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Halitosis Q&A

Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......
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Post by Gabriel »

Ice wrote: But to be completly frank, I think the treatment is meant for people from """""third world counries""""(not a perfect example, but still), where people don't know all what we do, how to brush teeth, gargle, postnasal drip, floss, tonque scraper, and that have been using Colgate paste....But for most of us, who have read pretty much all the literature about badbreath, treatmen would be same as Dr, Katzes treatment, ; use my paste3x a day, rinse 3x a day, don't eat dairy, drink water, lemon juice and ure cured...
I'm sorry to disagree, but many of our clients are just like you, and have very good or even immaculate oral health. Almost all clients have tried everything else out there before finding us. We hear a lot about products like Therabreath etc because our clients have tried them first.

Our international clients come from Australia, Europe, US, UK, Scandinavia, Japan, Hong Kong, Middle East (Kuwait, UAE etc) ... not exactly 3rd world if you see what I mean.

As far as nutrition goes however - eg, lactose intolerance, nutritional anemias, etc etc - just like BB, no two ppl are alike. Yes the proper diet can make a huge difference in health and the body's resistance to bacterial reinfection (and the immune system plays a big role here) but you might know my mantra by now : everyone is different.

At this clinic, you don't just get a personalised rinse treatment based on your personal microbiology: you also get a personalised nutrition plan designed to help you get healthier and rebalance your body's predisposition to reinfection.

However I'm NOT selling anything here - my role is only to discuss information. It would be wonderful to solve all CH problems. But mainly I want to make sure everyone knows that there is a lot more to solving those problems than any one-rinse, one-diet system can ever do.

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Post by Gabriel »

girlie girl wrote:Gabriel would you agree to the following:

Quite often frequent bad breath can be due zinc and magnesium deficiency, in which case zinc gluconate 50 mg is taken once a week for only 3-4 weeks, plus some magnesium citrate supplements taken for only 5 days out of a week. For about a month.

It takes two weeks at least for the body to have sufficient amounts of bicarbonate. However baking soda is not nearly as effective as a lemon and baking soda in raising the alkalinity. In which case I would try one whole freshly squeezed lime which is approximately equal to 8 teaspoon of lime juice plus 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda to 1/2 glass of water. Allow the fizz to proceed for 3-5 minutes and then I would take that twice a day, once in the morning and once before bedtime. It NECESSARY that NO fluoride toothpaste is used as it tends to worsen the condition in suppressing the body's IMMUNE SYSTEM. If excessive fluoride is the problem, then a small pinch of borax to drinking water will help remove that so that the glandular functions and immune system be restored. Most bromine, chlorine and fluorine are antagonistic against the iodine, allowing immune suppressing leading to bad breath, since you did mentioned you got good oral hygeine according to the dentist.

I found it at this website...

I really believe there is something here. Any input would be appreciated. Thank you.
I am sorry but I have no ability to comment on any of these opinions or the other ones you have quoted, because it all seems to do with chemistry and biomechanics ... and I have no great knowledge or expertise in those fields.

It seems a little heavy-handed and general to me, but again that is a personal opinion and definitely not a knowledgeable one.

You should really email the BreathDoc (breathdoc@ with these quotes for a scientific opinion. You may have to wait a while for a response but you will get a very honest and professional answer.
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Post by Gabriel »

Jimi wrote:Gabriel

We need more info on those infections, why do they occur, is the problem in liver??

About the rinses. I have severe alergy< to chlorine dioxine, cholhexidine and other names for the same chemical so I can not use it. Also zinc chloride.

I just dont believe you are using something else than those chemicals, because there is nothing else there, of we should already know about it.

So I really think that you rely only on those chemicals that are used by other bb clinics.

Prove me wrong.
Jimi, I really don't think the liver has anything to do with it.

Re "infections" - which do you mean? The infection I mainly refer to is halitosis. We consider halitosis to be an infection of the oral cavity (ie the mouth). An infection is basically an overgrowth or invasion of bacteria. Oral bacteria can also invade the bloodstream and infect other parts of the body.

Chlorhexidine and chlorine dioxide are completely different chemicals. CHX is a gold standard antimicrobial and has been researched for over 50 years; it is rare but possible to have an allergy to it. Chlorine dioxide is commonly used as an antimicrobial agent in municipal water systems - so if you are allergic to it you may not be able to drink tap water, fountain drinks, bottled or canned pop or soda, restaurant/bar ice cubes, etc.

Zinc chloride is sometimes used to treat gonorrhea, so I don't think we use that. Perhaps you meant zinc gluconate.

At any rate - the rinses we use have been proven to work very well for 15 years now. It doesn't matter what other "clinics" use. It is how they are used that is important.

Tell me if you know of any other clinic that uses a variety of different rinses prescribed individually based on microbiological analysis of the client's oral bacteria.
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Post by thanatos »

But are these prescribed rinses just chlorhexadine, chlorine dioxide, zinc-based, sodium chlorite and other easily obtained rinses or did the doctor develop anti-microbial mouthwashes that one cannot obtain aseasily they could CHX?
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Post by Gabriel »

thanatos wrote:But are these prescribed rinses just chlorhexadine, chlorine dioxide, zinc-based, sodium chlorite and other easily obtained rinses or did the doctor develop anti-microbial mouthwashes that one cannot obtain aseasily they could CHX?
The short answer is: "both".

Here's the long answer too. OK, you know that the FBC system (now called OraFresh) uses a range of choices for both initial treatment and maintenance rinses. As Jimi reminded us, people sometimes have allergies to certain antimicrobials. People can have taste reactions too - not liking the taste. You can prescribe anything you like, but if the client hates the taste they won't use it and the treatment will fail. So there are two good reasons to have choices to offer the client.

A few of the maintenance rinse choices are 3rd party products such as Closys or SmartMouth. These actually are good products for controlling low to medium levels of bacteria. Of course they will not have much effect against high levels of bacteria.

The rest of the maintenance rinses are either special formulations or products only available to professionals. So yes, a few of them could be obtained by your dentist if he/she knew what those products were. The others are all custom formulae designed by the BreathDoc.

All of the initial treatment rinses are unique discoveries by BD, either in formulation or in application.
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Post by Gabriel »

emotional rescue wrote:Yes Gabriel,

could you explain with the most details that you can how is this treatment that you do that makes that only you and your pacient knows that he ever had bb??
If you have this treatment and it is successful (and the worse your breath problem, the better your chances), then you will have normal breath. That is the whole idea of a "cure" isn't it?

Of course you will have to use a mouth rinse twice or 3x per day, but no one else has to know that.

Just as if you had diabetes, but if no one sees you inject insulin every day how would they know you have this condition?
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Post by Larc400 »

Regarding SmartMouth. I stopped using it one day when 1h after a regime with scraping, cleaning + SmartMouth, I was sitting in a car and someone thought I had farted. No kidding. Clearly wasn't very effective in handling the sulphurous compounds :oops: Maybe it even made it worse. Is it true that zinc (SmartMouth contains zinc chloride) can have a drying effect? The clinic I used to go to claimed this was the case.
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