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Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 12:11 am
by dreamweaver
I've been on an almost zero carb diet myself for the past couple of weeks and I see an improvement as well. Post nasal drip is pretty much gone. Tongue is pinker, with not much coating, except in the morning when I wake up. Saliva flow is better as well. I have cut out all direct forms of sugar such as fruit, candy, dessert, etc. Only sugar I'm getting right now is carrot juice in the morning with protein powder, one piece of yeast-free bread made from spelt, and some sugar from pecans, walnuts, etc.
I have increased intake of meat. I should increase intake of veggies as well.

Although I do see a difference, it's still not enough for me to feel comfortable about talking to someone face to face. I hope I'll get to that point soon.

For those who are also on this diet, have any of you lost weight? I'm a skinny guy and hate to lose weight. I'm finding it hard to maintain my weight on this diet. Any suggestions?

Phineas, if you try to stay away from dairy, you'll probably see an even bigger difference. Try it and let us know how it goes.

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 10:30 pm
by fthis
Okay so I've been on this diet for something like 5 days and every day I'm improving, I can't remember the last time I felt this happy and confident with myself. I finally can go out. People aren't touching their noses all the time anymore. It's amazing. I never thought this could be possible. I suggest you give it a try!
With me it seems like it's mostly bread and starchy stuff that was giving me severe BB, I seem to tolerate fruit, but not regular store bought milk or cheese, I'm trying to get my hands on some milk kefir cultures

Hang in there people, there's a cure for everyone.

Fight the cause, not the symptoms!

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 12:33 am
by Archimonde
I've never seen so many success stories in the same thread, this could be the real deal. I'm on my 4th day of 0 carb but in my case, it's way too early to tell, it always takes at least 2 weeks for the ROTTEN EGG smell to go away. You people who see improvement after only 2-3 days must have mild bb.

I think the reason i didn't improve more than 50% when i was on a raw food diet for 4 months was because i ate 5-10 bananas a day.. which happen to be the fruit with the highest amount of carb. Bananas were like 50% of my diet since they're so cheap.

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 12:34 am
by Archimonde
fruits highest in carb, should be avoided completely: all dried fruits, bananas, grapes, mangos.

lowest in carb: all berries (by far the lowest), apples, melons, peaches, grapefruit, pears

everything else has medium amount, so should be eaten with moderation or avoided: oranges, pineapple, kiwi

all vegetables have low amount of carb except tubbers: potatoes, yam, squash, etc.

Grains, pasta, bread, cereal, etc is nothing but carbs. All meat have 0 carb.

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 12:43 am
by TeamZissou
Archimonde would you be willing to post your no/low-carb diet meal by meal? Obviously it's different everyday, but a typical day.

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 1:42 am
by Archimonde

In the last 3 days, i've had 2 meals a day, one is fish (trout or salmon) other is beef, in larger than usual quantities. That's it, there's no other way to completely avoid carbs while being satiated and getting the recommended daily intake of calories.That's going to be my diet for the next 2-3 weeks to see if i improve. If it does work, i'll add veggies and low-carb fruits. As other people proved in this thread, you don't need to go to the length i'm going to see results, you can still eat things that aren't meat. I'm just experimenting in the extreme for now. If my bb is the same in 3 weeks or so without eating any carb whatsoever, at least i can rule out, in my case, carbs as the cause.

I always thought meat was one of the worst food for BB but it's possible it was the carbs i ate with meat (such as potatoes, rice, bread, etc) that actually worsen my breath, not the meat itself. Who eats meat without anything else?

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 1:56 am
by TeamZissou
Thanks. I don't think I would be able to eat only meat for more than a day or two, let alone get enough calories from it, but if you are able to to observe the results, then it should be educational at least. Hope you see some improvement.

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 2:14 am
by fthis
Archimonde wrote:I've never seen so many success stories in the same thread, this could be the real deal. I'm on my 4th day of 0 carb but in my case, it's way too early to tell, it always takes at least 2 weeks for the ROTTEN EGG smell to go away. You people who see improvement after only 2-3 days must have mild bb.

I think the reason i didn't improve more than 50% when i was on a raw food diet for 4 months was because i ate 5-10 bananas a day.. which happen to be the fruit with the highest amount of carb. Bananas were like 50% of my diet since they're so cheap.
Believe me my BB was anything but mild...I couldn't talk to anyone without them backing up, couldn't even sit next to anyone...whenever I drank some water I could smell myself for a couple of seconds and it pretty much smelled like pure raw sewage.
I used to consume loads of pasta and bread, cause I thought those were the least responsible for my bad breath, but I was very wrong. I am a vegetarian, but I think I will have to start eating meat, since tofu is also not recommended. Anyways this the diet I'm following Bananas are allowed but only very ripe ones...

Anyways people, try it! :-$

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 2:17 am
by fthis
Archimonde wrote:
I always thought meat was one of the worst food for BB but it's possible it was the carbs i ate with meat (such as potatoes, rice, bread, etc) that actually worsen my breath, not the meat itself.
exactly. #-o

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 1:49 pm
by deebas
Can I ask if everyone who went on the low-carb diet drank alcohol (which of course has a lot of carbs)?

Thats what sunk my low-carb diet

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 11:08 am
by Larc400
I'll go with this diet for 2 weeks starting tmrw 8)

...will report back with a review 8)

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 4:59 pm
by dreamweaver

good link. I actually was on this diet, an even stricter one actually, for the past few weeks. I noticed a reduction in PND, but didn't really notice a difference BB, maybe a slight difference. Only problem with me is, I couldn't continue the diet b/c I was losing a lot of weight. And that's one thing I hate to do is to lose weight, cause i'm a skinny guy to begin with. So, for the past week, I've given up somewhat on the diet and i've started eating more carbs. Maybe I'll get back on the diet once I've gotten some of the weight back.

But definitely give this a try. I hope you see improvement. It can get a little challenging though after the first couple of weeks. So, just keep your head up and keep committed.

Good luck.

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 7:35 am
by Archimonde

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 7:45 am
by iva

have u tried 0 protein diet (fasting)? Actually when I fasting+taking nexium my breath had improved. Bad news is it can`t last too long..

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 8:46 am
by Archimonde