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Has to be gas from inside

Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......
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Post by meowkity1 »

If I didn't have a mouth problem, it would have been perfect. She said no one had cleaned and dried between her toes before, or washed her back, or clipped her tone nails. I heard her on the phone say that she has a really good caretaker today. She wasn't extremely allergic but she rubbed when she thought I wasn't looking. Im so used to watching for reactions with my side view, its like second nature. No sneeze. She had someone pick up her tax papers, and I was on the other end of the house and she was dry coughing. Dr. Adinmer says if your bb increases with exercise, its probably type 4, blood gas related. This probably true because I cant really taste anything bad, but by the end of 2 hours of work today, my tongue was seriously white, sticky hot,. I drank my water as much as I could. I cried all night because all I want is to get my life on track and go to work. Now I need to find out why I have type 4 and how I can fix it. Ill buy some thera breath toothpaste in the morning. It wont cuer me, but maybe help me get through the day. The last time I used the thera breath probiotics, they did not work, which still helps me point to type 4. Thanks for the link

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Post by meowkity1 »

I want to say the pineapple only helped me get rid of the built up keratin (hairy tongue). I still wake up with a coating, but it comes off easily. It does not last long though, especially if I am active.
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Post by meowkity1 »

Well the $13 thera breath toothpaste did help today. Although she rubbed a few times, only when she thought I wasn't looking, my mouth never did get really white and sticky. I didn't even need to drink water the first 2 hours. Spring/nonfaucet water is always best. Sometimes I can sense sewagish smell/taste after faucet water. The lady really likes me today when I left she said, "when do you come back, I look forward to seeing you?" Not surprising, because I used to take care of nuns, and that kind of teaches you to be careful/ gentle and all around a good caretaker. The thing I noticed with products that come in tubes (thera breath toothpaste, tung gel) is that they lose the effectiveness after awhile) Either your mouth acclimates or once the foil seal is broken the active ingredients diminish. My mouth didn't even get half as white and sticky/hot as it did yesterday. I couldn't believe the price though, I thought it would be 10-11, but after tax was 13. I used the gas money that I had put away to get to work next week, so now I have to figure out how im going to get gas. After she gave me that compliment, it just warmed my heart, it feels so good to take care of people again.
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Post by halitosisux »

This is strange. Unless you've told this lady anything about you making people sneeze/rub/itch etc, she would have no reason to assume that you are causing her to itch/sneeze/rub - so why would she try to hide it from you by only rubbing/itching when you weren't looking?

Sorry if I've missed anything in your descriptions that answers my confusion.
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Post by meowkity1 »

Because I have experience, they sent me to the campus where rich people live. Its like a elderly/retirement community but tthey have whole houses not condos. Rich people have manners, and she doesn't want to offend me. Same reason my ex and the new guy only rub when they think I turned my head. Of course she would have reason to assume im making her rub, if she was perfectly fine before I get there and after I leave. Twice she did while I was looking, im just saying I noticed it more through my side view, maybe while I was cleaning her or whatever. Today I shaved her legs, while I sat on the floor looking at her legs, my side view told me she rubbed about 3 times. maybe she doesntknow its me, but she is definitely rubbing when I talk to her and some while not talking to her.

I know some rich people are smug, but they are usually more polite than bumbs, that is just what I have observed throughout life.

What I posted Is not confusing at all. Halitosisux do you eevr get reactions?

hi all here

Post by jamesmcavoy »

I want to tell that there is nothing like patm .

Just if u observe ,u can see 2 other people giving reactions to eachother when they pass eachothers on the street .
Many times i sit on the side of road to see people behaviour to eachother when i am away just to make sure its not me causing reactions .
I see too many fellows looking away when they pass eachother ,giving nose rubs while getting closer .
Even i have observed a perticular guy who gave reaction once ,i followed him to a considerable distance (i had to ,i have become obsessed ) i saw that he was giving reactions to every1 coming over him .it was his own paranoia .
One more point is , when somebody smells your bb, next time he meets you he doesnt want to smell it again so the movement he comes in ,he gives his reaction before even knowing that u smell fresh this time .
I have observed too many of these situations these days .
Believe it or not ,
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Post by meowkity1 »

so James, you think its all in the head? My mouth turning white, sticky and hot is not in my head, the sewage I smell from my nose when I go up to a window is not. Could I be exaggerating sometimes? Im pretty sure. Thanks for posting, interesting observation
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Post by meowkity1 »

