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Re: Like To Meet Someone in NYC With Same Problem

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2017 12:38 am
by steffna
What are the things you presently do as part of your daily routine?

Sorry that it took me a while to reply and thanks for your answer.
I have tried different routines through the years, also diets to no avail. At the moment I don't have a strict routine I must say, it's probably because it's really hard to keep it up when you don't believe in it much. However, I also eat very little sugar ( but cheat sometimes ) and reduced my carbs intake. I don't drink alcohol. I brush 3 times a day and floss ( just because ), then use a tongue scraper, however it's just a habit, it has no effect on the coating. Besides, when I brush teeth and use the scraper it's when mucus at the back of my throat starts to flow like crazy, so I end up spitting a lot of it while I brush and need to blow my nose after that. The smell remains, excess mucus it's produced 24/7 so that's why the routine doesn't work I think.
I think most of us have in common the excess mucus in the back of our throat; if we just found a way to get rid of it maybe the oral cavity would gradually heal itslef and find some kind of balance, or relief when we clean our mouth.
I used to take acid reflus meds too ( omeprazole 40mg ) but it didn't work. Do you have acid reflux with clear symptoms like burning etc? Are the pills improving your bb?
I never had typical reflux, my reflux takes place only in the pharynx ( lpr ), and it doesn't feel like reflux either, I don't feel anything coming up, phlegm is just there all the time.
A theory could be that this over production of mucus in the throat ( coming either from sinuses, stomach, both or maybe the stomach acids triggered the sinuses into producing more mucus to protect our mouth ) itself shouldn't produce BB. But when it stays there chronically and gets mixed up with bacteria, food particles etc, it feeds on those and it becomes offensive ( a vicious cycle ). This putrid environment may cause also tonsil stones to some people. that's why removing tonsils doesn't cure 100%, they're just a consequence of the excess "infected" mucus. We really need to find the source of it to at least reduce our PND and globus in the throat. No more lump in the throat is the key.
It's hard for me to believe we all just have a bad immune system or a metabolic condition which leads us to having to live with BB forever. It's too much of a coincidence that most of us also have PND, lot of mucus, nasal odor etc etc.

One last thought! I do believe keeping a good environment in our mouths and tummies is more important for us than "normal" people, therefore not eating junk foods etc could be making our bb less offensive. However, at least in my case, I don't feel like what I eat really matters... :-k
I hope your focus on the reflux will find its results. Sorry for my English and keep us posted. :)

Re: Like To Meet Someone in NYC With Same Problem

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2017 1:17 pm
by winter
Hey steffna, I suspect have LPR too. I managed to get rid of the lump in the throat feeling by maintaining a strict diet. I still get mild burning in the throat sensation whenever I indulge in a fried chicken wing or so on. However, BB is still present even when I feel perfectly normal for months.

I assume you are a girl? Does your BB worsen during your period?

Re: Like To Meet Someone in NYC With Same Problem

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2017 6:18 pm
by steffna
winter wrote:Hey steffna, I suspect have LPR too. I managed to get rid of the lump in the throat feeling by maintaining a strict diet. I still get mild burning in the throat sensation whenever I indulge in a fried chicken wing or so on. However, BB is still present even when I feel perfectly normal for months.

I assume you are a girl? Does your BB worsen during your period?
hi Winter,
that's too bad your BB is still there even without having a lump in your throat. I'm so confused right now.
Yes I'm a girl, but I haven't noticed my breath gets worse during period, don't think so but I'll pay more attention to it next time. It's probably because it's just so bad all the time I can't feel the difference.

Re: Like To Meet Someone in NYC With Same Problem

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2017 2:29 am
by StillHoping
Aside from the food stuff; my oral routine is kinda simple. On weekdays; I use closys toothpaste and rinse in the morning, floss and brush with sensodyne toothpaste at night. On weekends or days off from work; I use sensodyne toothpaste and smart mouth rinse. I noticed these products are less effective if you use them too many days in a row, thats why I try to switch it up. But honestly through trying literally anything and everything, I dont feel as though the brand matters - as long as it ofcourse does NOT contain alcohol.

I used to scrape my tongue but no longer need to do that since I started drinking the ACV and I saw a post by Doctor Murat where he stated scraping can make things worse. My coating is very minimal with ACV, but it returns if I go a day without drinking ACV, this is why I suspect the main culprit is some type of reflux issue. With mucus, I think you will find it depends on what you eat? May I recommend you start a journal for the next week? to keep track of every single thing you ingest and how bad your mucus gets right after? I noticed the severity of mine depends on food. Your theory about the mucus is very interesting; I think it would be informative for you to pay close attention and see if and how it changes with your diet.

