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Re: 21 Years of Suffering-Tonsilectomy

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2018 8:10 am
by 21yearsofsuffering
lolla123 wrote:
21yearsofsuffering wrote:Hello everyone

This is my update 5 weeks post tonsillectomy and adenoid removal. My breath is still fresh. I currently chew gum maybe once every two days for extra freshness (I used to have 3 pieces of gum at a time when desperate). After suffering for so long I think I have developed halitophobia. I check my breath every chance I get,every second and every moment. I still feel uncomfortable talking real close to people and in small closed spaces. My colleagues were the most sensitive to my BB as I explained they used to back away or cover their noses whenever I spoke but so far no reactions.

Another habit I formed was to eat food with gum in my mouth, I would push the gum back into my upper gums and I would eat my food and after go back to chewing my gum again. I don't do that anymore and it feels good to chew my food without any secret gum lodged in my gums

Feel like I am rebuilding my life at this point after 21 years of suffering. My BB consumed my life! right now I just have more time to plan and enjoy my life, I can think more clearly. I have a holiday coming up with a friend of mine and I am not dreading it or the airplane we have to take there. I have lost about 7lbs since I removed my tonsils. This is largely due to the fact that i would eat to cover the BB. I have since discovered that my appetite is pretty low as I don't have the need to constantly be chewing on things to keep fresh.

I still have the fresh feeling in my mouth, white tongue in morning but after scraping it stays pink all day, less plaque on my teeth and less of that thick layer that used to cover my teeth late in the day.

Right now in the morning I brush, floss, scrape tongue and use oral salts and repeat same procedure at night before bed.
Congratulations! So glad you have found your solution and you can now live freely without having this horrible problem at the back of your mind, can I ask you if you had any symptoms? Did your tonsils hurt? Did you ever suffer from tonsillitis? Did your tonsils have a bad smell to them that told the docs they were infected?
I never had any symptoms except for tonsil stones. When I went in for my consultation the ent said there was a smell.

Re: 21 Years of Suffering-Tonsilectomy

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2018 8:15 am
by 21yearsofsuffering
gotshot26 wrote:Fantastic post - great work for finding your cure. Quick question - how do tonsils affect the coating on your tongue? I can't in anyway see how they could be related. What happened with your fatigue and constipation?
I'm not sure how it works but my tongue was always white even after brushing and scraping. The back of my tongue smelled really bad the same smell of the tonsil stones. I would scrape the back and smell the residue it was horrible.
My fatigue is gone, The ENT said that if your tonsils are infected your body has to constantly fight off the infection and this causes fatigue. I was always tired, the kind of tired that even coffee or a redbull cannot reduce. Now I feel much better and not so drained all the time.
Constipation is still there I use Normacol powder to keep things moving.

Re: 21 Years of Suffering-Tonsilectomy

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2018 9:37 am
by Geniusisinthejail
Did you also had nasal bb?

Re: 21 Years of Suffering-Tonsilectomy

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2018 1:01 pm
by gotshot26
21yearsofsuffering wrote:
gotshot26 wrote:Fantastic post - great work for finding your cure. Quick question - how do tonsils affect the coating on your tongue? I can't in anyway see how they could be related. What happened with your fatigue and constipation?
I'm not sure how it works but my tongue was always white even after brushing and scraping. The back of my tongue smelled really bad the same smell of the tonsil stones. I would scrape the back and smell the residue it was horrible.
My fatigue is gone, The ENT said that if your tonsils are infected your body has to constantly fight off the infection and this causes fatigue. I was always tired, the kind of tired that even coffee or a redbull cannot reduce. Now I feel much better and not so drained all the time.
Constipation is still there I use Normacol powder to keep things moving.
Congrats. Good luck with your new life.

Re: 21 Years of Suffering-Tonsilectomy

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2018 4:19 pm
by BB---
Although you live on the other side of the world, our life stories are so friggin' similar. I'd hug you if I could.
For those interested, pls read my post.

Re: 21 Years of Suffering-Tonsilectomy

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2018 7:19 am
by zneb
how is your condition now ? hopefully you are still on cured situation