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Re: Found possible reason, now I'm battling...

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2017 7:14 pm
by TG021
Day 11 post op and I would like to say my mouth is healing up nicely. There are still scabs but I'm starting to really see the pink underneath. The terrible taste from surgery has finally gone away from both my mouth and nose.

My mouth itself feels and tastes neutral ATM. Now the taste that was in my throat constantly pre-op, I can no longer taste.

I'm going to let my mouth heal really good before I go to my post-op check. My ENT is going to discuss with me about his findings on my tonsils. I will surely share that info with you guys to give you insight.

My gut feeling is that my saliva constantly washed over my tonsils picking up that nasty pus and what not, and then it kind of just sat in the back of my throat emitting odors along with the tonsils themselves. Constant pus, and infection meant constant odor no matter how hygienic I was. Also probably contributed to that nasty taste in the back of my throat that I would pick up on throughout the day.

I'll keep you guys updated after I heal completely and give a definitive answer. Any questions feel free to ask and I'll answer.

Re: Found possible reason, now I'm battling...

Posted: Sun Apr 16, 2017 11:57 am
by TG021
Just a small update to what has basically become my diary. Day 17 post-op and my healing is basically in the very final stages. Just a few very small white spots remain.

My tonsil(or former) area no longer has that terrible tonsil/shit smell when I rub it with my finger or q-tip. I also rubbed off some of the remaining scabs expecting them to smell and nope, nothing. The terrible taste that I had before is also no longer detectable(tongue or throat).

When it comes to associating with people, I don't get reactions. I have spoken directly to people in public, and one of my college classmates that basically sits shoulder to shoulder. Now that's not to say that I still don't hold back because I do. Living with BB causes you to reprogram how you interact with people, but interactions are getting better.

This surgery has been positive for me so far. Getting rid of that horrible taste has given me a confidence boost and a really good feeling of being cured. If I am cured, one of the hardest parts I think is going to be getting over the halitophobia that'll remain.

Re: Found possible reason, now I'm battling...

Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2017 6:57 pm
by steffna
hi TG021,
are you still BB free? If so congratulations in finding your cause of halitosis.
I just wanted to ask you, did you also have chronic PND and constant smelly =; mucus down the throat since you were a kid? making you swallow maybe 1000 times a day? I'm trying to understand what we all have in common. Lucky your doctor agreed about the tonsillectomy, mine didn't, but I am going to try with another one. Small town, what you gonna do.
Keep us updated, really excited to know about your healing process. X

Re: Found possible reason, now I'm battling...

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2017 6:39 am
by TG021
I don't think I suffer from PND. I don't ever see mucus going down my throat or constantly need to swallow. Only thing I see in my throat are very small froth bubbles, probably from saliva.

Re: Found possible reason, now I'm battling...

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2017 11:00 am
by steffna
TG021 wrote:I don't think I suffer from PND. I don't ever see mucus going down my throat or constantly need to swallow. Only thing I see in my throat are very small froth bubbles, probably from saliva.
thank you
this makes me think tonsils aren't the main cause in my personal case

Re: Found possible reason, now I'm battling...

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2017 3:34 pm
by TG021
steffna wrote:
TG021 wrote:I don't think I suffer from PND. I don't ever see mucus going down my throat or constantly need to swallow. Only thing I see in my throat are very small froth bubbles, probably from saliva.
thank you
this makes me think tonsils aren't the main cause in my personal case
Well steffna, what all are your symptoms that you can think of and I'll compare and possibly give ideas or advice.

Re: Found possible reason, now I'm battling...

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2017 2:07 pm
by steffna
TG021 wrote:
steffna wrote:
TG021 wrote:I don't think I suffer from PND. I don't ever see mucus going down my throat or constantly need to swallow. Only thing I see in my throat are very small froth bubbles, probably from saliva.
thank you
this makes me think tonsils aren't the main cause in my personal case
Well steffna, what all are your symptoms that you can think of and I'll compare and possibly give ideas or advice.
I have a constant lump down my throat, I can smell it when I open my mouth or just taste it, feel like my bb comes from there. It makes my tongue white or yellowish in the back, I have no success in scraping it off. My nose is never stuffed, it becomes runny whenever I eat something or if I go out for a walk. I have found out I have tonsil stones so I'm gargling with salt water as the doctor suggested but of course no improvements with the smell. I think calcified waste on my tonsils is just a consequence of a dirty environment in my mouth, due to the mucus drainage in my throat. Getting rid of mucus would prevent my tonsil stones from forming again, in my opinion. I have silent reflux, so that might be the cause for this mucus, however diet changes haven't made a difference. I was given omeprazole but didn't work; same with zantac. Then I thought I didn't have enough acid so tried HCL, but it made me really gassy and bloated, so I stopped taking betaine hcl. Pylori is negative so is celiac disease. I just have sliding hiatal hernia and LPR. Many people do but don't experience fecal breath...that's why I think there might be an ongoing infection or imbalance in my system ( that may be causing my body odor as well ) and I don't know how to address it.