Re: Like To Meet Someone in NYC With Same Problem

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2017 10:46 pm
by steffna
hi stillhoping, I have started some kind of journal a couple of days ago, so it's a bit early to say, thanks for your useful tip.
I am also taking Vitamin D3, 800 iu daily, mainly because I've heard it helped some people with their LPR and lump sensation. There's something funny going on now with my breath. It is slightly less fecal and more like sulfur. My mouth tastes and smells like burnt matches. It is very weird and I wonder if this ever happened to you or any other member here. I'm aware it could be the VSC, but I wonder what triggered it, since I didn't change my diet substantially.

Re: Like To Meet Someone in NYC With Same Problem

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2017 11:44 pm
by StillHoping
steffna wrote:hi stillhoping, I have started some kind of journal a couple of days ago, so it's a bit early to say, thanks for your useful tip.
I am also taking Vitamin D3, 800 iu daily, mainly because I've heard it helped some people with their LPR and lump sensation. There's something funny going on now with my breath. It is slightly less fecal and more like sulfur. My mouth tastes and smells like burnt matches. It is very weird and I wonder if this ever happened to you or any other member here. I'm aware it could be the VSC, but I wonder what triggered it, since I didn't change my diet substantially.
Hi Steffna, now that it's been a week - have you noticed anything else of significance from journaling? Its definitely a good idea to keep up with vitamins, although I don't know if it really helps with BB. I tried before taking D3 and B12, plus a bunch of others religiously for almost a year and didn't notice any changes to my BB.

That is quite weird about the change in smell and taste. Have you tried taking apple cider vinegar yet? I would recommend taking that each morning with water for a week and see how that impacts things? Also ofcourse, drinking tons and tons of water throughout the day!

Re: Like To Meet Someone in NYC With Same Problem

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2017 2:49 pm
by steffna
Hi Steffna, now that it's been a week - have you noticed anything else of significance from journaling? Its definitely a good idea to keep up with vitamins, although I don't know if it really helps with BB. I tried before taking D3 and B12, plus a bunch of others religiously for almost a year and didn't notice any changes to my BB.

That is quite weird about the change in smell and taste. Have you tried taking apple cider vinegar yet? I would recommend taking that each morning with water for a week and see how that impacts things? Also ofcourse, drinking tons and tons of water throughout the day![/quote]

Hello stillhoping, thanks for your message. I have to say, I haven't noticed any change to my bad breath. I am still avoiding bread, sugar ( except some honey in my evening tea ), coffee and dairy but the phlegm is still there. I don't know, I should wait one more week maybe. I haven't tried ACV, I think I should and see what happens. A couple of days ago, to my surprise, I noticed I have tonsil stones on my left tonsil ( I can't see my right tonsil so maybe they're there too ). It is very hidden and I can't reach it, I have to see my ENT next week and ask him if he can pick them out. From what I read on this forum, getting rid of them won't solve the BB. However, I still want to do something about it. I think it's the low oxygen+bacteria environment that creates tonsil stones, so they aren't the main cause probably. I wish I knew what the main cause of bacteria is! lol
Anyway, thanks for your support, I'll continue with the diet and will let you know about my ENT appointment.

Re: Like To Meet Someone in NYC With Same Problem

Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2017 2:10 pm
by letsgetcured
If anybody would like to meet in nyc anywhere from today to Sunday afternoon, message me !

Re: Like To Meet Someone in NYC With Same Problem

Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2017 10:25 pm
by steffna
an update just for the record.
The ENT said my tonsils are kinda hidden ( I can't see them in the mirror ), he found 6 stones in my left tonsil, 3 on my right tonsil ( which he barely touched because it's very far down ). He didn't say I have any infection. The stones smelled like death. I asked him about the surgery and he said he doesn't agree with it; he suggested to buy a waterpik and to gargle with salt water, and that was it.
I am now gargling twice a day, however I'm still having my usual bad breath from the throat, and the hard lump. No change whatsoever so far. Considering to buy a waterpik. IN the meantime I'm drinking 2 tbsp of apple cider vinegar daily.
Bye bye everyone

Re: Like To Meet Someone in NYC With Same Problem

Posted: Tue May 30, 2017 5:54 pm
by anonymous_aj@
letsgetcured wrote:If anybody would like to meet in nyc anywhere from today to Sunday afternoon, message me !
I'm from New Jersey but we can meet up in NYC let me know be friends.