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Google banned our website!

Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......
Jimi Stein
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Re: Google banned our website!

Post by Jimi Stein »

ttylxman2 wrote: Mon Dec 03, 2018 9:17 pm Then I'm not sure. All we can do is get rid of any references to Katz and other people as well as clean up the boards and add disclaimers to tell people not to follow advice here without consulting a doctor first.

Either it got banned for slander or for giving potentially dangerous medical advice. For instance the thread on rinsing the sinuses out with bleach was pretty alarming I'm sure. As well as taking antibiotics that weren't prescribed etc.

It will be a lot of work and we might have to delete the dangerous suggestions involving bleach and antibiotics as well as enforce rules not to claim one has "cured" themselves but rather is finding relief.

Look here: ... elines.pdf
Your Money or Your Life (YMYL) Pages

Some types of pages could potentially impact the future happiness, health, financial stability, or safety of users. We call
such pages “Your Money or Your Life” pages, or YMYL. The following are examples of YMYL pages:

● Medical information pages: webpages that provide advice or information about health, drugs, specific diseases
or conditions, mental health, nutrition, etc.

We have very high Page Quality rating standards for YMYL pages because low quality YMYL pages could potentially
negatively impact users’ happiness, health, financial stability, or safety.
It’s even possible to have everyday expertise in YMYL topics. For example, there are forums and support pages for
people with specific diseases. Sharing personal experience is a form of everyday expertise. Consider
this example
Here, forum participants are telling how long their loved ones lived with liver cancer. This is an example of sharing
personal experiences (in which they are experts), not medical advice. Specific medical information and advice (rather
than descriptions of life experiences) should come from doctors or other health professionals.
Think about the topic of the page. What kind of expertise is required for the page to achieve its purpose well? The
standard for expertise depends on the topic of the page

Basically if you are running a forum with medical advice I think it's important to Google that you moderate content to keep it safe and high quality as well as have disclaimers that the information posted here is not medical advice.
bud when can you finish the rest please....i send you notes in pm

This is me, Jimi Stein, I created this site in December 2005. Welcome.
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Re: Google banned our website!

Post by christina »

Jimi Stein wrote: Tue Dec 04, 2018 11:03 pm I am still waiting for the rest of the about us is not finished...i want to add chapter about halitomafia and how they abuse patients.....and what google did to us
Maybe just put all the info in a seperate thread that you can maybe stick on the first page if this site got banned cuz of the about us page. And shorten the post while decreasing the caps. I know from experience some of these specialists are fake and sell fake solutions, just i read words in caps as screaming or yelling. Its too dramatic to read
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Re: Google banned our website!

Post by Jimi Stein »

people do something.....Google just destroyed our does not want to show it to people for some reason. Please log in your google account and post here and ask what is going on and let people know how google hides the hide our site from new users that are loking for bad breath forum
complain nazi google.... ... webmasters
This is me, Jimi Stein, I created this site in December 2005. Welcome.
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Re: Google banned our website!

Post by Smilingagain »

"...In yahoo and msn we are still number 1...."

"....imi I think it's because of the negative statements you made against the people in the about page. While they may have been truthful it is easy for one of those people to complain to google that you are making false statements about them or their business practice...."

"...i just dont get it how the biggest searc engine could put our site to 120 position for bad breath forum suddenly....."

@Jiimi, happy new year to you and your loved one's actually, i have not log-in since the begining of 2019.

Listen, you and the other user's might be making a mistake about reason why this forum keep's dropping down from google SE.

I don't think the owner's of these website(s) who are presently, on the first pages are in anywhere related to google or in contact with google. Google respect no one when it comes to keeping SEO alogrithm. Well the other competititor's are respecting certain rules which you are not (we talk more via pm)

Secondly, they are performing their seo task with 100++ of .edu/.gov site's pointing to them.
At the initial stage when i was consistent on this forum, i wanted to point out this mistake to you but, for some reason i forgot about this whole issue.

Come to think of it, - is just an information forum (selling no product's nor offering any service)
By right, this forum was suppose to rank higher than therabreath & co(although the domain of this website is much older than your's) within the niche

But, here is what is wrong with the site (badbreathhalitosis) double usage of keyword's with same synonyms is know as keyword spamming when it comes to ethnical seo practise.

*Double usage of kw on 1 domain name = keyword spamming

This is just one major error that could make google to penalize the ranking of your website. However, there are other minor error's that need's to be corrected If, you would like this website to return to the front page.

Now, you are getting the reverse of what you've always desired. Occasionally, i get upset too when i type-in badbreathhalitosis or on google only to find that this forum is not within the frontline.

☑ FRESHMINT => Xylitol gum keep's my breath fresh during hot summer
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Re: Google banned our website!

Post by Jimi Stein »

no way, I posted about us after we lost rankings......Google became nazi search know how many people now cant find our website?
THey always came here by typing in bad breath forum.....and now Nazi Google basically deleted us from index.....
It is not about edu links at think every other 150 sites that rank better and have nothing to do with bad breath forum all build edu links......

This is horrible what Google did... I still suspect it was a manual ban....
This is me, Jimi Stein, I created this site in December 2005. Welcome.
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Re: Google banned our website!

Post by Smilingagain »


I doubt, could bet anyone on this forum that with little work , correction and possibly purchase of another domain name which could be redirected main domain(actual on this site) this forum or other supplementary domain will start appearing on the top pages.

Google stand's to gain nothing by burying this forum. what i understand is that some of your competitor's could be hiring seo consult to bury this forum.

Google and his staff are too busy to engage in such practise. Since, i'm a member, i might try engage in offsite seo (create mini blog's) once they get rank on google for such kw term's such bad breath, bad breath forum ..ecc i can now redirect the url to this forum.

It's not that complicated. We just need to be consistent and ensure content's on site are upto date.

" way, I posted about us after we lost rankings......Google became nazi search know how many people now cant find our website?
THey always came here by typing in bad breath forum.....and now Nazi Google basically deleted us from index.....
It is not about edu links at think every other 150 sites that rank better and have nothing to do with bad breath forum all build edu links......

This is horrible what Google did... I still suspect it was a manual ban.

FYI : i found this forum on google through the following kw phrase "bad breath forum" probably this is how most of the other guyz found out about this forum as well

If, google want to ban a website from search engine, they'll manually adjust and add your website to their sandbox

*Finally note ; the time we spend on this forum taking about google drop rank, why can't you set-up a separate blog (offsite seo) and post few content's related to bad breath. In addition, you'll need to share the link on this forum and we all could follow-up by contributing & commenting to each post. Google might find this link, index and probably grant some authority the main website instead of engaging in battle which we might never win. This is just a suggestion.

☑ FRESHMINT => Xylitol gum keep's my breath fresh during hot summer
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Re: Google banned our website!

Post by gotshot26 »

Website still appearing on first page for me. Google has banned one of my sites in the past. A good appeal letter reverses their decision.
For type 1 sufferers, bad breath is mostly caused by overgrowths of sulphur-reducing bacteria within your microbiome. You should spend more time focusing your attention on these overgrowths if you want to find your permanent cure.
Jimi Stein
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Re: Google banned our website!

Post by Jimi Stein »

the first page of what? Bad breath forum keyword?
We are in 150 place....cause of Gestapo nazi google....
what kind of algorithm tells Google that our site is harmful or has no value for people with bad breath?
I dont want to buy another domain....this domain has been with us from the start....

***k google.....

good appeal? THey just throw us from most of the results we showed before.....there is no appeal letter for that.....we did nothing wrong......
This is me, Jimi Stein, I created this site in December 2005. Welcome.
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