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Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2007 9:49 am
by jc
Yes, xoxo, 60% is a big improvement especially in my case where even 1% of my breath is really horrible. Are there anyone here beside me & findacure who are trying this ? Let`s share the results.

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2007 12:27 pm
by elliott
60%? That is a miracle. I'll be on the lookout for this product.

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2007 8:03 pm
by findacure
jc wrote:I thought I was 80-90% better but I had some reactions lately so it`s probably just a 60% reduction. I still have 5 bottles to go so I`ll just keep on taking it & see what happens.
Thats really gud JC, any improvement is gud news.

Well i still havent receive mine yet, so im gonna get on to the company i ordered it from!

Im not sure how im take i, I didnt order the tabs i ordered the oil in a bottle!t! it says you can put a few drops under your tongue, but im frightened i may burn my mouth from hearing it happening to a few peope. Or i can put a few drops on my toothbrush and brush my teeth with it or i can add it to water or juice.

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2007 1:27 am
by jc
findacure wrote:
Im not sure how im take i, I didnt order the tabs i ordered the oil in a bottle!t! it says you can put a few drops under your tongue, but im frightened i may burn my mouth from hearing it happening to a few peope. Or i can put a few drops on my toothbrush and brush my teeth with it or i can add it to water or juice.

Yeah, be careful. Maybe it`s better if you test a single drop on your tongue & see if you can handle it. It`s best if you`re near a faucet so you can wash it immediately if it burns your tongue.

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 11:59 pm
by jc
After 3 weeks of taking oil of oregano I think my breath had improved by 70 - 80%. I`ve been taking 5 capsules everyday to ensure that the bacterias would not be able to multiply in their normal rate. I`m hoping to see a miracle this Christmas :)

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2007 3:44 am
by hopeful
I just ordered the Oreganol P73. Can't wait to try it.

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2007 10:34 am
by Archimonde
by the way, wild oil of oregano and oil of oregano are the same thing. Marketing BS.

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 4:19 am
by waitingforrelief
just saw this thread-

i've tried it for weeks a while back. i did not use the capsules but the oil itself. i thought it was helping initially, but then realized that it was only because the oil smelled so strong that it had masked the bb (to me at least).

i just stopped taking it after a while as i didn't find that there's anything different except for when i had just taken it and smelling like the oil.

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 1:00 am
by jc
waitingforrelief wrote:just saw this thread-

i've tried it for weeks a while back. i did not use the capsules but the oil itself. i thought it was helping initially, but then realized that it was only because the oil smelled so strong that it had masked the bb (to me at least).

i just stopped taking it after a while as i didn't find that there's anything different except for when i had just taken it and smelling like the oil.
Thanks for sharing. Yeah, I can also smell oregano when I burp so I don`t know if it had only masked the odor but the coughing & sneezing reactions had definitely diminished. I`ve been mingling with different people & some of them react & some don`t. Even my mom asked me if I`m already cured coz she had stopped coughing when I`m around her although she says she can`t smell me but she definitely have an itchy throat when she`s near me. I still have 20-30% bb & I think it`s coming from my sinus but I don`t think it`s safe to pour oil of oregano in there.

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 4:54 am
by mike987
jc wrote:After 3 weeks of taking oil of oregano I think my breath had improved by 70 - 80%. I`ve been taking 5 capsules everyday to ensure that the bacterias would not be able to multiply in their normal rate. I`m hoping to see a miracle this Christmas :)
70 - 80 percent?

Not to put a damper on your positivity, but I think you might be exaggerating a bit.. I can't blame you though, any success can be pretty exciting.

Why exactly do you think this is working for you jc? Is anyone else having luck by taking the capsules?

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 1:20 am
by jc
I`m not exaggerating, I think I`ve even improved by 90% but thought that it`s a bit too much that`s why I wrote 70-80% so as not to put too much hype on it. I guess taking goldenseal, which is a natural antibiotic & anti-mutagenic months before paid off. I admit that it`s too early though coz it`s not the first time that something works in the beginning only to falter in the long run. I`m keeping my hopes up but I`ve prepared myself if this doesn`t turn out well. I`ve taken advantage of the improvements on my breath by visiting old friends & business partners. They didn`t show any reaction unlike before so I`ve been having some good sleep lately but the thought of my bb coming back gives me shivers.

P.S. I suggest that if your odor`s not coming from the stomach then you should take the liquid form & not the capsules.

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 6:27 am
by mike987
well i hope it works for you. Sounds like it could be very beneficial, but being rather poor at the moment, I'll wait for your full impressions before jumping into this. :lol:

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 12:33 pm
by elliott
I think the power of placebo is at it again. Not doubting that you feel a change, but I think it's more that you are benefitting from confidence, and less stress. Stress is linked to the stomach (upset stomach, heartburn) You are simply confirming my belief in the power of the mind.

If I'm wrong, someone tell me what is in oregano that can completely wipe out 80% of the smell eminating out of your body. No other product designed by man has been this effective, but somehow a simple herb like oregano has blasted through this bacteria? A couple of drops of this substance is this powerful, and it's legal? I don't know... call me devils advocate.

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 2:42 am
by jc
elliott wrote:I think the power of placebo is at it again. Not doubting that you feel a change, but I think it's more that you are benefitting from confidence, and less stress. Stress is linked to the stomach (upset stomach, heartburn) You are simply confirming my belief in the power of the mind.

If I'm wrong, someone tell me what is in oregano that can completely wipe out 80% of the smell eminating out of your body. No other product designed by man has been this effective, but somehow a simple herb like oregano has blasted through this bacteria? A couple of drops of this substance is this powerful, and it's legal? I don't know... call me devils advocate.
You can call it placebo effect or whatever but I don`t think the power of the mind would work on bb. I`ve tried that before only to leave me more humiliated in the end. I agree that stress hormones play a key role in bb but at this day & age including my bb condition it`s almost impossible not to get stressed. Yeah, it`s hard to believe that a simple herb could cure a resilient condition like ch but look at how a handful of past members have cured themselves. I won`t namedrop but here are some of my mental list of people who got cured here:
1. 2 got cured by chlorella.
2. 2 got cured by flagyl.
3. 4 treated their bb with vit C.
4. at least 4 got cured after tonsil surgery.
5. 1 treated his bb with smartmouth.
It`s hard to believe but there are people who got rid of their bb with supplements & even the no.1 critic of supplements here on this site had reported that he cured himself by taking vit C. What I`m saying is that we should give each product a chance before we shoot it down & let`s be realistic to admit that it may not work for everyone. I always prepare myself for the worse so I`m not expecting too much this time but I just can`t sit around waiting for science to figure this one out coz the last I heard doctors still think that the cure for bb`s brushing, flossing & drinking plenty of water. I`m tired of waiting for a cure, I`ve been doing that for the last 14 years. Btw, I`m not encouraging anyone here to try the oil of oregano but my only intention is to share my experience. I`ve tried a lot of products recommended by members here & even though they didn`t work I never blamed nor pointed a finger on them coz I`m the one who decided to take them.

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 2:59 am
by hopeful
JC, when do you take yours? I got the Oreganol capsules and it says to take one with each meal. Do you take yours before or after eating?