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Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......
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Post by mike987 »

I had a negative test for H.pylori

.. I'm not sure what to do these days...

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Post by Jimi Stein »

you see this girl probably visits forum each day, she visits fb, and she is so lazy she cant post updates?

I will really make rules for this site. Her bad breath got back already and now we give false hope to people.

Haligirl, don't play with people like that. At least post some updates, dont leave topics like that open!!

Otherwise I will delete your account, really, these false cures are popping up all the time


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Post by Archimonde »

Hali_girl is another classic case of being temporarily cured shortly after taking antibiotics.

Antibiotics zap all bacteria, you think you're cured, then once you're off them, BB comes back 4-5 days later. We've all experienced it.
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Post by bbshiat »

hm i have my gastroscopy on the next thursday.. hope i´m heliocabacter positiv.. looking forward..
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Post by Jimi Stein »

I rather not see haligirl on this board anymore, posting stupid posts like a headless chicken

and then not posting updates, that is what pisses me off

first she soiles the site with her stupid theory and then not cleaning it up

haligirl please stay away, I really dont need headless chickens posting cures here every day
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Post by mike987 »

Maybe she's so enriched with life now she's just out enjoying it.

It could be a false cure, but let's not judge too quickly.

I'm still surprised anyone who feels they've been BB free for a few days, a week or two even, are compelled to come online to announce they've been cured.
Maybe I'm just a skeptic by nature, but I appreciate levelheaded honesty and definitive facts and details. When there is premature excitement, prayers, and in this case, a message consisting purely of capitals letters, warning signs may go off.

I hope for the best for her, and all you guys.

Is there no such thing as a website where experienced doctors can speak with, and examine patients? For all those professionals who feel it is strictly oral, will they not examine us anyway?
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Post by DanielPine »

yo Mike.

Ive looked through your posts and we have like exactly the same variation of this thing, whatever it is. I have the vinegar smelling saliva. Dryish mouth, had it before puberty. Could you tell me what you have tried and has worked for you in the past?
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Post by mike987 »

Let me tell you more about my BB first:

I used to always get tonsil stones. When I realized my BB, or when it developed into a problem and I noticed that, I discovered the source of the 'white balls' and eventually got the tonsils removed.

Tonsil stones gone. Bad breath remains.

I've had allergies and sinus issues all my life. Including PND.
I used to have bad ear infections as a kid and was often on antibiotic syrup. Not sure if there is a connection there.

Somewhere along the line, I realized my defecation was always soft, never solid. It still is. I figured it must be digestive related, considering how my BB smells like farts anyhow, very seemingly like the gas from inside me.

I've always been socially anxious, though going through this BB nightmare, I actually feel I've beaten society in light of how stupid it would be to be socially anxious if I were bad breath free. My job also put me in those positions whether it was frightening or not. Still a nervous sort, so that might be why my digestive sucks... I don't know.

I've tried everything from large variety of toothpastes and special mouthwashes, increased attention to oral care, water pik, tung brush..

vitamin C sugarless, chewable, non chewable,, vitamin B, vitamin A, zinc, iron, chlorophyl, that mushroom extract thing that supposedly does the same thing, more than a dozen in variety of probiotics, digestive enzymes, antacids, hydrochloric acid, serotonin supplements, antifungals, parasite killers, lufenuron

gluten free diet, dairy free diet, no meat diet, eating a lot, not eating a lot,

Salt gargling, hydrogen peroxide, grapefruit seed extract, sinus irrigation, squatting on the toilet rather than sitting
Also tried hokey stuff like oil pulling and breathing exercises.

I've also been anally probed, and had an endoscope down into my stomach. One doctor says I have a scar from a stomach ulcer, though a different doctor, when shown the photo, said that's not the case.
I worried about my gums which seemed to be receding (I think it's just genetics, my grandfather had long teeth and my father a bit as well) and though I ask and ask, they say everything is fine.
Have had a very short exam for nasal polyps, no luck there.

