken. No bread, pasta, regular rice, sugar, beef, etc.
I'm so happy. I'm just so happy for you. This almost thrills me inside. The idea that this could be happening to someone who suffered from chronic BB.. I can't talk 10 seconds straight to someone's face.

I'm just so scared that my bowels are just shot. Like they don't work anymore. You could pick up a handful of my shit and see everything I ate. Carrots, spinach, brown rice, nuts. it's all in there. It's like there's not any actual 'shit' holding it together. Just a pile of half digested food.

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2012 2:37 pm
by Stankie

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2012 4:11 pm
by sputnik
Halitosux - I have suffered from bloating and abdominal distention since my bad breath started at age 18-19. No asthma and I'm only alergic to dust, it makes my eyes itch like crazy.

Gases have returned more than usual since starting the DE but I deal with it using fennel seeds supplements, it's very effective.

Mike - After the first couple of days that I started the treatment, my BB came back with a vengeance, that's when I decided to use P&B shake that flushed everything down and it worked, I felt much better after a couple of hours of taking my first shake. But my stools stank to high heaven for about 7-10 days.

Do you suffer from IBS or Crohns? The herbs don't cause diarrhea so I'm guessing this could be a die off symptom. I started seeing parasites in my stools the same night I started the cleanse and physical evidence really started to pick up the next day. Remember that there are all kinds of parasites, some are worms and some are not, they may not even be visible to the naked eye.

My advice, stay off the salad as some intestinal flukes look like small half digested salad leaves and liver flukes like tomato skins. Stick to brown rice and veggies, chicken, eggs (boiled). For nuts, eat only pumpkin seeds and raw almonds. Try to use only rice bran oil or if you have to, use cold pressed olive oil. Everything else basically feeds parasites and makes it that much harder to get rid of them.

If you think that you can't handle it with work, I would wait until you can start again, but get something to flush it down with, try taking bentonite without psylium. Everyone react differently to the die offs, my first symptoms was major constipation and insomnia (it started 3-4 days into the cleanse). My constipation got so bad that I even tried epsom salts, 3 tbls mixed with the equivalent of four large glasses of water that had no effect until almost 24hrs later when everything came down at once... it was messy.

Have you tried fennel seeds or activated charcoal? it really helps with gases and from my experience, the less gas I have, the better my breath.

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2012 7:32 pm
by halitosisux
Mike, did your digestive issues and bad breath start at roughly the same time? Did either occur before you stayed in Thailand?

No offence to the Thai people, but I would imagine it's quite easy to get parasites into your body living there. As an example, I saw something on TV recently where they have a day of water fights in the street. It looks like a lot of fun, but just imagine what must get spread around and ingested. Tourists are advised to drink bottled water only, etc.

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2012 10:13 pm
by mike987

Yes. A while back digestive enzymes was a thing around here. I took them everyday as I ate food. They didn't save me from bad breath, and my shit was still sloppy, though I'm sure it may have helped a bit.


I do think I have IBS or something, but it's never like this. Would these herbs instigate that without parasites?

I won't be able to use any of those other products you mention without making a new order on a healthfood/supplement website.
It sounds like the shake is largely responsible for taking down the parasites. Damn.


Before the trip to Thailand, I did have allergies and tonsil stones.
I feel as though my breath started happening a year or so after that.. That's when I can remember some reactions and comments. As for the bowels, I never payed much attention to my shit, but I remember a couple years afterward, I started noticing I had very stinky shits that were a mess every day. They've been like that ever since, despite changing the diet, though the stink has changed, and isn't nearly as bad the way I eat mostly veggies now.

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2012 10:22 pm
by sputnik
An update from work. Today is a bad breath day. Before going to work i remembered i still have probotics in the fridge. They're quality products (udo's choice 10 billion count) so i popped 2 caps because it's been a while and i didnt want them go to waist.

Within a half hour i had that same feeling i always had when i just knew my breath was very bad. A foul gas rising up my stomach and eusophagus. Sure enough when i got to work, everyone i talked to reacted like they usually so.

