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Re: How I kill the Bacteria!!

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2017 3:33 pm
by HopefulOne
Don't forget you guys it's not just about the diet. I also use essential oils and chlorhexidine to kill a lot of the bacteria. In the past, I would use antibacterials but then turn around and give the bacteria food to grow back. So it's the combination of both. DO BOTH before you decide it doesn't work.

Of course we have to consume some sugar, it's natural in most vegetables. I do eat tomatoes, but I limit my portion. Read up on the FODMAPS to determine WHAT sugars are fermentable. Like I said, start at the basics and then add other foods. Hard cheeses and butter may not bother some, but both make my breath awful. The FODMAP diet recommends a small amount of avocado, but I'm able to eat a whole one without tummy and/or breath problems. It probably depends on your bacteria.

Some of you may have tried the candida diet in the past but did you stop using sugary toothpastes and mouthwashes. What about "sugarfree gums and mints"? What about seasonings and fruits?

I prepare my meals with basic salt and pepper, paprika, thyme, oregano, Rosemary and other herbs. Today I'm baking chicken with olive oil, salt, pepper, celery salt, and red and green bellpepper for additional flavor. I'm roasting Brussel Sprouts (salt pepper olive oil) as a side veggie. Easy no sugar meal. With that I will drink lemon water and/or dry red wine if I want. Yes it's hard to give up sugar but after awhile, you don't even miss it plus you're happy cause you have fresh breath!!! I work with four year olds and a little boy told me last week how good I smelled :)

Re: How I kill the Bacteria!!

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2017 3:38 pm
by HopefulOne
I know when my breath stinks cause I have a heavy horrible taste in my mouth. Also my dental floss will stink and my tongue is covered with white gunk. When my breath smells my licked wrist smells like sour vinegar and/or urine. When my mouth tastes neutral, my licked wrist smells like nothing and my mouth feels light and airy. I don't need anyone to tell when I smell cause I already KNOW!!

Re: How I kill the Bacteria!!

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2017 3:45 pm
by HopefulOne
Remember it's about ANYTHING that goes in your mouth, NO SUGAR!!!! Take away their food and kill with chlorhexidine, salt, peroxide and essential oils. Keep moistened with lemon water.

Re: How I kill the Bacteria!!

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2017 5:29 pm
by winter
HopefulOne, do you have nasal BB?

I tried steam chicken and vege for 2-3 months without success. Maybe I should try it again, but it's really difficult as I don't have an honest feedback.

Alcohol gave me a feeling that air is rising from my throat and it makes me stink a lot worse.

Not sure if lemon improves my BB a little. It certainly doesn't solve my problem, but I reckon it doesn't worsen it too.

Re: How I kill the Bacteria!!

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2017 5:42 pm
by HopefulOne
No nasal bad breath unless I swallow and the smell goes from my throat and out my nose

Re: How I kill the Bacteria!!

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2017 3:14 pm
by steffna
Hi, I work outside and I have to swallow my sandwich in my 15 minutes break and that's it, Mon-Fri. Now that I'm avoiding breads, my lunch consists of fruit and rice crackers, sometimes white yogurt. Yeah I'm starving lol. But I read for us, even fruit is bad. So,what do you think could be a substitute for bread? I can only cook my meals on the weekends. ](*,)

Re: How I kill the Bacteria!!

Posted: Thu May 25, 2017 5:48 pm
by StillHoping
steffna wrote:Hi, I work outside and I have to swallow my sandwich in my 15 minutes break and that's it, Mon-Fri. Now that I'm avoiding breads, my lunch consists of fruit and rice crackers, sometimes white yogurt. Yeah I'm starving lol. But I read for us, even fruit is bad. So,what do you think could be a substitute for bread? I can only cook my meals on the weekends. ](*,)
Corn tortillas are a great substitute for bread and usually gluten free [remember to read the ingredients though to make sure it is made from actual corn/ I buy the authentic Mexican ones]. Fruit is definitely a big no-no and I would say avoid the yogurt because that's a form of dairy