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metrogyl 200

Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......
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Post by guzler »

hello, john, i would like to ask you somthing since you live in the us like me. i have purchased metrgyl 200 from pharmacie on line, is this safe ? with no perscription also how was the germ x is doing for you is it stii working thank you john.

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Post by jonnyath » ... s/text.htm

A bit more reading for everyone.

Oceanside did you get your Metro to try out?

Noptical what about you?

Austuser, how much did it cost you? I paid $6.70 in 05, $9.90 in 06 for the box I didn't need. Wondering how much they are now. Don't be so negative just do the whole course.

Baguio, the symptoms you felt are documented rare side effects that Metronidazole has on some people, shame it didn't do the job for you, very disappointing.

Coeric, just because it didn't work for Baguio doesn't mean you should give up before you try it, you are a different person and we all respond to treatments in different ways.

Guzler, I had no idea you can buy prescription drugs online !! How do you get a prescription then to justify the purchase ? Did you still have to see a doctor for the prescription first ? Excuse my ignorance in advance.

Waitingforrelief, sewer breath is sewer breath and that's it in a nutshell for what I had, I was not ignorant that I had bad breath I was just unaware as to how BAD it was. A blessing from what I am reading on this forum.

A bit more info to add, I still have a slightly whitish tongue, but i have always had a drip down the back of my throat way before I had sewer breath, I had my tonsils out when I was 7 or 8 as it was done to most children here in south oz back in the seventies, I no longer am fastidious with my oral hygiene as I used to be now that I dont have sewer breath, which is not good in a way but nonetheless adds weight to the argument that you can only brush, floss, rinse so much.

I believe 90% of bad breath sufferers are just slack with oral hygiene but can't see it but also there are the 10% of us out there who need a bit of extra help, which is what Jimi is trying to do so I am glad to have stumbled on this forum and hopefully be of some use.

The anerobic bugs are actually meant to be there in your tongue it is just that the balance tips the wrong way which is where the Metro comes in by knocking them around a bit (it thumps anerobic and aerobic single cell bacteria) so that when they all get back on their feet they are all minding their manners like they should be. I have done a lot of reading in the last few hours so this is a simple way of putting it as I understand it.

By the way I am in the construction industry not in the pharmaceutical industry so I am not here trying to plug Metronidazole as it is a generic drug sold under many brand names much the same way as paracetamol.
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Post by noptical »

I havent got metro yet. I'll visit my gastro sometime soon and ask him for it.

Thanks for staying here and giving us all that precious info :D
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Post by coeric »

guzler wrote:hello, john, i would like to ask you somthing since you live in the us like me. i have purchased metrgyl 200 from pharmacie on line, is this safe ? with no perscription also how was the germ x is doing for you is it stii working thank you john.
is that the fda approved rx site? im looking at it now... antibiodics without prescription. strange. i wonder if its real.
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Post by oceanside »

coeric wrote:what i believe people with hardships ought to do is simply live as best they can. use everything you were given to fight for life, up until your last breath. then you know that you went out trying. and when you pass from this world, hope that you made some positive mark during your time here, instead of just living for yourself.

there is a verse in the bible that states, " the lord is sympathetic to those who have suffered."
Great words, Coeric. Very well said. I like your positive outlook and hope.

I am doing ok with the soap. It still works but as I had said, I have to eat ever few hours and when food enters my mouth, BB back with a vengence. So it's very hard for me to keep my mouth clean because I have a medical condition.

If you can get a prescription of Metronidazole from your doctor, that's the only way to be sure that medication is genuine. Otherwise buying from the internet without FDA regulated approval maybe nothing but sugar pills, placebo effects at best.

I was able to pursuade my doctor to prescribed me the medication today. 250mg 3x a day, 7 day treatment.

It is doing as it was designed. Breath is clean within 3hrs of administering my first dosage. But I will hold off any celebration for now as I was premature in celebrating with the soap. I hope a month from now, two months from now, six months from now, I can truly sing out with joy and delight. Celebrating freedom and cry out freedom at last, I am free at last.

I at lease know that for the next week or so I will have clean breath and will take full advantage of the small window of freedom to joyfully talk with people face to face, laugh out loud, smile with genuine happiness, and not worry about myself. It's nice to be able to feel this way. I forgot how it felt to be happy and feel comfortable with myself around others. I had a very nice day today with people around me.

jonnyath, may I join you in hoping that all of us may someday be set free from our imprisonment as you were? That's my hope and my desire for all of us.

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Post by coeric »

glad you got it so quick john. i like your detailed analysis too. please keep us updated on how it works for you.
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Post by noptical »

coeric wrote:glad you got it so quick john. i like your detailed analysis too. please keep us updated on how it works for you.
Yeap we would really like to know which symptoms disappeared, which disappeared, how do you feel your mouth, how about dry mouth etc.
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Post by austuser »

i personally still have a coated tongue but there just aint no bacteria in it. I even had two coffees today and still great. Woke up with a stale mouth which dissapeared in about 15 minutes, after i ate funnily enough.

