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Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2013 7:39 am
by who farted?
Archimonde wrote:Do you suggest we take Rifaximin only?

or should we take all 4 antibiotics you listed?
Good question but no answer iam wondering has the bb returned

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2013 5:17 pm
by Shit4Breath

I would also like to know if you took probiotics after the antibiotics to normalize or re-balance intestinal tract?

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2013 7:24 pm
by Archimonde
who farted? wrote:
Archimonde wrote:Do you suggest we take Rifaximin only?

or should we take all 4 antibiotics you listed?
Good question but no answer iam wondering has the bb returned
Nah, he said this in another thread:

"my bb has been cured 4 years and has not returned".

Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2013 2:55 am
by happylife05
diandra wrote:@happylife: Stool test don't accurately show H Pylori either. The only sure way to make sure you have H Pylori or not is through a breath test or a endoscopy. My gastroenterologist told me he has seen H Pylori become more and more resistant to triple therapy treatment. I suggest Rifaximin since it is not possible to develop a resistance to, and it will kill both SIBO and H Pylori. Good luck!
So i talked to my GI about SIBO, She siad SIBO breath test is costly and is not available anywhere near my place,she put me on Probiotics "VSL #3 high potency probiotics" for 30 days. If i don't feel better, then she said she will prescribe antibiotics for it. So basically she want to use meds on me without testing. Where did you get your breath test done?how much does it cost?

Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2013 7:22 am
by halitosisux
You need to make sure you either don't have helicobacter pylori by having the relevant tests first, or take helicobacter eradication therapy before you try Rifaximin. It's no good treating SIBO if you don't first deal with whatever caused it in the first place.

Helicobacter can lead to achlorhydria which then easily leads to the development of SIBO and other gastrointestinal problems.

There are other causes of SIBO of course, and you need to identify if that applies to you or not, but you're never going to deal with SIBO without dealing with helicobacter first if you have it.

I've said this to re-emphasise and remind what the OP has said and not to just to aim for SIBO, but the cause of the SIBO in the first place.

And btw, you can have SIBO and give a negative hydrogen breath test. It depends on which types of bacteria are involved. Some bacteria produce methane and a methane breath test can diagnose SIBO. Metronidazole will deal with methane producing SIBO.

Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2013 3:32 pm
by jess
This is an interesting thead and I'm very happy for you Diandra. I am currently taking this antibiobic and I hope it will be the cure for me as well, but so far nothing major for me to get excited about yet. Here's a link to my post for anyone who wants to foolow my progress. I will keep everyone posted: viewtopic.php?t=5263

How long have you been cured for Diandra and what was your dosage on this antibiotic? Thanks

Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2013 11:31 pm
by lindaf
Please, I am telling you to try a spoonful of apple cider vinegar every evening. I have had bb for five years. I have been to every kind of Dr. had all kinds of tests. I have had two nasal surgeries. I had the endoscope. I have been to all the specialists. The only one I haven't been to is an Internist. I don't know why but my Dr. wouldn't refer me to one. I think that may be the only kind who would be of any help.I had poo breath so bad I considered s*****e. People make faces and remarks. They just think all you need to do is brush your teeth. I went to the Dentist all the time. He reassured me over and over it was nothing dental. If I would use mouthwash, chew gum, eat mints, etc. it would become worse. I stumbled upon an article about apple cider vinegar being good for many things and bad breath was one of them. I took a spoonful in the evening and the next day it seemed to be better. You have to understand, I cannot smell my own bad breath. I don't know why but I have a terrible sense of smell. I always have...The ENT said it was from a virus I had when I was little. Anyway, I rely on other peoples reactions to me. The nose wiping ceased and the comments ceased also. It is like a miracle to me. It has been about two or three weeks now and all is good. I'm scared to vary anything from what I am doing now. I try to eat as little sugary food as possible which is hard for me because I have a sweet tooth. My bb does seem to be alot worse when I have eaten high sugar sweets. Taking the apple cider vinegar has been a wonder for me, I hope it helps you too. Please let me know cause I'm so curious if it would.

Posted: Sun Apr 14, 2013 1:26 am
by Shit4Breath
I think alot of us have already acv to try to help with digestion....I personally have tried it along with hcl, lemon juice, and digestive enzymes. The only thing that gave me any real results intially were oxbile (GB-3).

Posted: Sun Apr 14, 2013 5:04 am
by diandra
I would be careful about self-treatment, but I do understand buying your own antibiotics online because often doctors won't prescribe exactly what you think you need.

It's best to get diagnosed if you can before you use the antibiotics. To answer a question, the breath test works by measuring the gases in the breath, because certain bacterias will create certain gases. the breath test is the most accurate way to determine whether you have H Pylori or SIBO. Stool tests may give false negatives, the breath test most likely won't.

I have Blue Cross, to answer a question, so I didn't have to pay much except a co-pay, and I wasn't able to get the test from my GP, he didn't even know what a breath test was! I went to a gastroenterologist who was familiar with different breath odors. Different causes will cause different odors.

I looked up my exact doses. First were the antibiotics for the H Pylori: clarithromycin (biaxin) 500 mg twice daily, flagyl 800 mg daily, amoxicillin 1200 mg daily, and aciphex 20 mg daily for 14 days. If you don't want to take antibiotics, mastic gum supposedly will work too, 1000 mg twice daily on an empty stomach.

