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Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 7:42 pm
by realbad
just would bad breath odor due to candida smell like? and...

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 10:45 am
by KeepTrying09
realbad wrote:just would bad breath odor due to candida smell like? and...
Good question. I was never able to smell my own breath, so I couldn't tell you what Candida smells like. But Aydin says it has a cheesy smell. And others have said it has a yeasty smell like beer or bread.

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 11:01 pm
by faith21
Are there any others that have had success from this treatment. And if so were you able to smell your own breath/ where was it coming from.

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 11:07 pm
by faith21
KeepTrying09 wrote:Halitosisux provided a link in another thread, but I think it relates to the research studies I posted a few posts up regarding Metronidazole mouthwash. In the below video researchers found that a woman who complained of bad breath had an overgrowth of anaerobic bacteria in her mouth. In the Metronidazole mouthwash studies I posted above, they found that the participants' bad breath was eliminated due to the fact that Metronidazole targets and kills anaerobic bacteria. The link to the video is below.
And does anyone know what this is called that is done in this video and if so who would one approach to do this.

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 2:55 pm
by Kidd
Ok Im a new poster so here it goes.

I was looking on the web for something else and i came across this forum. Some of your posters inspired me to share. I was looking for a link between low acid production and SIBO and saw this forum through a search.

I have had Metronidazole twice and it has had long lasting effects for BB. I have also had fluconazole.

I have had bb since i was about 11. The really bad kind as you people describe. I developed IBS at age 30. Im a 36 year old happy married man and i learned to adapt. Eating, drinking to mask, keeping distance and all the things we learn to do.

I was diagnosed with IBS about 6 years ago. Chronic constipation ongoing probs.

Anyway the constipation back up led me to develop gingivitis or peridontisis or something. (an infection around my impacted wisdom tooth) bacterial in origin. Very painful toothache. So the dentist gave me combo of Metronidazole (flagyl) and amoxicillin and within days my breath was as fresh as anything and my tooth infection cleared. My teeth felt clean as never before. As a side issue my IBS cleared up and i was as healthy in the toilet dept as when i was 18. I thought it was a miracle. I had a few days of total health. I must stress that the tooth infection and the BB were seperate issues. I always had chronic BB since a kid then I got IBS aged 30, then I got toothache. Got the drugs for the toothache and the BB and IBS vanished.

My IBS returned so was given another two week course of Metrinidazole that was about two weeks after my first course. My gastro gave me the second course because it told him the effect it had on my IBS. However my IBS returned again but my BREATH STAYED OK for over three years. It is still much better than it was to this day.

I read with interest peoples thoughts about SIBO and HCL levels in the stomach. Thats the path im looking into for my IBS.

Iam convinced that BB has a bad bacteria cause and no amount of brushing will remove it. As a lot of you probably do i was brushing about 10 times a day. I still brush about 4.

I have always had tonsil stones since i can remember. Its weird to even chat with people who know what these are. I have not had a tonsil stone since the antibiotic treatment. Im 100% sure that our tonsils do not produce them. Bacteria does. They always grew in the pits of my tonsils.

Its important to tell you guys that my bad breath started to return after the first treatment of Metro/amox but the second treatment really sorted it.

I was only treated twice because of other conditions i have not for the BB.

I was given fluconazole to reduce bloating i get with my IBS and it did reduce bloating. But it resumed shortly after. I dont think this had any effect on breath.

To this day my breath is not great but it is not like the open sewer it was at its worst.

The second dose of Metro did not help the IBS as much as the first. These things get RESISTANT.

I dont want to scare anyone but I think that my IBS/SIBO is related to my BB......and you would know if you had that. Proper IBS is much worse than BB trust me.

I know the pain you guys go through and mine has taken a dark road down the IBS path. Im doing ok but its getting worse.

I will try the HCL tablets and see if there is any digestion benefit. I am also going to look into the wisdom teeth issues. (I have all four wisdom teeth only half out of my gums). I might get them all taken out.

You have some wonderful posters on this site. I congratulate you. I noticed that most people report back. There is nothing so frustrating than people who dont update their trials.

Lastly be careful. Try and do things through a doctor. Do it yourself antibiotics isnt a good idea.

Regards Captain Kidd. Liverpool UK.

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 7:44 pm
by halitosisux
Hi kidd, just a few things to consider if you havent already done so:-
Have you been tested for helicobacter pylori?
Have you considered or been tested for TMAU?
Metronidazole reduces bacterial levels in the gut and this usually helps people with TMAU and secondary TMAU for a while. Metronidazole is also often used to deal with dental problems, such as abscesses and periodontal disease, so there might be some connection.
Also, hypochlorhydria can lead to some far reaching problems relating to your digestive system, including SIBO.
For what it takes, its worth ruling out your wisdom teeth when they are half sunken like that. Just one of mine resulted in 25 years of wasted life.

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 8:25 pm
by Susie
I tried this combination for 5 days (antibiotic) and 6 days (antifungal). I didn't notice any difference in my bb. Actually I think it got a little worse. But what I did notice is my stomach is feeling better. I used to feel like I had a big hernia all the time and now it only feels like a very small hernia. I'm wondering if it's not a hernia at all and just bacteria causing it to feel like that.

I'm thinking about ordering some antibiotics online to take for a longer period (CRINGE). I never thought I would do that but after my stomach started feeling better and my GI doc would only give me a short dose, I'm really thinking about taking matters in my own hands. (CRINGE CRINGE CRINGE) Don't recommend this for anyone!!

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 3:24 pm
by Kidd
halitosisux wrote:Hi kidd, just a few things to consider if you havent already done so:-
Have you been tested for helicobacter pylori?
Have you considered or been tested for TMAU?
Metronidazole reduces bacterial levels in the gut and this usually helps people with TMAU and secondary TMAU for a while. Metronidazole is also often used to deal with dental problems, such as abscesses and periodontal disease, so there might be some connection.
Also, hypochlorhydria can lead to some far reaching problems relating to your digestive system, including SIBO.
For what it takes, its worth ruling out your wisdom teeth when they are half sunken like that. Just one of mine resulted in 25 years of wasted life.

I have been tested for H Pylori twice. Once blood test the other time through biopsy during colonoscopy. Both times negative.

Im pretty sure I dont have TMAU. Mine was like something had died in my mouth rather than a 'fishy' smell.

Its pretty obvious that bb is caused by a type of bacteria in the mouth.

I think that some people with chronic BB have an underlying cause that promotes the bad bacteria to get a foothold.

All I know is that it took two doses of antibiotics to shift my BB. I have honestly no idea as to why. It felt as though it was gone but returned. Second time it went and didnt return.

I have probably always had some sort of low grade infection in my stomach which has promoted bacteria in my mouth and has spread to an area which now causes IBS. The antibiotics killed the concentration of bugs in my mouth but the gut bugs returned.

What causes the inflamation is unknown. It might even be the bacteria itself. or a Virus or Allergy or a body organ misfiring (hence the low hcl theory)?

PS it was only very recently they discovered the microscopic inflamation in IBS patients. Until then it was all about stress and yoga etc.

Just like ulcers were down to stress/lifestyle until they found the HPylori link.

Whoever cracks the code will be rich rich rich.

My point is that chronic BB for most of us is not about oral hygene. If it was we would have sorted it out years ago. Im living proof. There is deffo an underlying cause.

I'll look into a possible link with wisdom teeth.

By the way the periodontal inflamation didnt make any smell at all.