I figured that with the colloidal silver ive been taking, supplementing with probiotics today made sense. Ill be taking an extra dose of silver tonight.

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2012 10:33 pm
by Shit4Breath
Sputnik, do you think it's the silver working to rid your bb or the parasite cleanse? I've tried parasite tinctures before with no success but I don't think I've taken the right collodial silver products or taken them long enough for that matter. But I've heard taken the right kind of silver long enough can heal the digestive tract. Can you post a link to the collodial silver you purchased? Sorry if this has already been asked.

Btw, I noticed my bloating and digestive issues started occuring around the time my bb got chronic. Never thought of it being a connection until I started learning more about bb. Still not quite sure why this is though. :-k

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2012 12:33 am
by mike987
sputnik wrote:An update from work. Today is a bad breath day. Before going to work i remembered i still have probotics in the fridge. They're quality products (udo's choice 10 billion count) so i popped 2 caps because it's been a while and i didnt want them go to waist.

Within a half hour i had that same feeling i always had when i just knew my breath was very bad. A foul gas rising up my stomach and eusophagus. Sure enough when i got to work, everyone i talked to reacted like they usually so.

I figured that with the colloidal silver ive been taking, supplementing with probiotics today made sense. Ill be taking an extra dose of silver tonight.
What if large numbers of even bacteria that are considered to be helpful, are what does it in for us?

Are you saying you were fine until you popped those?

Guh. But you're sure you saw parasites? Do you think they're back or that they aren't responsible?

I hate this ****ing shit. ](*,)

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2012 4:19 am
by sputnik
Ok, back from work. I did have bad breath today and I'm blaming it on the probiotics I took this morning because as far as I could tell, I was fine before taking them.

A while back, I really abused with probiotics and also took prebiotics with them. My breath got better for about a week, then it got really bad. I think I may have provoked a temporary type of SIBO. It took about a week to get that rising gas feeling to subside. I wasnt taking any type of natural antibiotics at the time.

As I got home tonight, the first thing I did was take a dose of colloidal silver and guess what, I felt fresh again.

Shit4breath - This is the product I use:

I found this one in a local health store and looking to try it next:

I have used silver for a while and it has never given the relief I have now. It make me bad breath free but only for about 10-12 days when I tried it for the first time before BB coming back again. Maybe it purified my blood or something, but I read somewhere recently that it also has anti parasite effects. So maybe it worked until they adapted. At this point I'm just speculating...but then again, I am doing just that with everything else.

Mike - I have absolutely no doubt whatsoever that I am evecuating parasites. When you see your stool with hundreds of un-naturally white sesame seeds-like things completely covering your stools and it's something that has never happened to you before, you may wonder (maybe), when you start seeing the same white sesame seeds but larger with a black head at the tip, again hundreds every time you take a dump you start to freek. Then when you see large raw looking corn covering your stools again in very large numbers, their is no doubt as the realization hits you. But when you see hundreds of thread like worms that reach an inch in length floating around, you just know. But when I saw that weird looking worm almost transparent and just a little longer than it was large floating half way down the toilet, well, what can I say... I have parasites, and different species as well, though on specialized forums their is a consensus that it really is not unusual to be contaminated by multiple types of parasites.

I really dont know what the mechanism is behind all this, all I can do is depend on peoples reaction to my breath with the different products/treatments I try.

I'll be taking another dose of colloidal silver tomorrow morning and see how it goes at work again, but today was a kick in the nuts.

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2012 6:59 am
by Shit4Breath
Thanks Sputnik for the info. How do you think you got infected with the parasites? Have you ever eaten any raw meats like sushi or carpaccio? I believe you mentioned traveling to 3 continents, could you have gotten infected from drinking bad water?

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 2:29 am
by mike987
No parasites in the stool.

Interesting I suppose though, is that even with increased dosages, I haven't experienced the kind of gas and liquid butt shot like I did the first couple times taking the cleanse.


I'm experiencing a sort of drowsiness, stuffy nose, shitty feeling, but I attribute that to getting on a train with a bunch of sick people, yesterday.