Re: Found possible reason, now I'm battling...

Posted: Thu May 11, 2017 9:21 am
by TG021
OK guys I'm back after almost a month long hiatus. My mouth has healed and so, I feel that i should say that the tonsillectomy did help tremendously.
Here are a few reasons:
1. There used to be a very peculiar or specific taste back near my throat that I no longer taste throughout the day.
This taste was bad/foul tasting and NOT normal. I could usually taste it near the back "corners" of my mouth near where my tonsils used to be.
2. Tonsils stones and tonsil odor are not longer there.
When I had my tonsils, I would rub them with my finger every now and then and that smell was the worst. The worst smell came from a liquid or pus that I would squeeze out of my tonsils. The smell of that pus smelled ABSOLUTELY TERRIBLE. If I could describe it, I would say that it smelled like a decaying dead animal. It was that bad.
3. I've stated before, it is real difficult to smell myself now post-op. Before, I could easily tell that my breath was bad, and now not so much. I try real to try to smell anything, and when I do smell something idk if was me just trying real hard and catching a faint smell that is unnoticeable for the most part.

So, I'm sorry for the long wait on this post. My life has been very busy up until now. Some positives that make me feel good in terms of my breath after post-op are that:
1. I've gotten a job. Just like any other job, I had to do interviews; three to be exact and they all went great! I didn't see any reactions like coughing, nose rubs, funny looks, etc.
2. I also finished my 1st year of college. Leading up to the end of the semester, I had the task of doing an oral presentation in a very small class. I was nervous, but I presented and everything went well. No reactions. In fact, the whole class gave me a clapping ovation after I finished.
3. I've also started hanging out with this girl that sat beside me in one of my classes. I was worried that she would surely "smell" me since i sat basically shoulder to shoulder with her. But recently, after hanging out post-op, she told me directly that since we are both staying in our college town over the summer, that I should hit her up to hang out during the summer and not become a strangers.

Here are a few things that worry me though, but I feel are normal:
1. Morning breath is still there, but I've come to realize that even normal people have morning breath.
2. My saliva does smell, but only for about 30 seconds and then it goes away. I don't think saliva smells are a great indicator mainly for one life experience that I had. A girl once marked on the top of my lip, right under my nose with a marker. She then proceeded to use her saliva to rub away the mark and in doing so, I managed to smell that same sour saliva smell from her saliva. Except that she doesn't have BB. Also, when I've told people without BB to smell their own saliva they also go "ewww" from the smell.
3. That paranoia is still there, but it is getting better. I'm becoming more open when it comes to speaking directly with people.

My ENT said my tonsils, were for the most part OK, except for the calcified deposits in the pockets eg. tonsils stones.

My routine is pretty normal and basic now when it comes to waking up or brushing my teeth.
1. I first clear my throat real well, like if I'm hocking a loogie.
2. I then brush thoroughly with regular crest toothpaste, everywhere and deep in the back.
3. I then top it off with a gargle of mouthwash.
And that's that. I will brush again if I have plans for going out in the evening, but that just like taking a shower before going out after a long day.

And well, thats pretty much it for this post. If you guys have any questions let me know and I'll answer them.

Re: Found possible reason, now I'm battling...

Posted: Thu May 11, 2017 11:47 pm
by steffna
TG021 wrote:OK guys I'm back after almost a month long hiatus. My mouth has healed and so, I feel that i should say that the tonsillectomy did help tremendously.
how's your tongue now? is it pink?

Re: Found possible reason, now I'm battling...

Posted: Fri May 12, 2017 2:12 am
by TG021
A simple brush keeps it pink for the majority of the day.