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Posted: Wed May 21, 2014 3:33 am
Not sure why but I thought I would post some motivation for all you tonsil stone sufferers out there. Here is just on thread where several people were cured by tonsilectomy. Please note that many complained of Fecal smell prior to surgery. ... reath.html

Posted: Thu May 22, 2014 4:52 pm
And today (day 9) my scabs starting falling off and was I have been spitting up blood. However, the pain has subsided a bit and I will try and make it without the meds as they are zapping all of my energy. Well, i was doing a search of other patient experiences at this point in recovery and I happened across this post. It's not much but a little hope and motivation is good for us all. ... days-after

Posted: Fri May 23, 2014 5:27 pm
by jamesmcavoy
Gud bye to all

Posted: Fri May 23, 2014 6:40 pm
by dick.karma
very interesting read. i had tonsillectomy 6 years ago but not the one you had. i doubt that this is available in our country. keep us posted and good luck!

Posted: Fri May 23, 2014 7:02 pm
Good afternoon everyone,

Today was my first follow up appointment with the ENT. He told me the scabs are healing well and I am now allowed to eat soft foods. When the tonsils were removed, the tissue was sent off to be analyzed. The results came back negative for cancer but on all samples it was indicated that the tissue, including the lingual tissue was highly cryptic.

I was taken to another room this time and they took high resoultion images of the base of the tongue, vocal cords, and tonsilar poles. The doctor then explained what I was looking at and damn if I didn't almost cry. Let me explain....

As stated earlier in this thread, I had a cat scan of my neck done a couple of months ago. The scan was largely unremarkable except for some swollen nodules and some, thick, dense matter in the Valecula (which is where the lingual tonsils sit just forward the epiglottis). You will recall that the first ENT I saw told me there was nothing he could do for me as surgery was not indicated in that area for stones and that it would be dangerous anyway due to possible bleeding.

Well, as we were looking at the images today, the doctor was showing me a smooth depression where those lingual tonsils used to be and although there were some scabs, it was not full of mucus or crud of any kind. He said that the lingual tonsils crypts were just impacted with debris from years of eating and they had swollen to fill up that entire space ( which is now empty!). In fact, he said when I first came to him, it was so full of mucus that He could barely even visualize my vocal cords when making the EEEEE... sound. Today, the vocal cords were seen easily and free of any mucus.

Lastly, my breath has not smelled like shit since the surgery. I have had a couple small incidents of bloody smelling breath from scabs falling out and healing but not crap. I am going to wait to see for sure if this is my cure as I am on my last day of antibiotics which can mask halitosis. However, my mouth feels lump free and it is a much cleaner swallow if that makes any sense. My official halitosis test will begin monday and if I have no shit breath for 6 months I will declare a cure. Thank you all for taking this journey with me and here's hoping there is a cure for us all.

Posted: Fri May 23, 2014 7:36 pm
by FedUp
NOTANYMORE wrote:Good afternoon everyone,

Today was my first follow up appointment with the ENT. He told me the scabs are healing well and I am now allowed to eat soft foods. When the tonsils were removed, the tissue was sent off to be analyzed. The results came back negative for cancer but on all samples it was indicated that the tissue, including the lingual tissue was highly cryptic.

I was taken to another room this time and they took high resoultion images of the base of the tongue, vocal cords, and tonsilar poles. The doctor then explained what I was looking at and damn if I didn't almost cry. Let me explain....

As stated earlier in this thread, I had a cat scan of my neck done a couple of months ago. The scan was largely unremarkable except for some swollen nodules and some, thick, dense matter in the Valecula (which is where the lingual tonsils sit just forward the epiglottis). You will recall that the first ENT I saw told me there was nothing he could do for me as surgery was not indicated in that area for stones and that it would be dangerous anyway due to possible bleeding.

Well, as we were looking at the images today, the doctor was showing me a smooth depression where those lingual tonsils used to be and although there were some scabs, it was not full of mucus or crud of any kind. He said that the lingual tonsils crypts were just impacted with debris from years of eating and they had swollen to fill up that entire space ( which is now empty!). In fact, he said when I first came to him, it was so full of mucus that He could barely even visualize my vocal cords when making the EEEEE... sound. Today, the vocal cords were seen easily and free of any mucus.

Lastly, my breath has not smelled like shit since the surgery. I have had a couple small incidents of bloody smelling breath from scabs falling out and healing but not crap. I am going to wait to see for sure if this is my cure as I am on my last day of antibiotics which can mask halitosis. However, my mouth feels lump free and it is a much cleaner swallow if that makes any sense. My official halitosis test will begin monday and if I have no shit breath for 6 months I will declare a cure. Thank you all for taking this journey with me and here's hoping there is a cure for us all.
I really hope this is it for you!!

Posted: Sat May 24, 2014 7:53 am
by halitosisux
Very encouraging news!

Did you cough up tonsils stones from these lingual tonsil crypts?

One thing I was really grateful of after having my palatine tonsils removed was never having another tonsil stone again. I have read stories of people having tonsil stones even after tonsillectomy. These could come from other crypted lymphatic tissue like adenoid tissue and lingual tonsil crypts.

