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Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2013 3:21 am
by dick.karma
this is daily my regimen to somehow suppress toungue gunk buildup/smell

1. brush with electric toothbrush (min. 15secs per tooth!)
2. floss! and the tongue too to displace the gunk
3. scrape, i just usually use my fingernails for that lol
4. swab/rub tongue and roof of mouth with cotton ball with diluted hydrogen peroxide
5. gargle with water to eliminate aftertaste
5. gargle with bactidol

long term plan is to do cleansing first (parasite), checkup for gerd/ulcer/h pylori.

OT: few years ago, i remember my accupuncture doctor (chinese) telling me that i have ulcer. for the life of me i dont konw why i didnt have myself check for that immediately. that chinese doctor was able to remove the smell from my tongue (with lots of chinese med/tummy massage & needles stuck everywhere lol). i also remember me lying in that clinic and thinking how ridiculous it was to proceed with that kind of treatment. a few weeks later the toungue smell was gone and i couldnt believe it. i knew i still have bb but significantly reduced but there was no smell on my tongue, no gunk buildup either. too bad i have to leave that place and go back to my country :? and so it all came back, tongue gunk and all

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2013 5:34 pm
by BatmanLover
@juddgie- what the brand of chlorophyll are you using? How long did it takes to finally work?

makati medical center doctor

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 2:16 pm
by tryingToBeStrong

Can you please share the names of the doctors who helped you get cured? I want to go to a MMC doctor who wouldn't just say "you don't have a problem."

Badly need your help. Please reply. :(

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2013 3:35 pm
by ana86
so ****ing depressed because of my fart breath. i wish to god i can just smell it just so i know how bad it is. when i speak, even three meters away, they'd go, did you fart? i wish i were dead instead. i don't have a life anymore.
to anyone who reads this, i don't know if fellow pinoys still check this thread, please help. could you please give me your doctor's number? or pm me.

neti pot

Posted: Sat Mar 30, 2013 4:44 pm
by junopatch
hi kababayans,
i'm selling himalayan institute neti pots at 1600 PHP, this may not be the cure to your halitosis but it's worth the try and is a good investment for your health, contact me at (PM him)

Posted: Sat Mar 30, 2013 5:41 pm
by halitosisux
Should this be deleted or what?

Netipots are available everywhere. May I suggest clicking on the Amazon link below and get one from there and not from some spammer

Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2013 9:18 pm
by deebo
Junopatch . Please don't try to sell your wares here . Especially as your 1st post #-o . you can pm people directly or have them pm you , but sales attempts can be deleted /edited like Spam
:mrgreen: thanks so much


Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 5:12 am
by dick.karma
delete! and where's the ban hammer?

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 3:06 am
by jollibee1209
@ ana and trytobestrong. im so sry for a long time reply. i did try to look for my results of my medical before, but unfortunately i cannot find those reports anymore, the doctors name i have been with should be there for sure but it was long time gone because it wag 4 years ago :( . hes a guy in ENT kinda aged, and a strong looking guy in internal medicine. im sorry i really cant remember their names, even their faces....

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 4:25 am
by losinghope
Hi i'm new here, happy to find this forum, i've been looking around since i got this life changing situation but it seems that i always get into forums in other country's setting, i'm happy to have found this whose members are filipinos so i joined right away

I started noticing this when someone i sat beside with in an eatery said "something" when i talked, i knew it was me becuase she said that after i talked and we were sitting right beside each other and share the same table while eating

I brushed when i got home and its gone

I felt i should give my teeth a cleaning instead so i went to my dentist one saturday and i had them cleaned

I thought its the end of evrything, it became persisten, i also notice the smell, i thought the smell is coming fro n infected tooth so i visited another dentist, i had pasta all over, i had my upper left wisdom tooth pulled out, it cost me P1,000+. Again, i thought its the end of it

After, visiting 2dentist and have done almost everything, i notice i dojt smell toul already but i wonder why i still get same reactions from pipol i talked with tyats how i realized that iys becoming worse though i cant smell anything

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 4:52 am
by losinghope
Btw, ut started end of jan. 2013, its been 3-4mos. Of struggling, battling & looking for solutions, after iv had all the dentist could do solve this yet remained unsolved iv tried lookinh into tye internet for solutions, thats when i came to know that if its not the mouth that causes it there must be some medical condition underlying it.