No digestive medicine, no allergy medications, no results from any test has revealed any information about my BB. I test negative for diabetes, anemia, h.pylori, crohns.

I've always inquired about a specific symptom. Never have I said 'help me, I have bad breath'.

Never had I had complete relief.

I will tell you that I've had the least reactions, the least backdraft, when on a no meat, no gluten diet, little to no sugar diet, and I was drinking vegetable, nut blended drinks every day. I don't know if this helped or not, but I was also using a couple drips of grapefruit seed extract in my water pik, taking iron and vitamin b12.

If you don't eat nuts and avocados, you will lose weight on a diet like this.

Recently I've moved, don't have money to buy vegetables to blend and eat as often as regular, and I was also going all out on sweets and breads during a break from work to put weight on. Breath didn't like that.

I need to return to the all salad, frozen vegetable, and blended nuts and vegetable diet. I've had the most success with that.

Habits I continue to do include,

-tung brush (I tried stopping brushing the tongue for a week or so, as Brad123 suggested, and my tongue coating got worse, so I'm going to continue use),

-water pik,

-squatting on the toilet (Shitting is easier and after reading articles on the colon related issues likely caused by the western toilet, I will continue doing so for the rest of my life. It's the natural position, sitting is something you do to read a book, watch tv, or eat dinner at a table... Not shitting)

- I will take iron and b12 supplements when I can afford to buy them again

- vegetarian (no meat, virtually no egg)

I stopped using the grapefruit seed extract because all the while, I developed red spots all over my body that didn't become sore, but were nonetheless unappealing, and perhaps a sign of damage to the body. Once I stopped using it, the spots started going away.. Though to be honest, I also at the time asked my roommate to stop using his fabric softener. I recently used both the fabric softener, and the grapefruit seed extract again and the spots came back. I stopped both immediately. All I can confirm is that one of those things is causing the spots. I will try grapefruit seed extract again in the future for further tests, but not now.

Anyway. I don't know where to turn. What to do. It's logical to assume that the breath could be coming from the sinus issue.. from the digestive issue.. from some sort of intolerance or allergies.. I still think parasites could be the cause, but anytime I pressured a stomach doc here, all I get are worthless drugs.

Things I still want to do:

- Have a thorough stool test taken
- Get on these three course antibiotics people have talked about
- Barium swallowing x-ray test
- Go to the hospital and demand help for chronic fart breath

Good luck, Daniel. Hope something helped.
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Post by DanielPine »

Thanks dude. Im pretty much the same as you besides the tonsil stones.

Although, I burp and fart a lot, I poo about 2 times a day, my stomach sometimes hurts and i often get gurgling and weird noses. I get tingling in my throat and food pipe. I also get a lot of acid reflux and a yellow coated tongue sometimes.

Do you get this aswell? has your tongue ever been pink or atleast have little bacteria on it?
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Post by mike987 »

Try ditching gluten. You might find the gas isn't nearly as bad. Even if you aren't gluten intolerant (I honestly don't think I am as dropping it never saved me from BB) I find gluten to be a difficult thing for humans to digest. I'm not sure people should be eating it as much as they do.

I used to get incredible bloating Very painful.. this can still happen, if I don't eat often enough, but after losing gluten from the diet, It reeeally helped me out in that way. Very rarely do I get painful gas like I used to, when I ate sandwiches and cereals daily. And I used to have gurgling ALL the time. I thought there was a worm inside me.
I don't know about your tingling in the throat. The closest thing to that I'd have is when I eat bananas. I get an itchy feeling in my throat and have the urge to 'scratch' my uvula with the back of my tongue.

You won't fart as much either, if you stop eating gluten. Meat seems to give me worse gas than not eating it. So try taking a break from meat too. Really, no gluten, no meat, and lots and lots of vegetables and nuts gave me the best results I ever had. You need to try it. It's not as impossible as you might think.

