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Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2015 6:41 pm
by Bear44
You might be on to something with the lingual tonsils being a potential cause. If I touch my gums with my finger I get no smell, but if I touch my tongue then I get a bad smell. Maybe it's the lingual tonsils on the back of my tongue causing it. I also have my palatine and adenoids already removed so that rules those out. I also just found this excerpt off a Google search about someone with a similar problem that had it solved by having their linguals removed.

Eleanor in Bozeman, Mont.

"Dear Abby: My husband had terrible bad breath. Finally, after several rounds of antibiotics, his doctor sent him to an E.N.T. specialist. The new doctor found the cause: My husband`s lingual tonsils (the ones at the base of the tongue - not the set on either side of his throat) were infected (they were rotting!), hence the terrible odor. The tonsils were removed, which solved his bad breath problem."

Source: ... by-tonsils

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2015 7:11 pm
by Amro
StillHoping wrote:Its been almost 3 weeks since my tonsil/adenoid removal surgery. I still have scabs and some pain; soo I cant really give a conclusive report. But I don't feel like the surgery has made any difference for my BB at this point based on reactions. I plan on returning back to my lemon water regime because I think my problem is due to low stomach acid.

Are you taking and antihistamine ? If you have post nasal drip try claritin. Also did the area completely healed ? There is still hope believe me. I am convinced 100% that chronic halitosis caused by oral issue, not the candida overgrowth or any thing like that . Do you have and crowns tooth implants ??

I cured my self after 6 years bad breath caused by crowns, the cure lasted 6 months returned due to tonsils, I had them removed last week and still recovering, waiting now and hoping the best.

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2015 7:14 pm
by Amro
FedUp wrote:
HS wrote:
FedUp wrote: no.

on the verge of giving up.
hm.. would tongue scraping with hydrogen peroxide or chlorine dioxide toothpaste not help you reduce your halitosis? or is your halitosis from the nose area?
if i shut my mouth and breathe through nose only- the smell becomes more apparent to everyone around me. mouthwashes/brushing teeth only magnify the diaper smell. when i floss there is no smell on the inter dental brush. it's just frustrating knowing you have a problem but not knowing why.. if i knew where it was coming from i could take the proper steps in getting it sorted.

Are you taking any anti histamine ? Do you have any crowns or teeth implants ? Did you do ct scan for your sinus ?

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2015 11:27 pm
by StillHoping
Hi Amro; yes I have recently started turning back to oral issues being a possible cause - as it turned out the lemon water was actually a false cure. But I don't believe I have any crowns, I do have some fillings.

I do have pnd; why do you think Claritin would help?

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2015 4:23 am
by Amro
StillHoping wrote:Hi Amro; yes I have recently started turning back to oral issues being a possible cause - as it turned out the lemon water was actually a false cure. But I don't believe I have any crowns, I do have some fillings.

I do have pnd; why do you think Claritin would help?
If you have any sinus issue, allergy, post nasal drip etc. you need to stay on anti histamin for life, did you ever did an allergy test ? If so you might want to do it, allergy will make the body produce histamin is anti inflammatory substance irritate the sinus and make you have post nasal drip and make you have chornic sinus inflammation on the long rung, believe me your halitosis might be causes from sinus and post nasal drip, specially if your nose smell or get blocked,

I would advise you to try claratin or allegra or both, maximum effect of anti histamin seen at 3-4 weeks, consider them if you have any sort of sinus issue specially in the morning.

Now don't get obsessed with your nose, but give them a try if you have sinus issue, or have ct scan + allergy test ( I would not advise unless your insurance cover cost can be as high as 1000 dollar)

IF you have any crowns or leaking filling they will cause bad breath ! has any one of your teeth smell even slightly ? what about when you floss them ? If so, remove them ! yes remove . I Had best made crown cost 1500 each , went to 7 dentist all of them say nothing wrong with them ! and When i floss around I used to smell slight odor, when I got the crown broken you don't believe the amount of odor that was trapped under neath !! Also mercury filling might cause bad breath.

Now also you need to be fully healed from surgery to verdict if surgery worked or no, fully healed means not a signal scratch .

I am telling you this because I got cured after chronic halitosis, came back after tonsils got enlarged,

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2015 4:32 pm
by StillHoping
Thanks for all the tips; I will give allegra/ claritin a try.

I'm not really sure its possible to removed fillings? But I will discuss it at my next dental op. What type of bb did you have? ie. what did it smell like?

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2015 5:40 pm
by Amro
StillHoping wrote:Thanks for all the tips; I will give allegra/ claritin a try.

I'm not really sure its possible to removed fillings? But I will discuss it at my next dental op. What type of bb did you have? ie. what did it smell like?
When I had the crown on, my breath literally smelled liked garbage, so strong and foul. I believed the dentists at the beginning when all of them said nothing wrong with your crown ! and it is the best matrial out there, any way I asked them to change the crowns, they were reluctant since they see it as a waste of money, I was able to find a dentist willing to do it, I had a visit with them to remove the old crown first, as soon as they removed and broke it into a halfs ! a strong smell cover the room literally ! he even was shocked because he said the crown is good, any way I knew at that moment the crowns were the cause ! I never wen back to put a crown, I d rather have my teeth extracted, i will stay without a one, so if you have mercury filling or any tooth that smell when flossed even slightly you have a problem there !! Buy a non flavored tooth floss picks and floss after every meal if there is a smell near crown or fillings this might be your cure, and consider the allergy thing specially if you have a post nasal drip,

Now bad breath returned unfortunately, the smell now smells like when i rub my tonsils, I just got them removed last week, however, when i rub the tonsil beds I still have a smell, i don't know if it is a part of the recovery since I have scabs or my surgon left some tonsil tissue !! thats will be the worst case ! Unfortunately I did not have my adonied removed, I will have them soon on separate procedure, BTW is adonied has a tough recovery like tonsils ?