Just in time that our office health card is expiring on mar.15, 2013 so i planned to use it, but it took me hard time in going to the doctor becuase i know my BB is getting really worst though i dont smell it, on the date of its expiration finally i went to the hospital to use my card & hav my general chek up, what i did was i go to the comfort room and have my mouth gargled with listerine all the time, and it didnt fail me, it cover up for a while

Btw, my chek up, includes urinalysis, blood chem, chest & lower back xray, whole ab ultrasound, ecg. Results just show that i have diffuse fatty liver infiltration which i think is not affecting my BB

that all last for half dae then, i , along with officemates moved to another hospital who is performing mri, i noticed after lunch that its attacking again even though i gargke and use candy

Having realized that the result of my medical have no connection with my BB i went to the EENT and told him my story all over again just likw what i have toldmy 2 dentists, when i told him on my researches like gerd acid reflux and tonsil stones, he checked my tongue and nose, he said i have tonsil stonesbut are just small and have mo cure for it he said that it will just go with when you cough but i dont believe bef. I am thinking there shld be a cleaning or something you can drink to make it loosen and take it away eventually, he gave me omeprazole for 2weekz it doesnt make diference, havent come back to him anymore

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 5:17 am
by losinghope
Bec im shy to ask anyone, i asked my husband if he can smell anything but he said no

I changed and my officemates notice it bec. I just get secretly angry with someone i treated as friend but not even bother to talk to me and tell me what they smell so i know where is it coming from

She even laugh with other officemates whenever they smell something, i'm not so sure but wtf im not stupid not to notice it in their gestures

Last mon. I got pissed for suspecting them making me subject of their laugh trips, i calm myself and earn guts then i talked to my boss regarding my problem and she's just so nice thta she lend me her ears, i asked for permission to go on leave and go through endoscopy and anything that could diagnose what i have that causes BB,

Ive been tested for h.pylori but its negative, it cost 1,090.. My endoscopy result is just gastritis, endoscopy costs 4,800 without sedation, my doctor said it was just gastritis ang i might just have a phobia which is called halitophobia, fear of having BB bec. You had them in the past but i havent had bad breath my entire life, she said she even asked thosewho assisted her for endoscopy but she said lioe her, her assistants have not noticed any foul smell from my mouth she even said that iy shpd. Be tye time that iys more obvious bec. I had fasting

I was just so disappointed bec. Im not stupid seeing people go away from me, cover their nose, smell their own breath, its true i domt mell it but why arethose gestures if theres nothing, id be glad hearing from her instead that she has not seen anything wrong from my stomach that may afek my BB she should have suggest me to have my sinus checked etc but not to tell me phobia wtf iv never been like this, im hapi person, i dont worry on things that are actually not there

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 6:13 am
by losinghope
It was last wk when i started to take acidophillus, i take 2caps at a time, at least 4times a day, i stopped bec. I feared that it could e causing my on and off fever, i dont actually saying that it really was causing it but it might so i stopped for a while, my leave from office now extends until this wk bec of my on amd off fever, i'm ok right now and i hope to be still ok until tonight, when i wake ip tomorrow and always so i could get back to work but if this persist until tonight, i'll go to the hospital

I want to start my cidophillus once again when i read some discussions on it in this forum yesterday

Please more help, i need permanent relief

This is causing so much trouble, i ask my hubby to buy evrythng, i dont want to talk to anyone, there's a vacant higher position in the office, i applied, if this persist, i'll take a leave on the day of exam and interview, i want to quit office ](*,)

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 6:23 am
by losinghope
Iv experienced having a metal-like taste in my mouth
I cured it with apple cider vinegar
Now i notice foul smell from my nose when i swallow, its like phlegm, i dunno, i want my sinus to be tested and cleaned, how is the procedure called, what kind of doctor to visit?

I also have white tongue, i tried scraping it with disposable spoon one time but it doesnt smell

Ive tried baking powder, salt gargle, drinking luke warm water, change in diet, exercise, mouth wash, evryyhng over the counter, notuing works, f*** that

Im praying so hard [-o<

Posted: Wed May 01, 2013 12:42 am
by dick.karma
hi losinghope! welcome to bbh forums

where did you have the h. pylori test and endoscopy procedures taken?

since you're new here, i suggest you read the older threads just to have an idea on what to try next, also cure some some.

as for well, i'm not cured yet :|