Well, if you did still have stones, I sure as shit hope you don't have them any more after this!

Posted: Mon May 26, 2014 7:06 pm
by FedUp
Forgot to ask, was the odour also detectable to others when you exhaled through your nose?

Posted: Tue May 27, 2014 2:07 am
Hey everyone,

@Halitosux, yes I believe the first couple of stones came from the lingual tonsils and those were solid. Later, I started getting a toothpaste like plaque in the palatine tonsils. It's realy hard to guage where they come from because they can't always be seen. I just knew they were there from the dirty taste in my mouth, horrible breath and sometimes ear and jaw pain.

@Fedup.. Absolutely I had odor from my nose. In fact, that is one of the most suprising and upsetting things about this whole ordeal. Even with my mouth closed, my daughter would tell me I smelled like poop. It makes senses too, since the air you breath out has to pass over your lingual tonsils and adenoids on the way back out the nose.

Again, and I know you've had your palatine tonsils removed; have an ENT look at you lingual tonsils and at least figure out if they are cryptic. I would push on mine several times a day and gargle with peroxide. Even after all that, the surgeon told me they were
enlarged and full of mucus and who knows what else.

Another very concerning thing happened today. My 5 year old daughter spit put an eraser sized tonsil stone! This doesn't concern my wife much, but I am panicking. As any parent would, I do not want my daughter to experience even one day of this misery. Fortunately, I haven't smelled anything on her so I am not rushing her to the ENT just yet.

And Also, thank you for all the well wishes I have received and I sincerely hope you all are on your way to relief.

Posted: Tue May 27, 2014 6:04 am
While researching tonsil stones in kids, I discovered this gold mine of a thread.

Just read all the cures in this one thread alone! I realy think that fecal odor is a very strong indicator of tonsil stones. I have heard that having a foreign body stuck in your nose can cause this smell as well, but unkess you are a small child, you should know if this is the case.

Periodontal disease has it's own very distinct odor as does H.Pylori.

Posted: Wed May 28, 2014 1:59 am
by jokerjoker
Any way to relay information about the clinic or physicians that are helping you? As you know most physicians are not really interested or knowledgeable about our situations.

Posted: Wed May 28, 2014 4:43 am
I will give that information to you if you send me a private messege.

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2014 6:41 pm
Tomorrow will be 3 weeks since my proceedure so here is a small update.

Throat feels ok now with very little pain and have stopped taking all pain meds. However, there are still scabs and a general sense of swelling in the throat. The worst part by far has been the nausea I have been experiencing these last 5 days. It only happens when I lay down and I believe it is because my throat is forming mucus for healing and I am swallowing scabs as they slough off. This is making me want to throw up shortly after laying down to sleep at night.

Another complaint is that food is not tasting as it should. The ENT has told me that since he removed the lingual tonsils which are right next to the taste buds, they may have been slightly damaged but will regenerate and heal which could take up to 6 months. I am noticing improvement every day so I'm not that concerned yet.

As for the breath, well, it is still pretty bad. Not shitty like it used to be but rather the smell of burnt tissue healing. I was told to expect this and it will dissappear when the scabs fall off. I didn't think it would take this long but the Dr. told me since I had linguals removed as well as palatine that recovery would take longer than a normal tonsillectomy.

I wasn't aware of this, but lingual tonsil removal is quite rare. In fact, it is even more rare to have them removed for being cryptic and hypertrophic. Most times the lingual tonsils are removed to improve sleep apnea and only after all other options have been tried. Evidently, most ENTs do not perform this proceedure because it is notoriosly difficult with a high margin of error. Almost all patients in need of this are refered to a Dr. trained to use the Devinci Robot or (TORS).

That's it for now. Back to work this week and time to offend coworkers with a whole different kind of stink!

Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2014 3:49 pm
by FedUp
How did back to work go? Any joy? I do hope so.

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2014 1:54 am
I greatly appreciate your well wishes Fedup. That kind of support is what this forum needs.

Tomorrow will be exactly 1 month since the surgery. I am extremely happy to report that I have not noticed any odors as of last Friday. In fact, I can't even detect morning breath. My mouth and throat feel more lubricated than before the surgery and my tongue is pink and smooth.

It still feels like there is something in my throat but it is very minor and not at all like it used to be. Things are a little sore still so I know it is still healing and a little swollen. However, for the first time in years I can eat a meal and talk freely afterwards without constantly tasting what I just ate and feeling like it's stuck in my throat. In other words, the surgery has all but eliminated my LPR symptoms!

My wife says I am like a whole new person and I can sense the changes as well. I do still have the paranoia when people get in my personal space but I expect that will take time to overcome. My daughter is all over me and has been giving me kisses which she never used to do and she has not said a thing about her daddy stinking.

On another note, I sincerely hope this diary helps someone out there. I wish I could help everyone to find their cure and that not a single person would have to go through this. Please keep searching for your cure and if there is anything I can do to help or if your symptoms are similar to mine, please don't hesitate to post here or send me a PM.