Where is your bad breath originate ? do you smell when you rub the front of your tongue or the very back ? or does it start at the back then originate to the front ?

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2015 2:05 am
by StillHoping
I had my adenoids removed at the same time as the tonsillectomy; soo I'm not sure the difference in pain. I have seen others post on here that adenoid recovery is much easier than tonsil surgery.

I don't really think my cause would be due to the fillings - as I had bb way before I ever got fillings. But maybe since I had tonsils/adenoids remove, it might make an impact now to remove the fillings.

I don't know if its from the back versus front. I just know my tongue is a primary factor; as the smell disappears if I just do a tongue cleaning.

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2015 2:29 am
by Amro

Well, don't remove the filling unless there is bad smell around them. I removed my crown because I did have bad smell around them, fillings are easier to fit the tooth or the molar so I doubt they are the cause, bad I just stated the probability,

Have you tired any candida diet ? or you have symptoms of candida ? like sugar craving etc ?

I honestly doubt candida is a major cause, medically does not make sense, I feel it is oral and around the throat area, adenoid or tonsils, specially if your nose smell I believe it is oral, like tonsils or lingual tonsils, sinus etc,

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2015 9:33 am
by Amro
StillHoping wrote:Hi Amro; yes I have recently started turning back to oral issues being a possible cause - as it turned out the lemon water was actually a false cure. But I don't believe I have any crowns, I do have some fillings.

I do have pnd; why do you think Claritin would help?

Update bud, I did noticed my case similar to your since my breath smell like rotten food ( garbage) with vinegar smell !!
Did some researches as well as I have studied that before, the vinegar smell is from sulfur containing compounds, particularly, food ! Which means a digestion issue, now what i found has helped today ! Is chewing food extreemly good ! and I make sure when I swallow the food is grounded, then I eat cup of greek yougrut !! it really helped ! means the smell might be from intistinse etc. Read about SIBO, I will visit a gastro on wed and ask him for the treatment ! this might be my cure and other people cure ! try the yogurt after chewing food really good, Also I noticed that my breath smell worth when I DON'T eat for long time. Let me know, how it go with you, I will make post if SIBO TREATMENT HELPS with my case.

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2015 11:35 am
by FedUp
anyone having luck with this surgery?

im gonna visit another ENT soon. i can taste/smell that strong tonsil stone smell from the right side behind my nose. i just do not know how to approach the ENT about it. i'm just wondering if there's any other places this calcified material can hide. i can often smell what other people must be able to smell and it's not nice. quite strongly through my right nostril only. i feel i am close to finding at last but i can't put a diagnosis to it. i need to get cured because my life is absolutely empty at the moment, as you know, just going out to do regular tasks is a nightmare so trying to talk to females is a no-no. hearing comments here and there about it but i do not get down about it anymore but it still hurts at times. but i'm close to the end, i feel... i hope.

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2015 4:21 pm
by ThinkPositive
@FedUp there was another person who was cured with adenoid and tonsil removal, if you look on the site u will find their post. so u did have the tonsillectomy and adenoictemy but it didn't work?
i thought you were gonna try balloon sinuplasty? i also smell literally shit from deep inside both my nostrils after i clean my teeth thoroughly. my ENT booked tonsillectomy, he said hell remove adenoids if needed, but im gonna beg him to remove them. balloon sinuplasty may help you if u have lots of mucus in ur sinuses.

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2015 7:47 pm
by ThinkPositive

Posted: Sun Nov 22, 2015 9:23 pm
by FedUp
had tonsilectomy first- no joy.

had a tornwaldt cyst removed- no joy.

had all 4 wisdom teeth removed - no joy.

had a 2nd tonsillectomy - quite a lot of tissue not taken out the first time- still no joy.

had an adenoidectomy and removal of 2 tornwaldt cysts- no joy.

but i can taste/smell the shit smell from right side behind nose. the only thing stopping me getting seen again is i have no clue what it could be but i know the area it's coming from. and it costs a lot of money to get seen and examined. but very soon. i really think 2016 will be my year (i really hope so).

and let me tell you when i can smell it, it's quite strong. my work colleagues must be very tolerant and polite but i do over hear people talking about a smell lurking around. is there any other sort of x rays beside a ct sinus scan that could x ray the nasal area? ct scans cost £800 or i could wait 3 months for a scan which i can't and don't want to.

Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2015 4:15 am
by whatdidido
Hey Fedup!

Have you ever looked into balloon sinuplasty? Maybe you have stagnant and putrid mucous buildup in your sinus's. I don't know to much details about it but my ENT who is apparently the only person in all of western canada to do the procedure said that this would actually completely "rinse" out so to speak all the buildup! And the buildup actually does cause extremely foul breath.
Also, one of the long time members on this forum was cured after going through it!!
