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Post by oceanside »

Jimi wrote:John

Do you get any pain in liver after taking antibiotics?

I used to take one for my tooth infection and I could not go thru to the end becuas I was in pain after taking it.

Is it just me or others experience the same problems?
No, Jimi, my liver is fine, no pain. its only the second day so won't know but i sure hope not. i hope everything well be fine, complete cure like jonnyath.

i wonder why your liver was in pain taking metronidazole?

Jimi Stein
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Post by Jimi Stein »

I am not sure what antibiotic I took, it was for a tooth infection so probably it was not the same. And also few years ago I had to take another and got pain in liver so I had to stop again.
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Post by austuser »

there is no way any doctor would allow you to take antibiotics indefinately, especially one as powerful as metronidazole. I agree that this may be the only way to keep the bacteria away (because holy moly it is working terrifically) but the long term adverse effects on the liver are dangerous.

I have taken antibiotics in the past an none have had this good a result.

As for buying meds online, I ordered viagra (seperate nightmare) online at magic at a VERY cheap price, and so i thought it wouldnt be legit. Well, the pills work. But i wouldnt go buying antibiotics online because you dont have a proper gauge to tell if they're working or not (like rock hard wood :lol: )
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Post by noptical »

So guys after using that antibiotic you didnt see any improvement in other symptoms related to bb? eg. dry mouth, pnd, white tongue
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Post by KL »

just to let you know. I found this searching in internet on metronidazole 400mg. It is in spanish, written in november 22.

a person hgot BB and ask in the forum for help, a doctor gave hin an indication of using 3 tablet metronidazole 400mg and 3 amoxicilina 500mg, At the second day the odor was there, there was no improvement after to day.

I am copying whatever I find to support the use metronidazole
Mie Nov 22, 2006 3:48 pm Asunto:


jarto escribió:
jarto escribió:


Entonces le he dicho que pudiera ser una bacteria (he leido por ahi algo de "ocena" y rinitis atroficas) y el medico me ha recetado un protector gastrico y una semana tomando diariamente 3 amoxicilina 500mg y 3 metronidazole 400mg.

Hoy es mi 2 dia tomandolo. No noto mejoria ninguna.

Comentare resultados.

He acabado el tratamiento hace unos días y el mal aliento (fétido) continúa ahí.

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Post by austuser »

noptical wrote:So guys after using that antibiotic you didnt see any improvement in other symptoms related to bb? eg. dry mouth, pnd, white tongue
no all that is still there, but i will say, if anyone here takes viagra just know that it causes MAJOR nasal congestion. I realised this an hour after i took it and then read the packaging, it is a common side effect.

why cant anything be easy?
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Post by austuser »

well saturday night and after a night of smoking and not brushing for 12 hours my bro told me he couldnt smell anything on me. He said my breath smells like everyone elses. I really loved getting up close and personal with the chicks tonight, how awesome is that!

It makes me wonder. If "everyone else" isnt plagued with bb causing bacteria, and we are, then surely blasting that bacteria with metronidazole should cure us. But for some reason, and i am yet to find out if i am one of these, it comes back for some people.

Now, they say this could be because of PND, but then PND doesnt actually 'cause' bb causing bacteria, it merely provides an environment for it to grow in. There are many people who have PND, like jonnyath, but dont have bad breath. There are many people with sinus infections and tonsil stones and dry mouths who DONT have bb. Therefore these conditions dont CAUSE bad breath, otherwise all those people would have bad breath.

Maybe these healthy breath people have some kind of natural antibiotic which constantly targets only the bad bacteria. Im not a microbiologist so i dont really know. But the fact is right now i still have PND (when Nilodor wears off) I still have a coated tongue and tonsil stones, but the only difference is that the bad bacteria isnt there. There must be SOMETHING that makes us prone to 'catching' this bad bacteria again, no matter what we do. Something internal, some kind of organ dysfunction, something we all have in common that most people dont. The answer is so close.

anyway, im tired
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Post by yeagermeister »

So all bullshit aside,a couple of u guys are really experiencing some relief? I`m debating whether to ask my dr. to try this stuff or waiting to see if it last for u guys.
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Post by austuser »

im not experience some relief, im experiencing TOTAL relief from bad breath.

But do wait till we're done, because if it comes back, it comes back worse.
Then again, just because it might not work for us, doesnt mean it wont work for you. It worked for jonnyath
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Post by austuser »

another thing im noticing is bad smell dissapearing from every part of my body. B.O is almost undetectable, my feet dont smell even after a long day. I wear an earing and let me tell you sometimes the bacteria that collects in the piercing is horrible, but thats also been reduced 90%.

i wish this would last
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Post by noptical »

austuser wrote:i wish this would last
man dont be such a pessimist. I would be PRAYING for it to last :P
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Post by austuser »

it is pretty ****ing amazing though. I was at the movies tonight and didnt brush before going. I ate popcorn and a bag of salt n vinegar chips and coke. I purposely leaned over to my brother throuout the film and talked close to him. Normally he punches me and tells me to brush my teeth but he didnt even flinch. He even leaned in closer to me.
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Post by noptical »

austuser wrote:it is pretty ****ing amazing though. I was at the movies tonight and didnt brush before going. I ate popcorn and a bag of salt n vinegar chips and coke. I purposely leaned over to my brother throuout the film and talked close to him. Normally he punches me and tells me to brush my teeth but he didnt even flinch. He even leaned in closer to me.
Now try that with someone who doesnt know you're on antibiorics + not a close relative
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Post by austuser »

well i have been all weekend. Been out been to a club and its all good. My bro would tell me if my breath is bad because he ALWAYS does. Believe me, my breath is excellent....for now.

I'd like to hear how oceanside is going with his course, coz i think we both started the same day..? He's probably out enjoying his fresh breath.

i gotto go to sleep
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Post by oceanside »


I feel obligated to do the right thing by informing you guys that I need to take an indefinite break from my involvement so you guys don’t think that I’ve found a cure and abandoned everyone without saying a word. Metronidazole is killing off bacteria, and yes, my breath is good. However, as we know too well it’s only a matter of time before all hell breaks loose again-BB back with a vengeance; though I hope that I may join jonnyath in freedom.

I still have my ENT appointment in February, and if Dr. okay with laser tonsil, I am going for it.

If I am cured of any remedy, you can be sure I’ll return to let everyone know. But for the sake of my personal, emotional, and psychological well-being, I need to take a break, as my depression is at all time low, ok?

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