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Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 7:10 am
by me new account
During the day my stomach aches,burps, so I use Bismouth to relieve that.
In the night I can't sleep for hours, cause stomach content rushes up.
It's like that :

me too, so I take chewable peptos they help my bb and stomach
This is gonna sound wierd, but belive ir or not every time I take something like peptos for acid reflux or bismouth I actually feel like I get worst. I feel more acid and more gassy. Ironic!
Hi me,

Can you plz explain your saline flush, and how u do it, I have heard of a kind of saline flush, but not sure whether ur talking abt that or not, but if u have acid reflux, then that salt (NaCl) in it might make the acid worse. right?

u explained how your bb decreases when your intestines are empty, I have noticed that in myself. I'm actually looking for a safe way to keep my intestines clean and keep the bowel movement normal. this is really funny, but I can actually feel my bb decrease when I go to the restroom. lol

And what kind of surgery are you talking about?
Well I used to drink the Fleet professional saline flush solution, but they took it out of the market because it was causing kidney faliure. Then I started using Magnesium citrate solution from CVS, how ever I stopped using it for the reason mentioned in my last post. The only way you can get good results from it is if you completly empty your system. It's very hard to do because as soon as I ate something for me the smell would come back. I heard people on here saying that hey had success flushing their system just mixing water with salt, I guess is the same thing but I never really tryed it. I always used the ones from the store.Althoug is a hard process trying it once is not going to kill you.

When I said that the only thing for us was surgery, I was just saying that I dont think that just taking pills can cure us. I don't really think that right now theres a surgery out there for what we have because I dont think no one has looked into are problem. I think that what we have is a deformity wich is causing gases to go up to the stomach. If is not a deformity, then it would have to be that we are not secreting somthing or some organ is not working well or I don't know what else is causing gas to go up. In wich case then there would be a pill for us althou I'm not sure they invented it yet. Still I think is more likley that something is out of shape inside of us and for that I think the only thing is surgery.

Hope I answerd your question, and not confused you more.

fecal breath

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2010 7:04 am
by giovrics
I feel so sad when i read all ur post here..this might help..goldenseal 500mg 3 times a day with vit e two times a day for 20 less and enough rest.try to research wat is goldenseal all cures me..but please eat less as u can.

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2014 10:45 pm
I open up this thread again,that's the problem stomach or throat.....Forget it, it is not in your mouth if you have chronic bb and it smells like shit.That's why brushing teeth,rinse your mouth won't help.....

Just my thoughts,peace