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Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 2:56 pm
by jen
Clara and Hoping, thank you very much. This info about proteins is really significant. Bad news for me, though, because I am trying to lose some weight and limiting carbs helped me a lot. But I'll do whatever it takes to solve the IBS and bb issues. Guess I'll lose weight anyway if I eat mostly veg... ;)

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2012 6:22 pm
by jen
clara0 wrote:@Jen
I also read Lisa posts and I am wondering if I should try Metrodinazol too but I am afraid of the negative effects of antibiotics on my body....especially that my bb started after taking some strong antibiotics ... I am just confused. Please let me know if it works for you.
Clara, I finished the augmentin and metrodinazole 2 days ago. Did it cure my bb? No. Is there an improvement? Yes!

I had terrible blue-black circles under my eyes which looked like bruises. These are gone. I can feel more saliva in my mouth (one night I actually drooled on the pillow for the first time in I don't know how long) and my nasal passages are more moist, not dry as usual. The taste in my mouth is much, much better. I can actually live without gum in my mouth for quite a while.

I think a had a sinus infection for quite some time, because I had chronic pain in my body, especially my legs. The dr said it could be fibromyalgia. But I think it was infection, because my pain has suddenly disappeared since I've used the antibiotics. Pnd is less and my chronic cough is better - although not gone.

But I don't think the sinus infection was the main source of my bb, although it made it worse. I still suffer from severe IBS, possible LPR and have a problematic tooth. These are the next things on my list to tackle.

I hate antibiotics and refused to take them for years, but in my case it was worth it (taking both together). I used metro alone several years ago and it didn't do anything for me. The problem is that it may not be permanent, as I can still feel the pain in my frontal sinuses. I will just have to wait and see.

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2012 4:37 am
by jen
Forgot to add that the dr also gave me prednisone to speed up the healing process.

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2012 4:06 pm
by clara0
Hey Jen thanks for the feedback , I hope we hear more good news :)
My ENT also prescribed Augmentin...but I have not tried Mero yet , I was OK for 7,10 days after I stopped the drug so I thought It did the trick but sinusitis symptoms came back again and during the last 4 days I had the worst smell ever...and an allegic runny nose happened afterwards.You know...I met 5 different ENTs during the last 2,3 months and all gave me antibiotics a it did not work so I came to the conclusion that my case should be allergic Fungal sinusitis . My next step is going to an allergy clinic maybe they can figure it out...In your case it might me bacterial which I personally think is easier to treat.

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2012 6:48 pm
by jen
Good luck, Clara. I really hope they can help you and that you can finally get your cure.

As for me, I'm feeling really great. Wonderful, clean saliva and I don't have to rush and brush in the morning. I even went to buy groceries today without gum in my mouth. I would say bb has been 80% reduced at this stage. But I won't get too excited. Can't really think that sinus infection can last 30 years, must be some other underlying cause. In the meantime, I don't stress that it will return, I just enjoy it. Am working on the iBS and also feel better at this stage, less stomach ache. I'll update in a week or so. If I don't it's because I am depressed! 8-[

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2012 8:25 pm
by cope

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 9:52 am
by jen
cope wrote:@jen
if your ibs is constant and you have pnd and sinus problems I suggest you consider food allergy/intolerance. if the symptoms are with you all the time it may be something that you have lots of in your diet like milk protein (it's everywhere even in foods you wouldn't suspect) or gluten. please try to cut as much dairy as you can and see if it helps. my case looks similar to yours. bb, sinus problems, I had ibs for years and cutting of dairy made my bowel movements A LOT better. I haven't eaten dairy in 3 months now and some of my bowel movements were completly normal. I no longer suffer from ibs just by not eating dairy, bread and pasta, my diet still needs some adjustments though. keep in mind that milk protein is in pasta, bread, some meat, powdered soups, ketchups and a lot more. read about it, I was browsing a forum with people suffering from all different types of bowel deaseses like CU, Crohn, Celiac, food allergies (multiple sometimes) and they say if I want to get better it means 100% lack of milk protein in my diet. I will speak to allergist again and dietician in few weeks but I'm sure I've found my cause of bb.
Cope, thank you very much for your post. I've been meaning to test for food allergies and strangely just never got around to doing it. Maybe because I didn't really think I could be allergic to something like that. I will take your advice and go for testing this week. And I'll research this and eliminate the things you said in case it's intolerance that the tests don't pick up. It would be wonderful if we could get rid of bb for good, even with some sacrifice.

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 11:04 am
by cope

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 3:54 pm
by clara0
Jen I really wish your bb does not turn back after you stop the medicine but the IBS thing makes me doubtful.
I totally agree with cope, before I cut out dairy I had runny nose & PND 24 hours a day... day and night...all the time.So I needed to take antihistamines every single day. I stopped eating dairy 1,5 years ago and runny nose stopped instantly. PND reduced by 99%. Now I only have them when my sinuses are in trouble not all the times like before..and I dont take any of those drugs.Maybe milk was not the cause of my bb but it was a big mucus producer for sure and we know that bacteria lives in mucus.