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Re: Does anyone suffer from Chronic fatigue syndrome

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2023 7:25 pm
by Grunge
That's funny, I was just reading up on chronic eye dryness and found this info on Sjögren’s. The last one on the list is prolonged fatigue. I can't work on my yard for 15 min without starting to feel extremely lethargic. And more so in the summer, when it's hot. Dry mouth is another one in the list.

"More Sjogren’s Syndrome Symptoms
The disease can affect parts of the body other than the eyes and mouth. You may experience dryness in your nose or throat or on your skin. Sjögren’s syndrome can also affect the joints, lungs, kidneys, blood vessels, digestive organs and nerves, causing symptoms such as:

-Swollen glands, specifically behind the jaw and in front of the ears
-Joint pain, swelling or stiffness
-Prolonged dry skin
-Skin rashes
-Chronic dry cough
-Vaginal dryness
-Problems urinating, including pain, urinating more than usual, getting up at night often to urinate and needing to urinate suddenly
-Numbness or tingling in your fingers and toes
-Prolonged fatigue and/or a feeling of tiredness that keeps you from daily activities."

By the way, my chronic symptoms include: Bad breath, dry mouth, post nasal drip, white coating on tongue, GERD, burping, allergies, fatigue, tooth erosion, dry-burning-itchy eyes, and the eye problems seem to be getting worse. Could it be Sjögren’s?

Re: Does anyone suffer from Chronic fatigue syndrome

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2023 8:10 am
by naom
this post is on reddit:

"Please excuse my English. But we all look for the problems or the cause of Bad breath from the inside of the body: whether its because of candida,bacteria overgrowth in tongue, post nasal drip,sinus, tonsil this desease or that,diet. But what if it’s not the body that is causing this but outside source?? that Bad breath is a SYMPTOME - the body is realizing toxins/poison too get rid of what is the within the body??.

I think and I suspect its because of …….Black mold in the house and in the body or previously houses that people live inn. I suddenly came across in curezone about this girl that moved into a moldy apartment and her mother and her got Bad breath amongst other health problems and I guess she is insightful enough too understand and remember that it happened once they moved inn.

I have black mold and have other health problems like:fatigue,problems with sleep,sometimes post nasal drip, brain fog,acne.But some people have other symptoms or close too none

The thing about black mold or other molds that it can cause candida or overgrowth of candida. So all of you who have found temporarly relief from BB because you have gone on candida-diet or parasite diet but as soon you quit BB comes back. That might be because you haven’t gotten rid of the mold in your body or/and outside the body. Yes even not living in a environment of mold you can still have it in the body! There so many people that suffers with this that says they no longer lives in the climate but years pass on and they are still suffering!(its hard for some bodys to get rid of it better to detox it) ... d-candida/

also mold causes so many other illnesses and problems other than that allergies/ respiratory symptoms. I’m beginning to think it causes all or most of disease/illneses known. Like people say that they have suffered with so many things that is not listed. The problem is that doctors don’t know about this but they do know that its not good for health. Don’t believe in the people who says it only causes problems too people who have weak immune.

I just know you have too detox and get the mycotoxin out.I saw a video too use:S-acetyl-lgluttathion, Activated charcoal-bentonite clay-oragano oil.There is also others and feel free to share what type of supplement you use and are the best."