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Posted: Sat May 05, 2007 11:17 am
by noptical
snoopsister wrote:Do you guys think that probiotics would be good with vit.c? since the vitamin c is killing the bad bacteria perhaps the probiotics would be more receptive.
We don't know if the vitamin c is killing bad bactera (at least directly) and we don't know that we have vitamin deficiency. We only know that it works and we need to find out why, its early to jump to conclusions ;)

waitingforrelief wrote:i am taking some baking soda but was wondering if i had fecal breath for a few hours today because the baking soda nuetralized and destroyed the vit c?
Of course it does, you didnt read my previous post :P . Ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) is as you can see from its name an "acid" which means it has a PH less than 7 (ph=measure unit of acidity). Soda is a "base" which means it has a PH over 7 (up to 14). Mixing those two means that the base neutralizes up to a point, or even completely (depends on its ph) the acid and makes it useless. Stop using soda for a while and you'll see, its like lighting a fire and the pouring water on it.
7th grade chemistry ;) :P

Posted: Sat May 05, 2007 12:37 pm
by oneway

No, my calcium ascorbate was not the chewable kind but I tried to chew it because it seems like vitamin C in the mouth has a direct effect on oral bacteria. Most chewable kinds are ascorbic acid based. I am also prone to heartburn like you so I am cautious about trying this approach. Will keep you updated on my results.

Posted: Sat May 05, 2007 12:44 pm
by Jimi Stein
Well today I woke up and for the first time in my life I did not have that hairy feeling on my teeth. I feel I do not need to brush my teeth, I feel fresh. But like I said it is unwise for me to expect such drastic change and then the bb is coming back in ful l force.

But check this site of Dr. Rath - He cures everything with high doses of vitamins.

But I just saw he went commercial so the credibility is much lower for me.

Posted: Sat May 05, 2007 1:16 pm
by CyberchndriacNot
Jimi wrote:Well today I woke up and for the first time in my life I did not have that hairy feeling on my teeth. I feel I do not need to brush my teeth, I feel fresh. But like I said it is unwise for me to expect such drastic change and then the bb is coming back in ful l force.

But check this site of Dr. Rath - He cures everything with high doses of vitamins.

But I just saw he went commercial so the credibility is much lower for me.
Thanks for the link Jimi - an interesting read in fact much of what he says is supported by Dr Arien's disucssions and other research I've read. He says that to eliminate scurvy the sailors used to be given teas made from tree bark - maybe they do contain vit C afterall!

We should write to him and ask him if has done any research on Vit C and BB...

Supplements needed to combat BB I've pasted here from
Vitamin B A deficiency of B vitamins may be the cause of your bad breath, so try taking 50 mg of niacinimide with each meal, plus a high potency B complex tablet and 50 mg of B6 once a day.

Vitamin C in divided daily doses of 1,000 to 6,000 mg will help rid the body of excess mucus and toxins that may be the cause of bad breath.

Zinc A deficiency in zinc may be another cause; take 30 to 60 mg per day. Don't take more than 15 mg. of zinc for more than a week or ten days without medical supervision as high levels of zinc can interfere with the absorption of copper. (might explain why the zinc toothpastes work on some ppl)

In some cases a deficiency of vitamin B6 is the cause. Since B6 is not plentiful in foods, this deficiency occurs frequently.

Posted: Sat May 05, 2007 1:47 pm
by oceanside
Hello Members,

It's been only one week since we started this v-c experiment. The results thus far is extremely awesome. I have to say that I feel bad for WFR. Your stomach is Not handling the acid at all.

For Jimi, wow. But like you, I am so afraid and paranoid when the BB will return.

I am NOT claiming complete 100% relief as I fully understand that we, (I) have a chronic condition that, at best, can only be be managed and controlled, and not CURE until medicine comes to our rescue. Since we are left to fend for ourselves maybe using high dosage of v-c will bust the myth that it's bad for the body. We know that our bodies are weak, deficient, and unable to produce healthy oral bacteria to controll halitosis like ordinary people who take fresh breath, and only having to brush 2 twice a day for granted.

I am getting amazing relief, that I will admit. No side effects whatsover. My mouth still feels clean, no chronic fecal tast or odor 24/7. Woke up this morning and my mouth just taste "stale". It felt great.

It's still way too early to predict anything but I want to further explore combining Zinc with high dosage of V-C. Last year, Garrett suggested chewing on Zinc. It coated the tongue completely white like chalk. But it didn't do anything for us. Maybe we just didn't take the right amount.

