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Post by Bbc »

Mike 987 - I'm glad you're giving it a try. Nothing to lose. You could even try user's dosage (150 mg morning and night, more so because you feel that the acidity is worse during the day). And as I keep screaming, don't forget the diluted h2o2 rinse/gargle. They work together. And if you haven't used it before, don't get put off by it's gassy smell.

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Post by compor »


I had a job interview so in despair I started using metronidazole, zantac, H2O2 gargle, vitamins, and 2 different probiotic pills. The interviewer touched his face sometimes while I was talking but I wasn't sure if it was because of the bb or only just a habit cause I didn't notice any other reactions (covering his nose, frowning or moving back). After a while I stopped focusing on that. I really want this job, hope they don't eliminate me because of the smell which they might have noticed.

On a side note, metronidazole used to cure me 100% in the past. Maybe bacteria got immunity. Well can't do anything now, interview is over, what's done is done. It could be another addition to "list of missed opportunities" :?

I remember reading about H2O2 gargle here in the forums. They said it might be dangerous to use it more then a few weeks (even in diluted form). What do you think, dolittle?

I'm very happy for you Bbc :) Live your life, go social
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Post by cambodian_girl »

I'm only taking Zantac. I hate taking 2 products at the same time, I want to know what really works, no assumptions. That's just me though, do your own thing.

It's like those posts from Ahmad a.k.a Prince with a list of 30 products.. dude, really?
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Post by mike987 »

I had used H2O2 in the past, but it seemed to either make my breath worse, or give me a different kind of breath... maybe it was drying out my tongue.. I don't know. Anyway, I detected a kind of musty breath that I had at first thought was someone else (didn't think I had that breath), but then noticed it more than a few times in a few different environments.

More recently, I had been tossing a tiny bit of it into the water pik, but not rinsing with it.

Are you guys using Food Grade or what? I'm going to have to order some food grade anyway (want to try the inhalation), but I'm wondering what kind you're using for the rinse..
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Post by girlie girl »

Ok, day 3 on Zantac, but also taking D-Lemonene for stomach soothing. Breath has improved, but not gone, not by a long shot. Lump in throat and PND don't seem as bad either. I will keep at it for 21 days to see if it can help.
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Post by Bbc »

Girliegirl - good to hear you've started on Zantac. If your bb is very severe, you may want to take 300 mg per day for the first few weeks. It would also be advisable not to take anything else at the same time - never know how two things react.

I'm reasonably sure you'll see positive results in less than 10 days. AND DON'T FORGET THE H2O2 gargle, 30 seconds morning and night.
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Warning: Zantac interactions...

Post by potty_mouth »

Hi all,
I just want to draw everyone's attention to possible adverse interactions between Zantac and other drugs. I'm sure this kind of warning is on the packaging but worth mentioning here.
Zantac is known to inhibit a number of enzymes in Cytochrome P450 pathway, which is a common drug metabolism pathway. So if another drug you are taking is removed via this pathway by your liver, then you could end up overdosing while taking Zantac. Best to check with your doctor before taking Zantac, if you are on any other meds. In particular, if you are on any of these drugs... stop taking Zantac now! ...warfarin, theophylline, phenytoin, lidocaine, quinidine, propranolol, labetalol, methadone, metoprolol, tricyclic antidepressants, some benzodiazepines, dihydropyridine calcium channel blockers, sulfonylureas, metronidazole, and some recreational drugs such as ethyl alcohol and methylenedioxymethamphetamine. So not advisable to take Zantac while drinking alcohol or taking MDMA or other methamphetamines either.

Having said all that [breaths in], i think this is a great discovery and one which we need to discuss further. As said on the other thread, i have recently discovered that I have GERD and an ulcer, despite having no burning sensations that would normally indicate reflux.

It would be interesting to discuss with a doctor whether the anti-halitosis action of Zantac in some people is due to its action on acid production alone, or maybe some other side-effect. e.g. H2 receptors are also found in elsewhere in the body (including the immune system) and H2 antagonism (the effect of Zantac) should (according to wikipedia) increase antibody synthesis, T-cell proliferation and cytokine production. All of which would be beneficial for fighting a chronic infection.

I will be taking a different anti-GERD drug ("Pariet") alongside you guys and will report back if the effects are the same. So far, I have noticed little improvement in my breath. I will try a bit of H2O2 as well, to see if the combo works.

Thanks again to Bbc. Here's hoping this is the answer for at least some of us :)
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Post by potty_mouth »

Just to reiterate... don't take Metronidazole and Zantac together! (see above)
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Post by compor »

Hey potty_mouth,

That explains why metronidazole has not been curing my bb. I thought the bacteria got immunity. I'lll stop taking zantac and see how it goes.
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Post by potty_mouth »

Hey Compor,
Well if anything I would expect the Zantac to make the level of Metronidazole in your blood to be higher than the recommended dose, by the drug not being metabolised away in the normal way.
I think that metronidazole does cause resistance, as quite a few people have tried it and said it worked but only for a short period. I too have tried it (not with Zantac), and it seemed to work for a few days on my throat BB and stinky saliva (but I still got reactions, because i think I have nasal BB too). But the smelly saliva started to return before the end of the 7 day course.