For the SIBO, a few weeks after I finished the H Pylori treatment, I took Rifaximin 1200 mg daily for 14 days. I needed two courses of this dose before my breath was cured.
If the bb comes back, I will take another course. It is NOT possible to develop a resistance to Rifaximin, it stays in the intestines only. However, the antibiotics prescribed for the H Pylori you can develop a resistance to, so be careful with that.

It's pretty important to get on Probiotics once your antibiotic courses are complete. The antibiotics will kill the good bacteria you need in your gut, they need to be recolonized. My gastroenterologist recommends Align or it's generic equivalent, its ingredient has been proven to be the best probiotic. I recommend PB8, since it has several different strains of probiotics.

You probably will get an overgrowth of yeast after all those antibiotics, and for women especially, the symptoms really suck. CANDEX works for that. You can get it at the Vitamin Shoppe or any health food store

In the meantime, or if you don't have h pylori or SIBO, Breath RX with a few drops of OraMD will really help, but won't cure your bb. It will take a couple of weeks to get the full effect of these two.

I did try apple cider vinegar, and it didn't work for me. I tried everything under the sun. If you have an overgrowth of bacteria that is causing bb, the only way to get rid of the bacteria and smell is to kill the bacteria. There are different ways to do this, but I personally recommend antibiotics.

I hope this helps! :D

Posted: Sun Apr 14, 2013 3:27 pm
by keepfaith
hi diandra

hi im really intreasted in ur storry...iv tryd everything...i also have blue cross ppo...are u in california? if so maybe i could go to same gastoenterologist...around here where im live there no good or i should say they dnt care....

Posted: Sun Apr 14, 2013 6:07 pm
by Stankie

Posted: Sun Apr 14, 2013 6:16 pm
by diandra

I live in California. I drove four hours south to see Daniel Stonewall Anderson MD in San Diego, who deals with breath issues. There are others in California I know of,

Ariel Malamud MD in Los Angeles
Michael Blam MD in Long Beach
Iraj Ray Akhlaghi MD in Torrance
Payam Asshar MD in La Jolla

If you live in another state maybe you can google "gastroenterologists who diagnose and treat halitosis" Good luck and don't give up!

Posted: Sun Apr 14, 2013 7:05 pm
by keepfaith
hi diandra goin to go...i live by fresno area but i dnt care to drive ...i just want a cure.. i live in a small town where Drs dnt really even listen and i dnt want to tell my storie 1ooo times its emerrising enought ...i have not been tested for h phlori yet..but ..mouth is good i do have some pockets but too dentists said im ok there like a 2mm and i do a finger test i have no ordor at allll not even floss nothing ...i tested liver, blood,fungis, just everything suger is said im really u think i should try a over counter for h phlori? mastic gum by jarrow...? im despreate and wont be able to go down south for atleast 2 month due to my schedule..i made a app with the bad breath institute...i sooo worried to drive 4 hours to not get any benift...and spend 300 and gas...dr said that he says theres a Airgas and bring oxegen to mouth...i would love to hear you input...should i go to san diego or to dentest with airgas? i cant afford both and dnt got im a horrible speller lol

Posted: Sun Apr 14, 2013 7:45 pm
by diandra
I don't know what to tell you because i'm not a doctor. But I will tell you I spent $800 at the California Breath Clinic (Dr. Katz- the Therabreath guy) in Pico Rivera to get my tongue cleaned and bb treatment and it did zero to help my breath. I tried every product of theirs they told me to, and still NOTHING. I even spent over $90 on a stupid nasal irrigator and used it for months, nothing. At one point I even put a little hydrogen peroxide in it, all it did was burn like hell and my breath still stank. They used a halimeter on me and my numbers were fine, isn't that weird? Its probably because my bb was not coming from sulfur, like they claim bb comes from, but from gases the overgrowth of bacteria in my gut were giving off.

About the Mastic Gum, that is probably the cheapest way to treat H Pylori, but it will probably take months. I don't feel comfortable telling you to travel all the way to San Diego because we don't even know if you have H Pylori. The Mastic Gum won't hurt, I suppose. You can also buy antibiotics online, I do buy stuff from and have never had any problems. I recommend you tell the doctor you suspect you have H Pylori and SIBO and maybe they can refer to a gastroenterologist in your area. I agree with you, doctors don't care about bb, they treat it like its not a big deal, they don't undertstand how it cripples us and ruins our social lives.

Posted: Sun Apr 14, 2013 9:04 pm
by keepfaith
hi diandra

thnx so much for your help..u better belive im goin to try all this info u gave me especily cause i know that your person that got to the bottom of your first goin to try to do to the gastroenterologist doctor here and see what happns...if no help il go to Dr u went to in san diego.. im really lucky i have accsess to all medication i need ... :D \:D/ through people i know im goin to see whats best for me... and maybe il go to dr katz...i didnt even know he had a clinic i could go to for treatment....i feel like my situation is maybe phase 2 or maybe 3....thank u soo much...and i am soooo happy for u that u found your cure yayayyy...u got a normal life lucky \:D/