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Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2012 8:11 am
by halitosisux
Tiredofcrying, the TMAU test in the UK is free, I'm not sure how much it costs in the US, deebo will know from having had this test done and where the best place to go is. There's some good information in the TMAU threads.

You may not have BB all the time, so try to remain aware of that when you're getting conflicting information.

If it's TMAU related (or similar) it's important to realise that when dealing with certain single chemicals (like TMA), every nose is different. Some people simply cannot smell certain chemicals, or they've become habituated to them, possibly because they're also producing low levels of the chemicals themselves, enough to make that happen.

Lots of people with bad breath relating to TMAU don't smell fishy at all, they smell of a whole range of weird odours, such as garbage, fecal, smelly socks, even burning rubber, burnt toast. TMAU can manifest itself in many ways, and be linked with many other systemic issues of the body. There is no such thing as just having TMAU or not having TMAU. It depends on the level of TMA that builds up in your blood, and there are many different causes that allow that to happen.

I would try experimenting with TMAU diets and perhaps try obtaining some choline tablets and see what happens when you progressively increase the dosage over a couple of weeks or so.

Regarding h.pylori, there have even been studies made to try to understand why a percentage of people with chronic bad breath seem to get permanently cured following treatment for HP, but nothing has so far been concluded.

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2012 12:59 pm
by mike987
Is there any reason to believe the triple therapy antibiotics would be effective on eliminating BB if the person was not h.pylori positive?

Have any of you having taken such a thing actually NOT have had h.pylori but the doctor just jumped you to the antibiotics, and it's working anyway?

I'm curious.

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2012 2:27 pm
by Born To Suffer
@Mike, I think it may work, you have nasal odour right?
Apparently someone cured their nasal bb with the triple therapy, I think it was
full article:

Hali_grl cured by:

ThisSucks cured by:
pantoprazol tablet
Amoxicilline tablet
Claritromycine tablet

I hear some people getting cured by metronidazole alone, and some no luck.
I'm going to see if my ENT will give me some metronidazole before rushing for a triple therapy.
Apparently in my country we don't have the technology for an endoscopy.

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2012 5:33 pm
by Born To Suffer
i think it's quite similar to your symptoms... also when i checked my throat by sticking my tongue out.. i saw like a white bits around bottom of the tonsils and between the 'Eustachian tube' or yellow i dunno what it is really ......any suggestions? :/
Your symptoms is close to mine. Listen closely, you have a Streptococci INFECTION. That is why you have a yellowish tongue. The strep infection discharges yellow liquid, because I had this condition so I know.
The white stuff you see are tonsil stones, they can cause a stink too.
When you go to the ENT tell him you suffer from tonsillitis about 5-6 times a year otherwise he won't take them out.
DON'T listen to the ENT when he says your tonsils are healthy, but trust me I've had an ENT refusing to remove my tonsils because he said "nothing is wrong with them."
The second ENT saw the infection ONLY after he removed my tonsils.
I think your problem is in your tonsils and not wisdoms. I don't want you to go removing the wrong things, but you can never be too sure, just go to your local dentist for an xray of your teeth at the same time.

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2012 8:54 pm
by halitosisux
mike987 wrote:Is there any reason to believe the triple therapy antibiotics would be effective on eliminating BB if the person was not h.pylori positive?

Have any of you having taken such a thing actually NOT have had h.pylori but the doctor just jumped you to the antibiotics, and it's working anyway?

I'm curious.
Mike, in this study, the patient's bad breath was cured following triple-therapy antibiotic treatment for helicobacter. Even though her bad breath was cured, she was found to still have helicobacter. So in her case, she wasn't cured of her bad breath by eliminating helicobacter, she was cured by the therapy alone - or so it seems anyway.

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2012 11:51 pm
by tiredofcrying
thank you I've been telling myself ppl who make fun and try to bring others down only do so to lift themselves up because they are miserable with themselves.

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 1:06 am
by tiredofcrying
I also have recurrent UTI's so I need to get my kidneys checked out too

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 9:14 am
by david
i'm aways depressed all time,. no friend, no talking,. and just sit in my bedroom all the time... i need to be happy,.. :(

i have a tonsil stone,.. but my ENT doctor always said that my tonsil is fine.......... guys help me,. is there any medicine to cure tonsil stone without surgery???

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 12:07 pm
by Born To Suffer
@david, there are techniques out there but it's hard to do without gagging. Personally I can't even get close enough to the tonsil without gagging like crazy.

My 1st ENT gave me some antibiotics for it and it did nothing, he said my tonsils are alright, nothing to worry about, yeh right...

If you suspect tonsils you need to remove them, don't listen to the bullshit some ENTs say. They don't have xray eyes and don't know the severity of the problem.

