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Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 4:14 pm
by Stankie

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2012 5:35 am
by ruch
this is interesting. keep us posted about whether our bb gets eliminated after the parasites are all gone.

i think i should try this (because i will try almost anything) but am kind of scared to. i won't take colloidal silver though as i have read too many scary horror stories of people turning grey/blue.

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2012 5:55 pm
by mike987
I've been examining my shit lately, quite a bit.

No visible parasites from what I can tell... But it's amazing how you can see everything I've eaten, in my shit.

Gross, but I used a disposable plastic straw to go through it (no, I did not drink it). I found a pea.. An entire pea. Not chewed, not digested in the least.

Lots of rice skins.. Some pea skins. Large bean skins. Pieces of carrots. Small pieces of dried apples, and lots of them. And lots of brown rice skins.

Is this normal?? I'd like to assume it's completely bizarre, but I've never so thoroughly examined my shit before.

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2012 1:05 am
by mike987
For the cleanse instructions, it goes from several drops, to 2 tsp.

Can anyone tell me how many drops that would be? I have no way to measure this.

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 12:34 am
by mike987
10 ml?? Found a little nasal irrigator measuring thing to measure it.

Holy poop.
I'm going to be shitting all day.

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 2:22 am
by ruch
mike987 wrote:I've been examining my shit lately, quite a bit.

No visible parasites from what I can tell... But it's amazing how you can see everything I've eaten, in my shit.

Gross, but I used a disposable plastic straw to go through it (no, I did not drink it). I found a pea.. An entire pea. Not chewed, not digested in the least.

Lots of rice skins.. Some pea skins. Large bean skins. Pieces of carrots. Small pieces of dried apples, and lots of them. And lots of brown rice skins.

Is this normal?? I'd like to assume it's completely bizarre, but I've never so thoroughly examined my shit before.
dude, that is so nasty.. too much description :)

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 2:23 am
by ruch
any bb improvement so far though, mike?

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2012 4:18 pm
by sputnik
Hi guys

Just a quick update before heading out to work. My breath is much better and most times, I suspect bb is completely gone although it remains very fragile. The thing is I cant adapt my behavior, meaning that even if I know i dont have bad breath, I keep behaving like I do.

I also think I have some type of parasites in my throat as I have had a little pain at times but only at the right side of my throat (years now). So I took oil of oregano, but instead of putting a few drops in a glass of water as I always do, I put drops directly on my tongue and let it trickle down as slowly as possible (very strong burning sensation). Pain was gone in a matter of few minutes and my throat felt very fresh. Yesterday, we had a party lunch at work and were given just about everything I should not be eating with cakes for desert and chocolate to take home, I noticed that the pain in my throat returned but on the left side of my throat (never happened before).

In one of my last posts I over supplemented with probiotics and it gave me bb so I stopped taking them. But I never stoped colloidal silver and I started oil of oregano as mentioned above. So yesterday, I did develop I mild case of bb (not very strong according to peoples reactions) and have taken a probiotic cap last night. I think it did the trick.

Every time I get hungry, i get bb. I also get bb when I break the anti parasite diet I am on. It seems to me that its the wastes they release in my body after they feed that triggers it.
mike987 wrote:10 ml?? Found a little nasal irrigator measuring thing to measure it.

Holy poop.
I'm going to be shitting all day.
I tsp = 5ml , 1tbls = 15ml

How are things developing for you Mike?

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2012 5:51 pm
by needcurefast
Wow this great news on your improvement. I actually think my breath has improve as well. Actually might be gone, but I still act like I do if I don't, this Bb has made me look crazy, weird, I'm always paranoid and when ppl talking to me and even If i don't get no reactions of someone smelling my breath I still act like I do and get seriously nervous.

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 12:10 am
by mike987
Good to hear the positive news guys.

If I have parasites, they mustn't be visible to the naked eye, or I haven't noticed them coming out.. or maybe they aren't coming out.

I ordered some diatomaceous earth anyhow, as it's something I've been meaning to try for a while now.. Will receive that when I return home for Christmas vacation.

Breath seems... well, probably the same-ish. Doing the parasite cleanse, I've typically been a little gassy, and occasionally had an upset stomach, which would be relieved with a good liquid shit... Those times, I feel my breath was bad as I got more comments and gestures than usual.

I'm more convinced now that what I have is either blood borne or somehow traveling to my airways from the bowels.

Still, I feel like overall, my breath might be improved somewhat. I haven't gotten a whiff of backdraft in the last few days.

I've been sleeping against propped up pillows almost every night too. Not sure if that has anything to do with it.

I'll just keep continuing the cleanse.. My other symptoms, sinuses, tongue, not solid shit, remains the same, so I don't really feel like there's been a change in my body, though maybe something I'm doing is relieving somehow.

Another thing I'm looking forward to trying.. something I've never actually tried, is Mastic Gum capsules. Ordered some and will start taking at home in the US during my visit.

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 3:37 pm
by ruch
i am thinking of doing a colon cleanse (colonic irrigation) before doing a parasite cleanse. does that make sense to do? or maybe one after the parasite cleanse to flush it all out?

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 5:19 am
by sputnik
ruch wrote:i am thinking of doing a colon cleanse (colonic irrigation) before doing a parasite cleanse. does that make sense to do? or maybe one after the parasite cleanse to flush it all out?
Do the colon cleanse first, you'll get better results.

Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2012 12:25 pm
by mike987
How's it going sputnik?

I don't think I had any parasites after all :/

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2012 4:10 pm
by sputnik
mike987 wrote:How's it going sputnik?

I don't think I had any parasites after all :/
Hi Mike,

My situation got complicated as my bb came back with a vengeance. I stoped the herbs for two weeks and was taking DE during that time period while supplementing mostly with colloidal silver. That's when bb happened, slowly creaping up at first, then a couple of days later it came back full blast. I was also taking cocoa powder as a coffee substitute.

No need for me to explain how bad I felt at that point. But I think I figured it out. I probably got a candida outbreak, because when I started eating coconut oil (hudge amounts) it got much better. But it wasn't gone. Then I ordered some more herbs and things are starting to llook up again. I decided to stop taking supplements this time around.

I think I also figured out which is the dominant type of parasite I have that is causing my bb. It's called Fasciola Hepatica and lives in the bile duct:

"The Adult Worm - Averaging 30mm in length and 13 mm in width, Fasciola hepatica is one of the largest flukes in the world. The adult worm has a very characteristic leaf shape with the anterior end being broader than the posterior end and an anterior cone-shaped projection. The fluke possesses a powerful oral sucker at the end the anterior cone and a ventral sucker at the base of the cone which allow it to attach to the lining of the biliary ducts. Each worm possesses ovaries and testes which are highly branched and allow for individual flukes to produce eggs independently."

More info here ... sciola.htm

If you look at the small picture in the MORPHOLOGY section, that is exactly what I found floating in the toilet.

I went to see my doctor for some Triclabendazole which is supposed to be highly effective against this trematode, and he would barely acknowledge that I have parasites. In fact he said, "you MAY have parasites" and told me to have a stool analysis. Anyone who knows about parasites knows that it is very difficult to detect thru stool analysis and now that I am back on the herbs, I'm pretty sure they never will, so why bother.

I am going to try to get the meds from some other source, but it is very expensive. Around 200$ per dose, and there are no garantees to the actual quality. Unless I figure out how to get the sure thing, I am sticking to the herbs.

I'll keep you posted in a couple of weeks as to how things are developing this time around.

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2012 7:35 am
by ruch
if you also have candida, might be worthwhile trying lufenuron as well? seems to have worked for some on this forum.