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Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2012 9:05 am
by halitosisux
LisaLisa wrote:it could indicate that I've always had fungus in my sinuses, and this treatment is irritating the fungus, but not eradicating it. Most ENTs say fungal sinusitis can only be cured by surgery/scraping the fungus away
This is a point I tried to make recently too.

Lisa, do you also wonder whether all the BB improvements you are experiencing (and side-effects) could be because of the probiotics you are taking? Have you ever tried these probiotics before? (before you took the Lufenuron I mean)?

It's a known fact that chewable Acidophilus is a remedy for a white coated tongue, and for most BB sufferers the breath will improve with less coating.

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2012 12:26 pm
by LisaLisa
Good Morning Mindy,
Yeah, I'm sure my GSE issues are entirely my fault. When I tried it I think I put way too much in my water bottle. A few hours later I felt like my stomach was trying to crawl its way up my throat. Now I can't even look at a picture of a bottle of the stuff without gagging a little : )

Hello Halitosisux,
I'm not currently on probiotics, only anti-fungals (first coconut oil, now oil of oregano). I've taken a lot probiotics in the past, both capsules and chewable lozenges, without much improvement in my breath. I plan on bringing in the probiotics when I next have spare cash, in about a week. I'll be investing the really good probiotics, both chewable and capsules, as I have the feeling all the all the stuff I've been taking has killed off a lot of the good guys.

The weird thing is, I've never really had a coated tongue problem until a few days ago. I normally have just a light coating way in the back of my tongue. Now I wake up with a light coating all over. I don't understand why. Maybe I've already killed off too much good bacteria?

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2012 12:56 pm
by LisaLisa

First, may we please have a moment of silence for my very last cup of coffee? Thank you.

The oil of oregano is strong. I decided to up it to 4 softgels per day, because WebMD says 600 mg per day is the recommended dose for intestinal parasites, and my softgels are 181 mg. I'd rather take a little more than recommended than a little less. So I took a double dose at supper, and felt dizzy and faint the rest of the night. One at a time from now on!

1. My nose/sinuses seem fairly dry, but my throat is still sore and "thick" feeling. I can smell a slight burning smell, which I'm almost positive is coming from my throat. It's not a familiar smell that I would normally associate with BB. I'm either too hot or too cold most of the time, and all I want to do is sleep.

2. My GI issues are still gone, hopefully for good.

CONCLUSION: I'm going to do a couple baking soda sinus rinses today, to see if anything smelly or gross comes out. This seems like an awfully extreme/extended die-off. I wonder if it's Candida, something else, or both?

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2012 6:12 pm
by halitosisux
Hi Lisa. Personally from my own experience, whenever I've tried any type of antibacterial/antibiotic, I end up with thick tongue coating all over my tongue, and taking antifungals at the same time doesn't seem to make any difference either. I can only determine from this that the tongue coating many of us have is the same tongue coating that most people see when they go on a food fasting. The dead cells which would normally break away from abrasion of eating, starts to build up.
When we try to reduce our oral bacteria, even by scraping the tongue, the reason why tongue coating becomes so hard to deal with is because I think the bacteria we remove normally plays some sort of role in preventing the dead cells from building up, i.e they decompose them. I may well be totally wrong though.

In your case, you are using certain natural antibacterials, and this may be why your coating is beginning to build up.

When you say you smell burning, do you mean when you breathe outwards through your nose, or do you mean you can smell it as an external odour when you breathe inwards through your nose?

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2012 11:17 pm
by LisaLisa
I get what you're saying about the tongue coating. I have very little experience with coating, and never gave it much thought before. I'm in a position now to buy my probiotics (isn't it great when a friend pays back money you never thought you'd see again?), so will be starting on those Monday or Tuesday. "They" say oil of oregano doesn't mess with good bacteria, so it'll be interesting to see what happens.