Possible that guy you observed had on cheep cologne. Im sensitive to perfume and cologne myself. If I go through a department store, I have had sneezing attacks. Iv thought recording these things on video, because it is really weird. If I didn't have the hairy tongue, white tongue, grimy teeth after few hours, hot mouth problem, I would probably question my sanity. It is possible that when I had my tonsil stones it put me through so much trauma, that my brain is fucked, but I doubt it. My poor little nieces are not judging me, because they cant, but if she is behind me while im on computer, and I turn around to face her and she sneezes, (while shes napping) that is a sign. If im sitting in my room and take a relaxing deep breath and exhale out, and my son reacts across the hall and into his room, that cannot be in my head. He sneezed the minute I exhale and this is with my mouth closed. I am not even talking a couple seconds later, Im talking immediately, and this is with my mouth closed. I TRULY WISH IT WAS IN MY HEAD, I really do Earlier I was thinking what if its simply between our teeth. flossing only removes food particles, it does not clean the teeth, and I noticed they barely get between at the dentist either. Im usually doing really well after a cleainig but it only lasts about a week. I DONT KNOW, IM CONFUSED.

hi meokitty

Post by jamesmcavoy »

Hey dear ,
Do as i say please .
Get ur nasal cavity cleaned by doing netipot 5 times in 2 days .
The netipot solution u prepare by urself only with kitchen salt . Try to disolve as much salt as it can disolve in water .the most concentrated solution got rid of my nasal odor .
Do not buy saline solution ,do only as i said for 2 days .
The water shud be distiled .

Okk ,u clean ur tongue and use pineapple .when u chew pineapple ,after keratin has gone ,immediatly gargle with water to avoid teeth erosion .
Again stop eating anything at odd times .i am telling this bcoz food debris adds on ur tongue causing smell .but if u eat only at regular intervals and clean tongue afterwards ,ur tongue will b cleaner with not food odor .

Type4 bb is breath odor .when u exercise , u remove toxins from ur body thr sweat ,lungs ,breath,urin,potty .
Definitly u shud get nasal as well as bb after workout .but thats temporary .
They are few remedies for this toxins cleaning .
Use epsom salt orally is a good option for this .
Herbal tea daily removes these toxins .
Any detox method is helpful in minimizing breath odors .

Again whatever u eat mixes in blood causing type4 bb .
When u drink alcohol , it gets its way out thr ur lungs ,liver ,sweat for next couple of days causing type4 bb .

Same thing shud happen with raw garlic and onion ,every body part smells for next couple of days and u have to bear it .

If u keep doing workout and have lots of water , it will be reduced automatically .
Its the way the body reacts .

Do as i say . U said u reek of food ,u have same problem as me .i dont put anything in my mouth on odd intervals and so i only get foul breath at all times which i eliminate by gargling with pharmolZn .
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Post by halitosisux »

Meowkity, Archimonde also said he would make a video, but he hasn't. That would be really interesting to see.

Personally, like most people, it's hard to accept that what you experience with "PATM" isn't all related to psychology and paranoia like Jamesmcavoy has said. But yet we know that metabolic disorders like TMAU can literally stink an entire house out, so why not with undetectable gases that cause irritation to others?

But even a statistical analysis from video evidence would be able to prove if PATM is real or not, but even if you YouTube for PATM or look on websites for PATM, there isn't one single video.

Most people, like this this kind lady you've referred to, would never usually attibute allergic reactions to the presense of a specific person, but if she doesn't have much contact with other people then I guess that might not take too long to connect. But why would she even assume it's a medical/mysterious/metabolic type issue and not some simple cause like animal dander on your clothes or pollen carried from outside - and then she would never think there was any need to try to hide it from you for fear of offending you.

In answer to your question, I've never had "reactions" like most people describe on here. To be honest, until I really got back into BB researching in 2008, and using the internet to read about what other people are going through and finding this site in the process, I never even realised people had "reactions". I was always ensuring that nobody ever had the chance to smell my breath, by eating, smoking, drinking etc. I would avoid contact with other people as much as possible and if it meant ever being cornered without food/drink/mints/cigarettes I would literally go into full panic mode and quickly make up some bizarre event, such as having to run off or pretending I'm about to be sick, etc etc. While my mouth was pure sewage, I would never have the courage to test my breath by breathing near anyone. The only external feedback I had was from my brother, who has been my guide all along. We never discuss it now though, because he would go NUTS if he knew I was still obsessing about it.

I think if I has nasal odours, it would have been a totally different story. But I was always lucky at being able to contain the dragon in my mouth.
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Post by meowkity1 »

I have a neti pot and the neti squeeze bottle, though I have never used it 5 times in one day. I will try it and thanks for the advice

hi meowky

Post by jamesmcavoy »

I have advised u brfore also but i dont think u did it .
Check my pms to u .

Okk so breath odor halitosis depends upon body chemistry and genome .
However u use ayurvedic powders they sell to detox ur blood and yoga .plus above products u use and see results .
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Post by meowkity1 »

James I did get your message but you only mentioned gargling with salt water to shrink gums. I think the thera breath toothpaste Is helping a lot because I don't even have morning breath this morning. Maybe in the past it didn't work as well because I had such a bad case of keratin buildup (hairy tongue) Now that I was able to get rid of hairy tongue, I believe I should start to try some of these other products again, if they can help me maintain a better mouth while working. Im out of distilled water, s today I will pick some up along with some almond milk. Thanks again
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