I ate brown rice too, which doesn't have gluten. If you don't need to though, eat just the vegetables.. lots of them. Oh, and stop cooking food. Word is cooked things aren't so good for you, or your breath.

There was a period of time where I had absolutely no tongue coating. It was great. I have no idea what caused it... It came back viciously and when it does, I'll often see one or two pure pink spots that change in size day to day. I think eating salads, with vinegar sort of helps keep the tongue pink.. it seems. But yes, I sometimes do get a yellow coating.
Though I'm certain, on days with absolutely no coating whatsoever, I have had BB breath.

I had suspected reflux myself.. still consider it a possibility, as I often get these single hiccups, like I'm holding down food or a drink or something.
I never experience heartburn, well, maybe I have here and there, but not like someone you'd think has reflux would.. But people around here have talked about 'silent reflux' a condition where reflux is happening, but with little or no pain.

You should make a habit of sleeping on your right side, to keep the worst of reflux away while you sleep.

I sometimes poop twice a day, but I definitely have to do it at least once. That seems regular, but as a kid I often went days without pooping.. Again though, losing meat and gluten.. I used to wake up in pain.. feeling hot shit and gas in my bowels. Waking up to bad farts.. Gross. Well I don't do that anymore since changing my diet further.

Oh, do you have any skin conditions? I have eczema on a side of my finger, and the side of that hand. As a kid it was always just the finger, and it would sometimes get bad. Little seeping bubbling sores.. Grotesque. And severely dried out.

Well, after I took an anti-candida medicine, it flared like crazy. (This was before I was off gluten and meat I think). It was consuming several fingers and was terrible looking. Never had such a skin irritation.. I finally went to the doc and got an antibiotic cream. After a single application it was on it's way out, and gone in days Except, there's always a tiny sign of it. A small dot, or roughness. Anyway, not eating meat, gluten, and processed foods really keeps it at bay without medical cream.

I have so many small issues, I've been running in circles with this BB for years now. My best guess now is that my bacterial balance has been out of whack since I was a kid, having taken so much antibiotic (and being born via cesarean section) I'm totally lacking in positive bacteria.

I'll mention one more thing I noticed when changing my diet.
I used to get sick constantly.. Once every two months, and it lasted two weeks. Well, I happen to be sick now, but I also haven't been following my diet strictly. I'm low on money, have a super miniature fridge that can't hold anything, and no longer live near the awesome grocery store where I used to buy all my veggies.

This is the first, maybe second time I got sick this year.

I strongly promote not just the reduction of gluten and meat, but particularly the reduction,or complete ban of processed foods and snacks.
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Post by ThisSucks »

Mike you are someone that really deserves a cure (Well, everyone here does). If someone researches so much and tries so many different things to cure this sh*tbreath, that person really deserves a relief. Wish I was living near you so I could confirm if you smelled or not.
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Post by HopefulOne »

tomorrow I have a drs appt and I'm gonna demand a H Pylori test. even if it comes back negative I'm gonna demand the Prevpac. I have nothing else to lose. I have tried everything and keep scratching the surface. I know my bb is bacterial related cuz every time I'm hospitalized and get iv antibiotics the bb disappears temporarily. I need the 14 day treatment and this time I will use a different toothbrush everyday and I will cut out all sugar. Whenever I come home from the hospital I have an intense craving for sugar. I eat lots of candy not knowing that I'm feeding the bacteria.

If the dr refuses to give me antibiotics I am gonna order the fish antibiotics, amoxicillin and flagyl, and I will add pepto and over the counter antacid. the fish antibiotics are EXACTLY the same as ours. I have friends with no insurance and they have used them with good results. the pills look just like ours. Fish Mox Forte is amoxicillin. fish Zole is flagyl or metranidazole.
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Post by HopefulOne »

Mike if I get cured, I will personally pay for your antibiotics...that's a promise my friend for being so helpful to everyone.
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Post by DanielPine »

Mike, I have all the same symptoms as you mike, except for skin issues. I get those single hiccups aswell, I also took a lot of anti-biotics as a kid. I had oral surgery when I was 10, and took a lot of antibiotics. This may have caused it, because I had bad breath before puberty, but not as a little kid. When I overdose on probiotics and brush my tongue with hydrogen peroxide the amount of bacteria on my tongue goes down quite a bit. This is what has made me believe that its coming from my stomach, along with all the burping, farting, gurgling etc

i wish I could give you some cash man, but since im a 16 year old student im broke :l
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Post by mike987 »

Thanks guys, but you give me too much credit.