If you unsure where the smell is coming from just go get your teeth checked for impacted wisdoms. If your teeth are okay, then go remove your tonsils.
Say you suffer from 5-6 bouts of tonsillitis per year or else they won't do it.

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 12:03 pm
by Mm123
david wrote:i'm aways depressed all time,. no friend, no talking,. and just sit in my bedroom all the time... i need to be happy,.. :(

i have a tonsil stone,.. but my ENT doctor always said that my tonsil is fine.......... guys help me,. is there any medicine to cure tonsil stone without surgery???
I am actually going to ENT next month i am really scared of whether they will just send me home saying nothing after waiting for 4 month for an appoint ment ... [-o<

any suggestions.?

thnx :) :)

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 3:04 pm
by Born To Suffer
I am actually going to ENT next month i am really scared of whether they will just send me home saying nothing after waiting for 4 month for an appoint ment ...

any suggestions.?


THE ENT WILL send you home, or give you a crap load of antibiotics. Because the don't like removing tonsils for some reason.
I removed my wisdoms and it brought down my bb but didn't kill it. So the other possibility is to take out tonsils because I KNOW it isn't stomach related.
You have to tell them you might have a streptococci infection, and to check for it. Because of the yellow discharge you see on your tongue.
Remember to say you have suffered from tonsillitis 5-6 times a year or else they won't do it.

Also please go get an xray of your teeth, I'm not a doctor and I can't see your problem, so I don't want you to go removing your tonsils if it isn't the cause.
Brush, floss and rinse with salt water. Right before you sleep try identifying where the smell is actually coming from? Does it taste sour near the tonsils? Sour near the wisdoms?
You have to be 100% certain.

Where the hell are you living if you have to wait 4 month for an appointment? In New York or something? Whew at this rate you could be doing surgery next year o_O!
I only waited for a day or two!!

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2012 12:30 pm
by Mm123
Born To Suffer wrote:
I am actually going to ENT next month i am really scared of whether they will just send me home saying nothing after waiting for 4 month for an appoint ment ...

any suggestions.?


THE ENT WILL send you home, or give you a crap load of antibiotics. Because the don't like removing tonsils for some reason.
I removed my wisdoms and it brought down my bb but didn't kill it. So the other possibility is to take out tonsils because I KNOW it isn't stomach related.
You have to tell them you might have a streptococci infection, and to check for it. Because of the yellow discharge you see on your tongue.
Remember to say you have suffered from tonsillitis 5-6 times a year or else they won't do it.

Also please go get an xray of your teeth, I'm not a doctor and I can't see your problem, so I don't want you to go removing your tonsils if it isn't the cause.
Brush, floss and rinse with salt water. Right before you sleep try identifying where the smell is actually coming from? Does it taste sour near the tonsils? Sour near the wisdoms?
You have to be 100% certain.

Where the hell are you living if you have to wait 4 month for an appointment? In New York or something? Whew at this rate you could be doing surgery next year o_O!
I only waited for a day or two!!

LOOL thnk u for ur reply and advice though!!

I live in UK london

The thing is that I am 17 and i dun think i have yellowish tongue though.. cos i don't ... but i do know for sure that i got bumps with white areas at the VERY back of my tongue.. and i tried brushing it and the bad breath goes for A WHILE then it comes back with warm quite like a weird smell like i dunno really not fishy though..

my doctor said that i have allergic rhinitis and not sure if i have but /b] when i chekced it agianst my symptoms on internet it was like duplicate! i suffer from all of them to be honest and i get 'muscous' being produced every single day.. and it's soo annoying! i can't even live a day without blowing my nose and it feels like i am getting flu but realy i dun have cold.

my doc gave me this allergic rhinits tablet and gues what it did no shit..!..

and i do get red like throat and it's itchy too but i can't really tell if its' the ''strepcocci infection''

that's why i went to the doc again to refer me to ENT..
what shall i do know..
THNAK U 'Born to sufferer'

that bad breath is gone

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2012 2:37 pm
by atenatewos
hi everyone,i ve had bb since i was 13,the one with a very dry mouth,z dry mouth bb is so dangerous coz it only takes like two minutes or less to go back to stinkin after brushin up or every other desperate thing i do.............m not gonna tell u abt z misery coz u all knw.........i never felt like i am a real here is the big revolution that changed everything...............i live in Ethiopia,i went to this traditional medicine and they gave me their treatment and now the bad breath is gone................................i never belived any story of curing i knw wat u feel,so my mouth is not dry now oh nooooooo no.its not and the bb is gone i smtimes hv normal bb like in z mornin and when i eat peper but its only a slight and vanishs is the fun thing now i have other problem it takes time until the medicine is out of your system so have to spit this stinky mucus thing like the one you have when you catch a cold. but bb is gone and another scenario has kicked in bth
( i can help anyone interested) i almost forgot how badbreath is like though it wasnt all i think of every second. i am 22 now medicated at 20.........god help you all.