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Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 3:00 am
by bbforyears

Hi. Wow, that was awesome of you to post your pics...Unbelievable! Congrats on finally ending your nightmare!

I have one question for you tho-- I noticed you mention people telling you that you have bb.....did you smell this or taste this yourself?

I had the opposite problem...I could smell my bb and taste it really strong but the people I asked could never smell it.

Just curious about that one!

Thanks for your awesome posts!

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 6:48 am
by KeepTrying09
mindyb wrote:Hi guys...
Well thanks to the posts of KeepTrying and BBforyears... I went to the assistant of a Gastro doctor. After all the doctors and dentists I've seen, I had the most wonderful experience there. They were cordial, friendly and really listented to me. First off, its so embarrassing to say I have bad breath and I don't know why. But they saw my turmoil and kinda looked at me like you are just coming to us now? Anyways, she took my hand and said we are going to try and find what is causing you this taste, breath and pain in your life.
Congratulations mindyb!!! That is fantastic you found a doctor who is so compassionate and determined about finding the cause of your bad breath!
mindyb wrote:I am set to have my endoscopy on Dec. 17th. They put me asleep and the procdure will take 1.5-2 hrs.
Hehe, my doctor told me she could put me to sleep as well if I wanted, but I chose to do the local anesthetic. I wanted to see the tv monitor and video as she moved the tube down my throat and into my stomach. It was an uncomfortable feeling, but I remember clearly being able to see all the white patches in my esophagus just as my doctor could. It was kind of interesting to watch in a weird way.
mindyb wrote:I showed her my checklist of things that were ailing you guys from this community I belong to... She was interested and said the doctor would look for all those things (candida, bile, HH, etc.) and she said she'd do the impedance test next if the endoscopy came back normal.
If anything turns up on the endoscopy report, could you please post photos of it here like I did with mine? The more photographic evidence we have of this the better.
mindyb wrote:Wish me luck that this will help me discover and treat my root of bb!!!!
Good luck, I really hope you are able to find out the cause of your bad breath! I hope December 17th is the day you will finally get some answers! I will eagerly be awaiting your update! :D

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 6:51 am
by KeepTrying09
bbforyears wrote:KeepTrying,

Hi. Wow, that was awesome of you to post your pics...Unbelievable! Congrats on finally ending your nightmare!
Thanks :D
bbforyears wrote:I have one question for you tho-- I noticed you mention people telling you that you have bb.....did you smell this or taste this yourself?
I couldn't smell my own breath at all, nor could I taste anything abnormal.
bbforyears wrote: Thanks for your awesome posts!
You're welcome. It's my pleasure. :D

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 4:18 pm
by KeepTrying09
Snobuni wrote:Hi Keeptrying,

What was your dosage of biozole? And how often did you take it during the day?
Ok, I got the info from the hospital today. I took 200mg of Biozole for 14 days, one pill per day.

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 5:28 pm
by mindyb
I will definitely post my photos from my endoscopy whether its normal or abnormal.
I have so many candida symptoms, but those symptoms are very common. I do have to say, I have the worst memory in the past 5 years. I'm always tired, but I also have a toddler to chase after.
That is interesting, I may call to see if I can do the local ana. instead of being put to sleep. I'm over discomfort factor, I like to see what's going on!
They made it seem like that is the only way to do the endoscopy.
I'm not putting my eggs all in this basket, as I've been let down so many times before on whats causing this. However, I have to at least check and then I can check it off my list of possibilities! ](*,) :D

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 3:48 am
by KeepTrying09
mindyb wrote:I'm not putting my eggs all in this basket, as I've been let down so many times before on whats causing this. However, I have to at least check and then I can check it off my list of possibilities! ](*,) :D
That's the best thing to do, just go down the list until you find the cause, and you WILL find the cause, even if it's not a Candida infection. There are a lot of things that an endoscopy can discover, such as bile in the stomach, h. pylori, inflammation of the esophagus or stomach, a bad valve between the stomach and the esophagus, etc.... All of these things can cause bad breath as well, so it is very good to have an endoscopy done. You can check many things off your list after you have it :D

I do wish you the best of luck though for Dec. 17th, either way you will get some answers on that day :D

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2009 4:27 pm
by Snobuni

I was wondering, was your candida ever painful, did you suffer with frequent sore throats at all?

Posted: Sun Nov 22, 2009 7:42 pm
by KeepTrying09
Snobuni wrote:Keeptrying,

I was wondering, was your candida ever painful, did you suffer with frequent sore throats at all?
Aside from the periodic strep throat and tonsillitis I used to get up until I had my tonsils out, I had no idea there was any kind of constant infection in my throat.

I did always have the feeling of a lump in my throat, kinda like food was not going all the way down and was getting stuck in the esophagus. Not sure if that was from the Candida or the Acid Reflux. I know I have acid reflux because I still have heartburn sometimes, even to this day....

Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2009 8:04 am
by jiazzsy
awesome post bro.....i could relate to a lot of things in your posts...whenever I drink beer...I have the worst breath .... maybe I should give up on alcohol totally and then get a candida test done...I remember taking flucanazole a long time ago but I used it without any pattern after reading in a magazine that it could treat bad breath...does that mean I would now have medicine resistant candida....looking forward to more posts with pics..that would help us all immensely as we can immediately relate to it

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2009 12:12 pm
by john
in 1990 i had a endoscopy and they found a fungus (candida?) in my oesaphagus. i remember i got a botlle with fluid to drink.
is it possible that the candida is coming back?
maybe i just should buy the anti candida capsules online!

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 4:19 am
by KeepTrying09
jiazzsy wrote:I remember taking flucanazole a long time ago but I used it without any pattern after reading in a magazine that it could treat bad breath...does that mean I would now have medicine resistant candida....
Hey jiazzsy,

I surely hope you don't have medicine resistant candida now! That is why I HIGHLY recommend anyone who suspects a Candida infection causing their bad breath go to their doctors and have a test for Candida first. If your doctor won't do it, just find another doctor who will. Maybe your insurance won't pay if you go to a doctor out of your network, but haven't you spent a lot of money already on all kinds of "treatments" and "cures" that haven't worked? I think spending extra money is necessary sometimes...

I wish you luck though in your search for a cause. :D If Candida is indeed the reason for your bad breath, I am sure that anti fungal medications will take care of the problem for you, along with changing your dietary and lifestyle habits :D

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 4:28 am
by KeepTrying09
john wrote:in 1990 i had a endoscopy and they found a fungus (candida?) in my oesaphagus. i remember i got a botlle with fluid to drink.
is it possible that the candida is coming back?
maybe i just should buy the anti candida capsules online!
Hey John,

Wow, that was almost 20 years ago. I would imagine that you don't have a copy of that test result available to scan and upload to this website for everyone to view. But if you do have a copy, it would be great if you could scan it and share it with the rest of us... :D

If you are having bad breath now, it is very possible that the Candida came back. The only way you can know for sure is if you have another endoscopy done. I would recommend getting that first before you buy any anti candida capsules online. A lot of those pills they sell online are just herbal supplements, and I have read many things about Candida. It is VERY difficult to get rid of once you have it. I usually don't believe in taking chemical drugs as I try to take natural supplements, but for Candida, I believe anti fungal medications are absolutely necessary to kill off the fungus. While I don't believe the natural herbs are as effective as the prescription drugs to kill it off, I do believe that certain foods and herbs are necessary to keep it from coming back.

Good luck :D

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 5:01 am
by Archimonde
I don't know wether to believe this or not but there's a study by a University that showed that coconut oil is the most effective way to kill candida. This other website claims that it's more effective than Diflucan which i find very hard to believe. ... dinalpos=1

I've started taking it 3 days ago til i can get my hands on Diflucan. I do feel a bit nauseous and get headache after taking coconut oil, so it's definitely a potent antifungal.

This woman who runs the website and the yahoo candida group swears by coconut oil. She seems to be the candida 'expert' on the web, there are several testimonials of people who cured their candida following her protocol. I think she's legit. She doesn't push products down your throat, and her advices are sound and logical compared to the things i read on Curezone. Her diet is the most restrictive i've seen tho. Her protocol is pretty much: very low carb diet + coconut oil. That's what i'm doing at the moment. Once i get Diflucan, i'll stop taking coconut oil but stay on the diet. Once i'm off Diflucan, i'll take coconut oil again, it is food after all.

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 6:15 am
by KeepTrying09
Archimonde wrote:I don't know wether to believe this or not but there's a study by a University that showed that coconut oil is the most effective way to kill candida.
It's so funny you mentioned that Archie, because Coconut Oil was going to be my next post over in the General about Bad Breath Section. Really great job on searching around the internet for information about beating Candida! :D

I plan on writing several Bad Breath Reports on everything I have found out about Candida and Bad Breath and posting those reports over in the General about Bad Breath Section. I already posted my first report about Probiotics and how they help fight off Candida. You can read it at viewtopic.php?t=2556. It's a little long, but worth the read.

I'll post the one about Coconut Oil probably today or tomorrow. But in a nutshell, you are correct, coconut oil is a great weapon in the fight against Candida! It's just I believe that if you have a Candida Infection, you must take the anti fungal medications first to kill it off, then you can start using all the natural things to prevent it from coming back. :D

But yeah man, keep taking the coconut oil for sure! Make sure it's Virgin Coconut Oil though. You will get used to eating it after a week or so. I actually eat coconuts here in Thailand almost everyday, but of course they are cheap here. You can buy them for about 10 baht, which is the equivalent of 0.30 American cents or 0.18 British pence.

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 9:46 am
by meowkity1
We may all finally be on to something here.
antifungal cream has practicaly wiped my bb away unexpectedly.
I have all of the symptoms, And if it turns out positive I will be so mad at myself because years off embarrassment could have been prevented .
And i guess that is how ill feel no matter what my diagnosis is,