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CURED, simple cure for many of you (tongue, PND)

Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......
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Re: CURED, simple cure for many of you (tongue, PND)

Post by Thaalei93 »

Thank you so much
I Bought a special tongue scraper and now im BB free
Ive been strugling with this problem for so long
I can't believe the solution was that simple
Have a good life :D

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Re: CURED, simple cure for many of you (tongue, PND)

Post by simple »

PND is frequently caused by LRP (silent reflux), which might not have any symptoms at all, only PND
salehia802 wrote: Fri Nov 11, 2016 10:01 am maybe you are right but PND itself is because another causes in body. PND is not a main reason its a effected. yes it causes BB but we should deal up with that main reason that causes PND and then BB to give up halitosis.
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Re: CURED, simple cure for many of you (tongue, PND)

Post by simple »

Curebringer, thank you for sharing your advice :) I was wondering: did you have only mouth bb or both nasal & mouth? How far away did you have to be from someone to get reactions? Was it a kind that is a ‘roomfiller’ - ie the room has the smell after someone being in there for a while?
curebringer wrote: Thu Nov 10, 2016 10:54 pm OKAY, first of all, I've been browsing this forum for a very long time, probably read about 70% of the stuff posted on here, and tried many of the creative ideas to tackle bb. Unfortunately most of it didn't help, but it did give me some ideas, and led me to the cure, or better said a way to cope.

My symptoms:

PND due to sinusitis, one nostril closes, then the other, especially when lying down etc.
Globus sensation in throat
BB, usually noticeable when stressed, in social settings like classrooms, perhaps aggrevated by a dry mouth?
smell of food lingers for a long time, sometimes even for a few days if I ate eggs, chocolate, dairy, but not always. strange? :)
gets better for a short time after eating, or smoking
usually best breath is the morning after drinking alcohol (probably large amount of alcohol cleans the tongue)
sometimes the breath is better if I'm sick and my nose cloggs, so there is no PND flowing down
usually manageable breath with gum, but not always

Some of the things I've tried:

Neti pot (with saline, oregano oil, tea tree oil, gse, acv, h2o2, colloidal silver etc.), also friggys flip turn flush
All wisdom tooth extracted (upper ones didn't even come out yet, but were in an awkward position, so no regrets there)
Fixed deviated septum, and enlarged turbinate (didn't help PND nor sinusitis)
Palatine and adenoid tonsils extracted when I was a kid (suffered from bronchitis)
Gastroscopy - everything ok
Various diets, from vegan to paleo diet, to a 3 day fast (the fast actually got rid of bb during until I ate again, but now you'll find why)

Now that I've got you convinced I'm not a noob, let me tell you THE SIMPLE TRUTH and the CURE:


THERE IS A GREAT PROBABILITY YOU DON'T HAVE AN EXTREME ILLNESS OR WEIRD BACTERIA OR GASTROINTESTINAL ISSUES CAUSING YOUR BAD BREATH. So try to relax. Perhaps some of you do, but I'm sure most of you don't. So I urge you to stop creating false symptoms of other disorders in order to justify some weird theory how your case is special and you need a special cure. It's like searching for a holy grail. Can be fun, but leads to a dead end and more misery.

The problem most of us have is a BUMPY TONGUE and PND, or just one of these.

This is my theory - PND gets stuck way back on our tongue, where we can't even see, and usually don't brush or scrape because it's basically in our throat. When we eat, food gets stuck in that PND and causes the smell. You'll notice that some food will smell worse than other, sometimes it's related to the foods texture. If you eat a hard piece of bread, perhaps the smell won't be as bad because most of it passes through without getting trapped, but if you eat a semi-liquid substance like chocolate it almost entirely gets trapped in that throat mucus and its hard to get rid of it.

So then you do the PERFECT ORAL ROUTINE with the special toothpaste, tootbrush, neti pot, gse gargles and all that crap and yet the smell is still there. It's there because you didn't even reach the main source of the stench.

You need to brush WAY THE ***k BACK OF YOUR TONGUE, IN YOUR THROAT BASICALLY. And do it a bit harder (put more pressure) than you usually would, and do it longer. Do it until there is no more mucus to expel and you kind of feel that the area is clean.


I use this type of toothbrush ... s_370.jpeg but I trim it down to 1/2 or a bit less. The more you trim the rougher it gets, can cause bleeding if you trim too much.
Basically look for a tootbrush that you'll be able to get far down your throat as possible. So a small head and without some wavey design bullshit. That Orabrush is also probably good, but I've never tried it.
I don't see how scrappers or a spoon would be of any use in that bumpy region, so use a trimmed brush.

This is my routine:

1. Use that brush to scrape the tongue.
2. Brush teeth (with a different brush or an electric brush)
3. Scrape the tongue again with trimmed brush AND the electric brush if necessary
FOCUS ON THE BACK REGION WHERE THE BUMPS ARE! Go from back to front when scrapping, and don't just scrape the middle, get the sides too.


How long this whole procedure lasts depends on the situation. It's best to do it after every meal though, or before any social encounter.
Sometimes you'll do it and realise the smell is still there. Don't panic, just scrape it again, you've obviously missed some part. Another tip is to use warm/hot water on the trimmed brush to get the mucus off more efficiently.

So basically, do everything you usually do, plus this scrapping and I bet most of you will see a difference.

But beware - you'll always have to be cautious about your breath, until you resolve the PND and/or bumpy tongue. Probably never. So until that happens, use this technique recommended for every average Joe, but necessary for our situation and do it PROPERLY.

Sorry if this post is too long for such a simple recommendation, but I just want to help all of you, including JIMI. Because I've read most of your posts, and I think you could benefit from this as well.

Feel free to ask questions. Looking forward to replies, good luck.
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Re: CURED, simple cure for many of you (tongue, PND)

Post by simple »

Yes, I agree in terms of lingual tonsils (they are the bumps at the far back of the tongue and reaching into the throat). I’ve read a study where in in a patient they became inflamed (even with pus) as a compensatory immune response to pathogens in case the person had adenoids or palate tonsils removed!
Interesting to see that many on this forum have removed palatine tonsils or adenoids. It’s likely the inflammation has now changed its location to lingual tonsils. By the way, lingual tonsils also can be removed (in case they cause obstructive sleep apnea) - do you think it would help?
StillHoping wrote: Fri Nov 11, 2016 6:40 pm Curebringer, I think you may be onto something! But I think it would only apply to people with Type 1 & 2 BB. It would certainly explain why people with horrible oral hygiene or even messed up teeth don't have BB yet we do. Even thinking back, whenever I have come across other people who had a BB problem they typically also had bumpy tongues
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Re: CURED, simple cure for many of you (tongue, PND)

Post by simple »

Mauricio, is there a test for the lingual tonsils inflammation, is that what you were referring to?
mauricio wrote: Sun Feb 07, 2021 4:13 pm
: the D For which you haven't tested yet despite us (me actually) putting you in contact with the lab.
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