Anyway, good luck Compor. Maybe it will work for you this time.
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Post by mike987 »

Bbc, are you using food grade hydrogen peroxide?

What about 5HTP serotonin supplement at the same time as Zantac?

Actually I'm taking all kinds of things right now... Vitamins, DHA, Iron, a couple Probiotics, 5HTP, just took L Glutamine and N acetyl glucosamine this morning and will continue taking that... A sinus allergy steroid medication, .... ugh. I'm up on the pills... Also taking a small amount of Creatine for my workouts (seems to help me keep some weight on) Most of these things are twice a day, so I'm always shoveling pills in my face.

Received the Zantac today and would like to start that tonight.
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Post by potty_mouth »

Hey Mike,
The proper advice with drug interactions is ask your doctor. From what I can find out, Zantac only interacts with CYP450 enzymes and these are only implicated in metabolism of lipids, steroidal hormones, and xenobiotic substances (drugs and other toxic chemicals). Everything on your list looks ok except the steroid medication. Certainly check the label for more info, but I'd ask the doc before combining those two.
Also, you should be taking vit B6 with 5HTP to help it become active as serotonin. Has it been working, BTW?
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Post by mike987 »

Well I took it last night.. Stomach felt alright in the morning, though I woke up much earlier than usual because I had a morning meeting... Later I took a crap and it was the same as usual after I awake.

Throughout the day I still had these burps, hours after eating, that seem really large... that is, it felt like there was a bunch of air inside meand when I let it out, it just kept coming...

I think this is what happens when I don't have food in my stomach within 3 hours.. It happens all the time.

I don't know if my breath smelled bad today or not (it probably did) but I do know I was putting off a strong sweaty smell (I notice it whenever I lift my arms)... I had been doing that for the last week.. I don't know why... Kids were definitely reacting, though my breath could have been int he mix too... My mouth was really dry.

Never taught these kids before, so it was stressful.... Ugh.. It's so embarrassing.


pottymouth, I don't really have a doctor.. Living in Japan and it's difficult to communicate.. I wonder if these docs would really know... Whenever I ask a doctor anything, they don't seem to know much more than I do. Not that that's an excuse to be ignorant.

I'm taking a multivitamin with the 5HTP, assuming it has B vitamins in there, but if not, I'll go buy some more. I've been in a better mood I think.. Don't know if it's helping breath.

Either the probiotics or the yogurt I've been eating has been responsible for flatulence I don't usually have.

Unrelated I guess, but my gum bled today, after I did a thorough but not at all violent flossing... What the hell is wrong with my body? Why are my teeth stained and my gums receeding? I feel like my saliva is acidic, because my teeth are pretty sensitive too... It's not like there's something I'm not doing, or something I'm doing wrong,.. I brush my teeth twice a day, if not, three times or more. I floss, then use a water pik.. brush thoroughly, sometimes with two tooth brushes (every once in awhile with a sonic care brush), brush my tongue in the way back with my toothbrush, then I switch it to the tung brush.. Then I'll take my finger in there and wipe out thick saliva and scratch to the back as someone had recommended... I then rinse with nonalcoholic mouthwash for a while... sometimes I also rinse with baking soda.

edit: The serotonin seems to have improved my mood..maybe?
... My digestion seems relatively the same.. Don't know about breath.
State of the mouth feels the same... wondering if the yogurt or probiotics are actually responsible for making my tongue a little whiter than it has been more recently...
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Post by Bbc »

Mike987- I'm not too sure about the type of h2o2. It's the only one I can find in the chemists in india, and it says 20 percent on the bottle. I take handful of water, mix in a capful of the stuff and swish it around in the mouth vigorously for 30 seconds. It leaves a frothy white foam on the tongue that goes with one swish of water.

Take 300 mg of Zantac for a while (you can't expect to see results on day 1). Dont give up, you have to give it a chance. And stop everything else other than H2o2 and tongue cleaning. If after 3 weeks it's not gone, go back to trying whatever else you want.

Pottymouth - please give this a try and stop taking too many other things.

Guys, if I didn't feel so strongly about zantac being a likely cure for many, I wouldnt be on this forum trying to help all of you. Just give it a chance for 3-4 weeks.
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Post by elliott »

The "musty mouth breath"

This is a concern to me as it has started about a month ago. It doesn't smell like sh*t. It smells like... hard to explain, something old and...musty. I can sense it around my home, once I smelled it away from home and realized for sure it was ME.

What the heck IS this? Is it new level of BB? What did I do to get to this level, and wonder what this smells like to others? Honestly it smells better than sh*t, but it is definitely more scary and strange.

Man this is a weird problem.
As an aside, I feel like you guys are getting very slightly closer to the problem compared to the vitamin C days, bleach and ivory soap. Good luck to us.
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