Anyone have any feedback with combining other vitamins and mineral with VC? Zinc helps with immune system but in super high dosage it can counteract with the body with bad things.

Drink alot of water as a member reported that she lost 3 pounds. We know that VC is an antioxidant. Perhaps losing 3 pound is the body's way of getting rid of toxins (?).

Like WFR, my daily oral regimen is like ordinary people, brush teeth and tongue, raise w water, spit, then move on. It feels great to not have to spend 15 mintues in front of a mirrow doing all kinds of crazy things in my mouth just to have it stink up ten minits later.


Posted: Sat May 05, 2007 2:06 pm
by oceanside
CyberchndriacNot wrote:
Jimi wrote:Well today I woke up and for the first time in my life I did not have that hairy feeling on my teeth. I feel I do not need to brush my teeth, I feel fresh. But like I said it is unwise for me to expect such drastic change and then the bb is coming back in ful l force.

But check this site of Dr. Rath - He cures everything with high doses of vitamins.

We should write to him and ask him if has done any research on Vit C and BB...

Supplements needed to combat BB I've pasted here from
Vitamin B A deficiency of B vitamins may be the cause of your bad breath, so try taking 50 mg of niacinimide with each meal, plus a high potency B complex tablet and 50 mg of B6 once a day.

Vitamin C in divided daily doses of 1,000 to 6,000 mg will help rid the body of excess mucus and toxins that may be the cause of bad breath.

Zinc A deficiency in zinc may be another cause; take 30 to 60 mg per day. Don't take more than 15 mg. of zinc for more than a week or ten days without medical supervision as high levels of zinc can interfere with the absorption of copper. (might explain why the zinc toothpastes work on some ppl)

In some cases a deficiency of vitamin B6 is the cause. Since B6 is not plentiful in foods, this deficiency occurs frequently.
This are great suggestions, writing to Dr. Rath for help and suggestions as how to best find the right vitamins for us.

Posted: Sat May 05, 2007 3:35 pm
by Susie
Hey all,
I've taken this Vit. C for almost 2weeks and the coating on my tongue is alot less and it is starting to go from brown to white. And the smell on the tongue scraper is getting less.

I surprised to see someone had lost 3 pounds b/c I have lost 5lbs. When I did the oxygen chamber to try to help with this infection I lost 10 pounds in that 2 months and my eating habits were exactly the same. After the oxygen treatments were over I gained it back again very fast still having the same eating habits. I had always weighed 110lbs and when I started getting messed up from those root canals then I gained 10 pounds really fast. I believe the toxins were causing the weight gain and Vit. C is starting to clear some of them out.

If you do decide to pull those root canals you can get a bridge or a partial. I've had both and it did bother me at first but you get used to it. It doesn't bother me a bit now. If you are a very superficial person this might really bother you, but I would say for the normal average person this probably isn't going to impact one's life to much. And for those that it does they need to take some classes on why they don't accept themselves or people that aren't perfect!!


Posted: Sat May 05, 2007 3:38 pm
by CyberchndriacNot
oceanside wrote:
Since we are left to fend for ourselves maybe using high dosage of v-c will bust the myth that it's bad for the body.
Effects could be cumulative after long-term use. Don't you think that our kidneys could be potentially damaged; they'll burn out with all the extra processing they have to do won't they?
oceanside wrote:Drink alot of water as a member reported that she lost 3 pounds. We know that VC is an antioxidant. Perhaps losing 3 pound is the body's way of getting rid of toxins (?).
Yep, i think it's important that we increase our water intake as it will help to flush out the accumulated residue, but I still wonder how much vit C is too much? :-k

Posted: Sat May 05, 2007 4:10 pm
by oceanside
Susie wrote:Hey all,
I've taken this Vit. C for almost 2weeks and the coating on my tongue is alot less and it is starting to go from brown to white. And the smell on the tongue scraper is getting less.

I surprised to see someone had lost 3 pounds b/c I have lost 5lbs. When I did the oxygen chamber to try to help with this infection I lost 10 pounds in that 2 months and my eating habits were exactly the same. After the oxygen treatments were over I gained it back again very fast still having the same eating habits. I had always weighed 110lbs and when I started getting messed up from those root canals then I gained 10 pounds really fast. I believe the toxins were causing the weight gain and Vit. C is starting to clear some of them out.


So, you strongly feel losing 5lbs is the results of toxins flushed out of your system? Then that's a great thing. You must look sexier/hotter than ever :twisted: O:)

I am glad to hear the good news. My niece is also having improvement with her swollen ankle and water retention.