I've snooped around on the net, but mostly I've just been here, trying all the new things people suggest. though, I've always felt a little futile about it. I'm not sure ANY of those cases were ever real cures though.

Supplements, vitamins, herbs, home remedies.. None of this stuff will genuinely help, I'm pretty sure of that. Perhaps some things can give a hint to the source of the problem, but mostly I think it's a huge waste of money. I've spent thousands of dollars. Including my doctors visits, prescriptions, medications, and tonsil surgery, I'd say more than ten thousand dollars easy.

I'm telling you though, and it's something I put off for years, because I thought it would be too difficult, impossible,.. Eating raw.. eating nothing buts nuts and vegetables. It's not hard, and if any zany dumb thing is worth trying, this should certainly be the first.

Bad Breath products are awesome for people that don't have chronic BB. Chronic BB people need serious medical attention and diagnosis.. something that's easier said than attained.

I'm a coward for avoiding the issue with doctors.

I KNOW I have a breath odor, as I teach kids in close quarters. I push their seats back as far as possible, use mints to keep saliva flowing, but if I'm too close I will get comments like 'Stinks' 'Smells like farts' 'Who farted' 'Somebody pooped'. I've had kids say 'Not this guy... He stinks!' And of course hand over the nose.
I manage by working part time, giving me a day or two extra per week to recuperate. Full time stress just kills me. When I'm alone, I at least loosen up a bit and yearn for social interaction.. it almost feels like maybe I don't have BB.

What I don't know is if I have any kind of body odor to go with it, the true extent of my breath (from reactions seems to be 5 feet on a good day, if I keep talking.. Much further if I keep talking on a bad day.. It seems to activate with speech, though the other day when I was sick I could smell it at every moment, through my nose even). I've never had a TMAU test, so I'm still interested in that as well. When I get a sweat worked up, I sense a sewery smell around me.

Daniel, I'm not sure when my BB started, but I first noticed it while on antidepressants, and just felt like talking more. Anyway, it became clear my breath stunk when communication seemed off, .. strange reactions from others... I got off the drugs quickly because I'd be depressed anyway, and my breath continued to stink. I think it probably started getting back when I was 18.. I don't remember any potential reactions until I was around 19. After my second year to Thailand, I can think of more than a few. I remember particularly, on a plane, a passenger next to my started speaking to me, and she immediately clammed up and covered her face when I started talking. At the time I didn't think much of it.

Guh, anyway, I fear that having BB is part of my physical maturation and there's no escape short of altering my genetic code, changing the environment in my body that supports different kinds of bacteria or whatever.. Or if abnormal physical structures in the throat or intestines, such as hernia or growths of some kind, a surgery would be required.

I would think that if a bacteria were responsible, an antibiotic should work, but generally, the consensus is that antibiotics work at first until the simply become ineffective over time as bacteria become resistant. ThisSucks, your experience with the antibiotic pack sounds promising though.

I know I tested negative in a blood test at a Japanese clinic, but where there's a cure, I'm eager to try for myself. Anyway, for now, keep us updated.

And for crying out loud, go out tonight and have the time of your life! I'm smiling just thinking about you having a BB free life. Go chat some girls up in the train or at a grocery store. Compliment people on their clothing. Explore the world of casual chit chat you'd never had, that can lead to friendships and connections. Invite some old or new friends to dinner.. maybe even some acquaintance you met at work or school or something.

You must live the life the rest of us can't. Are you prepared for that? Haha.
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