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BB and airplanes dont mix...

Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......
Posts: 41
Joined: Fri May 04, 2007 3:30 pm

Post by BBNO »

Happydays: Stay away from dairy as much as possible (especially the day of the flight). Also, no acidic drinks or foods. Start taking a quality probiotic like Probiotic 15-35 with FOS from Nuitraceutical twice a day with food. Zinc and magnesium may help too. Stop smoking and drinking alcohol immediately! They are not the "cause" , but they only make things much worse. Take Tums or Rolaids on the plane with you. They will help if your problem is digestive in nature. Many also have calcium which will help in the long run if you cut out dairy. It tooks weeks of not smoking AT ALL to eliminate its negative effects on my breath! Eat SMALL meals but don't go hungry. Snack with apples and bananas. Drink only water and non-acidic fruit drinks.
MY BB was just as bad as yours, with reactions from many feet away, even outside!
If possible, exercise HARD the morning of your flight. It helps reduce stress and just seems to help. Maybe take some valerian (or drink tea with valerian) before the flight to also reduce anxiety, without any drymouth (like most prescription meds). All of this you can do with little effort or cost. Remember...NO SMOKING and take the Rolaids, they can't hurt and they help me for an hour or two.

Posts: 114
Joined: Fri Aug 24, 2007 9:11 pm

Post by HappyDays »

Thanks for the info BBNO, very helpful!!!!

Tums or Rolaids helps you with BB? How many Probiotic pills a day?

I went to ENT and he says GERD which I think is accurate. Have completly changed diet including eliminating meats and dairy and stopped smoking marijuana which dr says will help.

When I get anxious, my throat seems to seize up alot. Drinking lemon water has really helped relax my body and throat completly.

Really important is that the small area below my navel used to be very very hard and has now softened up. Maybe its my small intestines but things feel so much better in my lower stomach area. Does anyone know anything about this? Its been 3 days of mostly lemon water and fruits and I feel so much better.
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