Keep us posted.


Posted: Sat May 05, 2007 4:12 pm
by snoopsister
Vitamin c is not harmfull! I actually ate m&ms at 2 am last night and went back to sleep. Usually that would mean serious foul morning breath. I woke this morning with stale breath instead! This is my 8th day and I am beyond ecstatic by the results. don't listen to the negative naysayers dudes.

Posted: Sat May 05, 2007 4:49 pm
by snoopsister
Let's do our mind a favor and live in the moment, no more projecting into future with "what ifs" I will continue to praise my higher power, you should do the same. John,
you are a selfless angel. You have been more than gracious and tolerant with some of us. we owe you a great deal of gratitude, not just because this is helping many of us, as will lavoris I hope, but because you never give up on trying to help as many people as you can. You are awesome dude! P.S. food tastes so good to me now, that my friends last night asked me if I was stoned because I was really enjoying the dinner :D

Posted: Sat May 05, 2007 5:01 pm
by KC
Bad smell on tongue is diminishing. But my bb still exists esp when the tablets are totally dissolved. I'm lookin for some tablets which can last a bit longer. Now I'm taking Redoxon and it dissolve completely within 5 minutes which make me very busy to put the tablet into my mouth every 5 minutes. After these few days experiment, my stomach seems get used of the acid, but sometimes still feel pain and got headache. But another side effect appears which is my tooth feel sour. But if vit c can helps us, I dun mind to remove all my teeth. I'm sure those so called expert dentists can at least do this job for me easily than find the cure of bb.

PS. Everything is harmful when you take too much. So try to increase the dosage step by step instead of taking high dosage of vit c suddenly.

Posted: Sat May 05, 2007 5:17 pm
by waitingforrelief
KC wrote:Bad smell on tongue is diminishing. But my bb still exists esp when the tablets are totally dissolved. I'm lookin for some tablets which can last a bit longer. Now I'm taking Redoxon and it dissolve completely within 5 minutes which make me very busy to put the tablet into my mouth every 5 minutes. After these few days experiment, my stomach seems get used of the acid, but sometimes still feel pain and got headache. But another side effect appears which is my tooth feel sour. But if vit c can helps us, I dun mind to remove all my teeth. I'm sure those so called expert dentists can at least do this job for me easily than find the cure of bb.

PS. Everything is harmful when you take too much. So try to increase the dosage step by step instead of taking high dosage of vit c suddenly.
i also started to get some toothache last night... i don't know what the solution might be - as i know brushing right after having acid will destroy the enamel even worse...

Posted: Sat May 05, 2007 5:17 pm
by Jimi Stein
Look one more suggestions

I used to have a lot of heartburn, and burping all the time and stuff. But I removed all my artifical toothpaste with fluoride. I am using only a mixture of 4 parts baking soda and 1 part salt and also a little bit of peroxide so the mixture becomes like a gel.

Baking soda is grat for heartburn. But just use for brushing the teeth and tongue.

Then I bought a water pick device that sprays water between the teeth - use instead of flossing and you can add a baking soda and clean your teeth.

And I suggest go wild with Vitamin C. I would be careful with high doses of Zink, it is still ametal so I am not sure if it is harmless.

Take as many Vit C so you get a diarrhea, then you should stop.
I do not have a heartburn afetr I started brushing with baking soda.

YOu can use water pik Braun device also for sinuses and add salt and baking soda. YOu have to add 1 spoon of salt (SALT HAS TO BE NATUIRA- check the health shops - no artificial ingredients) on 2 cups of water or your sinuses will burn

try this

or take calciumascorbat powder. I think that t is not so important to disolve it on the tongue, you can eat it also, because it works from the body - I think it affects the liver

Posted: Sat May 05, 2007 5:23 pm
by waitingforrelief
snoopsister wrote:Vitamin c is not harmfull! I actually ate m&ms at 2 am last night and went back to sleep. Usually that would mean serious foul morning breath. I woke this morning with stale breath instead! This is my 8th day and I am beyond ecstatic by the results. don't listen to the negative naysayers dudes.
hey snoopsister, i know that it's been working for you great, but pls also undersatnd that some people might have doubts and that it should be ok for them/us to have doubts. i myself know that it has helped me a lot, but i do have doubts, honestly. and i would like to be able to voice them here without being called a negative naysayer. besides the fact that i am experiencing side effects, and not getting complete relief from it, i do have questions about whether it's ok for my body to take so much vit c. and it's not because i want to rain on your parade - i think we should be able to ask legitimate questions here and exchange ideas.