I think everyone should try it, because who knows, it may work indefinately for a small number of us....
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Post by coeric »

i was just about to order it online but will wait for another update from john. side effects are another issue. if his... head hasn't fallen off of his shoulders, then ill buy it.
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Post by oneway »

I didn't realize Metronidazole was flagyl. I have been prescribed flagyl several times throughout my life for instestinal infections due to travel and I never noticed any effect on my breath.

The only internal pill that worked for me with no change in oral hygiene or diet was primal defense probiotics. This was when I took a therapeutic dosage of 6 tablets a day.Then I read that primal defense contained spores that might be harmful to your general health. I also thought I was cured of BB and stopped taking them. BB eventually came back. Here is some information on soil organisms.. ... rning.html

Probiotics at high doses really help with my BB. However, I am yet to find another probiotic that does not cause constipation at high doses. The search continues...
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Post by KL »

Hi guys.

Is there any way we can have Metronidazole in USA without prescrptions? .

I have study the mechanism of action against anaerobic bacteria, it seems that it could work to eliminate them. All method we have use so far it is to control the anaerobic bacteria that produce sulfide compounds, If we keep the bacteria in our mouth or system, the problem will come again. The food we eat is also a nutrient for them, and they grow pretty fast. it could be a chance that Metronidazole kill them.

I will wait for an aswer of buddies here in the state.
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Post by john »

i think you can buy metronidazole online here!
No Prescription Required Before You Buy Metronidazol

Jimi Stein
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Post by Jimi Stein »

I think we should not advertise these sites that are selling meds without prescription. It may be dangerous.

So in the future do not plug such shitty sites.
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Post by oceanside »

KL wrote:Hi guys.

Is there any way we can have Metronidazole in USA without prescrptions? .

I have study the mechanism of action against anaerobic bacteria, it seems that it could work to eliminate them. All method we have use so far it is to control the anaerobic bacteria that produce sulfide compounds, If we keep the bacteria in our mouth or system, the problem will come again. The food we eat is also a nutrient for them, and they grow pretty fast. it could be a chance that Metronidazole kill them.

I will wait for an aswer of buddies here in the state.

Apparently you can get generic flagyl 200mg for $42, 30pills online. I never know that. For those without medical insurance, that's what these internet pharmacies are for. I guess if you can't offord to see a doctor due to non-insurance coverage, than you gotta do what you gotta do.
Metronidazole is an antibiotics that is metabolized by the liver and primarily used for the treatment of anaeorobic bacterial infection in the intestinal tracts. That makes a lot of sense. We have an overflow of anaeorobic bacterial intestation primarily in on our tongue but it has to have its origin somewhere, perhaps down in our internal system and works it way up to our tongue? Because apparently, metronidazole is working magically in destroying anaeorobic bacteria that is primarily the cause of my halitosis.

Yes, I've read maybe three sufferers reported being successfully relieved of halitosis while on the treatment, but as soon as the treatment was over, bad breath/anaeorobic bacteria back with a vengence. So we know there is a medically viable way to kill these bacteria. Science has not approved this intervention but, they are not aware of halitosis like we are. That's why my doctor said that "it was a shot in the dark" which meant he doesn't beleive it would work, but we know doctors has been wrong many times, LOL.

I think the best way to restrict the regenerative/recolonization of anaeorobic bacteria is a daily maintenance dosage of metronidazole. After a complete 7 day treatment, a one a day pill is needed to keep them from coming back. Yes, long-term risk and side effects are a concern but we need to somehow get the medical field to accept this approach as a viable way to treating chronic halitosis. I will write to Ms. Key of Tyra Banks to suggest to her this is what we need science to help us with.

Also, Laura Hart has agreed to appear on Tyra Banks to advocate a cure for us. In doing so she will make sure that our problem will be addressed by science. She asked me to write a plan of attack, what kind of help we are asking for from Tyra, present our strategy so that we have the power of the media on our side. Your suggestion, ideas, and input is needed b/c this involves all of us. So think clearly about it.

I am not using the soap and swish becaue i want to allow metronidazole to have 100% effect on my system and bacterial eradication.

So far this is the best intervention that I've encountered for treating halitosis. Yes, its been only one day and I still have six more days of treatmen to go. Maybe I'll be lucky like jonnyath and anaeorobic bacteria in my system will be completely destroyed, but if it comes back the best way to deal with it is a daily maintencance dosage. A dialy maintainence dosage is feasible, acceptable, if pharmacutical company can come up with a design to take full advantage of effacacy, satety, and long-term benefits. I will also talk with my doctor to suggest allowing me a daily dosage. He won't agree with me, but never know.

What do you guys think?

Jimi Stein
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Post by Jimi Stein »


Do you get any pain in liver after taking antibiotics?

I used to take one for my tooth infection and I could not go thru to the end becuas I was in pain after taking it.

Is it just me or others experience the same problems?
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