The burning smell: it didn't appear to come when breathing in or out of my nose. It didn't even seem to come when I breathed out through my mouth. It's more like if I opened my mouth, I could smell/sense it, which is why I thought it was coming from my throat. Anyway I had a BM shortly after I posted, which was extremely foul and had that same burning smell, 10 x worse. Afterwards I didn't smell it at all anymore.

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 1:32 pm
by LisaLisa

1. No new symptoms. My throat feels better. I did a saline sinus rinse last night, and this morning blew tons of clear, odorless snot out of my nose, so I feel less congested. Tongue was coated again this morning.

2. Went shopping with a friend yesterday. The only reaction I got was when I crossed paths with woman who sniffed loudly when she got close to me. But the sniff was pretty snotty sounding, so I'm gonna assume she just had a cold/allergies/whatever. If I do get cured, I wonder how long it'll take for me to act normal around other people again?

CONCLUSION: Any negative symptoms I have today I'm just going to go ahead and attribute to quitting coffee cold turkey. I already have a nasty headache. I'll be picking up probiotics tomorrow, which will hopefully help with the tongue coating.

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 4:29 pm
by halitosisux
Good luck lisa, will be very interested to know what effect the probiotics have on your coating.

I've never seen it mentioned anywhere to gently scrape probiotics into the tongue, but it's probably a good idea because that's where the bacteria need to get into.

Just out of curiousity, has anyone with type-1 BB ever tried rinsing with chlorine dioxide (closys whatever it's called) or chlorhexidine, followed by chewable probiotics? Use the probiotics about 20 mins after the rinsing to ensure any remaining doesn't affect the probiotics.

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 5:56 pm
by LisaLisa

I went to the health food store and bought probiotics (3 strains x 8 billion cfu), and some Xlear nose spray which contains xylitol and GSE. Thankfully they were out of BLIS K12 lozenges, because as much as I like supporting local stores, Amazon sells the stuff for half the price. I just read a bunch of posts here on BLIS K12, and they were overwhelmingly negative, so I don't think I'll buy it at all. If anyone has an opinion about this, please let me know. If my light tongue coating doesn't go away I may make a paste of the probiotics and brush my tongue with it.

1. Just did 2 sprays of Xlear in each nostril. It burned a little, and I could briefly smell that sweet/moldy mucus smell. I plan on using this twice per day, as well as at least one saline rinse per day (far apart from each other).

2. I had fairly long face-to-face conversations with two employees, plus another customer, and got no reactions at all. I keep smelling phantom smells, but I think that's exactly what they are: phantoms. I wish I could be sure.

3. The only remaining symptoms/side effects I have are sinus issues (minor congestion and thick mucus in my throat) and a lightly coated tongue. I read in a couple places that when fighting Candida overgrowth, the first thing to be healed is your gut. If you have uterine/vaginal or sinus issues they would be the last to be healed. Could be bogus info... I have no idea.

CONCLUSION: My new friends, Xlear and probiotics, should theoretically finish this off, if it's Candida. The Lufe attacked the chitin -->the antifungals (coconut oil & oregano oil) attacked the newly weakened Candida cells-->the xylitol/GSE attacks the sinus infection/yeast--> and the probiotics start rebuilding a good balance of intestinal bacteria. If my sinuses remain a problem I guess that'll be a whole 'nother battle to fight.

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 1:59 pm
by LisaLisa

The two week Lufenuron period is almost up, and things are slowing down for me as far as die-off and other symptoms, so after today I'll quit updating daily. I'll still update when something unusually good or bad happens, or at least check in every few days.

1. Sinuses are feeling a little better. I think the Xlear nose spray is helping because I blew a lot of blood/colored stuff out of my nose this morning. Throat feels less coated. Tongue seems less coated too, but it's hard to tell because I don't get a bright white coating... it's usually more of a thin, transparent/yellowish coating. Breath still seems okay, and I'll keep speaking directly into peoples' faces to check for reactions. I do not have anyone I'm willing to ask directly about my breath, sorry.

MY PLAN: I have a family thing coming up the second week of May, so I'm going to continue fighting at least until then (it will involve a restaurant, and I don't do restaurants with room-filling BB). I'll be taking 4 oregano oil softgels (total of 724 mg) and 3 probiotic capsules per day. I'll also be using the Xlear nose spray 2 - 3 times per day, and doing saline rinses periodically. Additionally, I'll be doing a lot of exfoliating, drinking tons of water, and exercise to the point of sweating 30 minutes per day. If I am "detoxing", I want to help my body out as much as possible.

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 10:13 pm
by Cauterize
LisaLisa wrote:DAY TWELVE:

The two week Lufenuron period is almost up, and things are slowing down for me as far as die-off and other symptoms, so after today I'll quit updating daily. I'll still update when something unusually good or bad happens, or at least check in every few days.

1. Sinuses are feeling a little better. I think the Xlear nose spray is helping because I blew a lot of blood/colored stuff out of my nose this morning. Throat feels less coated. Tongue seems less coated too, but it's hard to tell because I don't get a bright white coating... it's usually more of a thin, transparent/yellowish coating. Breath still seems okay, and I'll keep speaking directly into peoples' faces to check for reactions. I do not have anyone I'm willing to ask directly about my breath, sorry.

MY PLAN: I have a family thing coming up the second week of May, so I'm going to continue fighting at least until then (it will involve a restaurant, and I don't do restaurants with room-filling BB). I'll be taking 4 oregano oil softgels (total of 724 mg) and 3 probiotic capsules per day. I'll also be using the Xlear nose spray 2 - 3 times per day, and doing saline rinses periodically. Additionally, I'll be doing a lot of exfoliating, drinking tons of water, and exercise to the point of sweating 30 minutes per day. If I am "detoxing", I want to help my body out as much as possible.
Simply you are overdoing it.Through all those candida and yeast reads.I've learned that our body can fight anything with the right minerals,vitamins that the body requires to function.Some ppl are lacking some of em so they tend to have yeast and other stuff.

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 12:21 pm
by LisaLisa
Cauterize, even you have to appreciate the irony of you coming on my thread and criticizing my Lufernuron/Candida experiment. :D As far as mineral deficiencies and toxicities, I think I'll wait a few months and see how those supplements work out for you and others before jumping on that bandwagon. Good luck! I wish nothing but success for you. And thank you so much for recommending the Lufe... it really got me started on the right track in finding some relief, at last!

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 12:42 pm
by LisaLisa

Tick tock, tick tock, the two weeks are up. The Lufe, whether it did anything or not, is basically waving bye-bye at this point. Frankly, I haven't been catching many groovy good vibrations around here lately, so I'm also going to make like a banana and split for a bit. It just feels like the right thing for me to do at this point.

CONCLUSION: I'm 95% sure that the source of my BB is fungus/yeast related. I'm 90% sure that continued use of antifungals will eventually eradicate the problem (no idea how long this will take). I plan on continuing with the plan outlined on Day 12, probably through most of May, at which point I'll quit everything but the probiotics for a week or two to see what happens. If the BB returns, I'll start right back up on antifungals (possibly switching OO out for different ones) for another month or so. Right now, I don't believe I have BB. This is based on lack of reactions from others, as well as lack of bad taste, backdraft, and the occasional whiff of my own breath. I'm sure I'll find my way back here eventually. Until then, let's just say my BB is managed, but not yet cured. Good luck, everyone!

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 12:48 pm
by halitosisux
Good luck Lisa. You've provided some really important feedback and lots of food for thought with your thread.

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 2:42 pm
by Phantasist

Thank you for your detailed report on your 14-day experiment. It is probably the clearest report in the forum and much appreciated.

I'm glad that you are able to manage your breath odor and hope that you will have continued success. I also hope that you will not leave the forum - we need more people like you.

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2012 7:16 pm
by emotional rescue
Good luck Lisa!

Please keep us updated about you.

This gives me hope!
