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Posted: Tue May 07, 2013 3:54 am
by deebas
thanks for the update

Posted: Tue May 07, 2013 7:22 am
by diandra
I really want to stress getting diagnosed with H Pylori or SIBO or both before using antibiotic treatment. It's not a good idea to take antibiotics you don't need. Broad spectrum antibiotics are dangerous to take repeatedly because you can develop a resistance to them, and when you really do need them for infections, they will not work. However, Rifaximin is not an antibiotic you can develop a resistance to. Nevertheless, you should talk to a doctor before buying antibiotics online. Rifaximin does have side effects, please research drugs before you take them, even the ones your doctor prescribes. If you really do have H Pylori, you need to treat it, it can lead to cancer. If you have a bacterial overgrowth like SIBO, that needs to be treated too. The longer you have it the longer it takes to get rid of. But please don't take antibiotics without getting diagnoses first. As an alternative, Mastic Gum has been proven to kill H Pylori if you don't want to take antibiotics. You will need to take it for months, however.
I like to remind people with bb that the mouthwash Breath RX will a few drops of OraMD in it will really help. If you can tolerate it, put a little Hydrogen Peroxide in the mixture. In a few weeks, you will notice a big difference, but it only lasts about 2 hours at a time, and it is in no way a cure. Good luck in your battle with bb.

Posted: Tue May 07, 2013 7:48 am
by deebas
great that things seem to work or provide relief for people posting but nothing I have tried (and I have tried 100% of the sensible ideas mentioned on this board) has provided even the smallest relief for me

In fact, my BB and nose stench gets worse every day regardless of what I do

Posted: Tue May 07, 2013 10:42 am
by FedUp
I'm pleased you're cured

I know one day we will all see the sun shine. The end is nigh.

Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 5:07 am
by ikageorgian
Thank you dear diandra for your late reply, please stick around for a while until there are some questions towards you, otherwise people are nervous on this forum.

Posted: Fri May 10, 2013 8:20 pm
by Shit4Breath
Thanks diandra for the reply...I've been on 1200mg rifaxmin for 14 days now and have 14 more days to go, and I wanted to know on which day did you get complete relief of your bb?

Posted: Fri May 10, 2013 8:51 pm
by Shit4Breath
Well I feel duped! I guess this is why diandra couldn't answer questions to a person she made spend $300 on "a miracle antibiotic." Just found a post by diandra on topix posted around the same time she posted on this site. Only she changed her "cured" status from 3 years to 4 years on this site. I guess to make it seem more effective. Can we say SPAMMER! Look for yourself ... 3N5OCCC/p9
I've suffered this problem for 23 years. I've tried Threabreath, Smartmouth, Profresh, triOral, Biotene, Breezecare, Closys and countless other products, NOTHING WORKED! My teeth are in perfect shape, i brush 3 times daily, I have no gum disease. Since the bad breath was also coming out of my nostrils, I had my sinuses checked and they are normal. I also use a nasal irrigatior and a waterpik with mouthwash in it. I STILL HAD THE PROBLEM!! Why you ask? Because I made the stupid mistake of believing Dr. Katz and other so-called doctors who claimed bad breath usually comes from the mouth, and very rarely the stomach. I went to see a gastroenterologist about an unrelated problem, IBS. After tests, it was shown I had bacterial overgrowth in my intestines. He put my on Clarithromycin and Flagyl together for 14 days. When I finished the antibiotics, I went on Probiotics to replenish the good bacteria. My bad breath was 80% gone. BUT THEN in a few weeks it was back, as bad as ever. I gave up hope. After a few months, I decided to see the gastroenterologist again. This time he put me on 1200 mg of Rifaximin for 14 days, then the probiotics afterwards. MY BAD BREATH WAS COMPLETELY GONE and stayed that way for about 4 months, then it started to come back, I took the Rifaximin again and then the probiotics, stayed on the probiotics a lot longer this time, and it has been 3 years and NO BAD BREATH!! I stupidly believed Dr Katz and others who say there is no CURE for bb, only treatment. Well, I beg to differ. If I would have ignored his advice earlier and went to see the doctor, I would have saved hundreds, maybe thousands on stupid mouthwashes that don't work.
If for some reason you can't get to a doctor, the best mouthwash to mask the problem for a few hours is BREATH RX with a few drops of OralMD in it. When I had my problem, that solution was the only thing keeping me from being a recluse because of the bb. Be patient though, Breath RX takes around two weeks before you see the full results. Whatever mouthwash you decide to use, PUT A FEW DROPS OF OralMD in it!! Your mouth will feel fresh and it was the only thing that helped me along with the BreathRX, and I tried EVERYTHING!!

Posted: Fri May 10, 2013 10:15 pm
by seanlee1980
How do you know if the drugs you ordered online is fake or not or some generic low quality shit that dont work especially if you are ordering without a prescription? They could just send you a pill with flour. You wont know it. If you do find out if its fake, are you going to sue them when youre ordering something illegally?

Posted: Sat May 11, 2013 5:06 am
by Shit4Breath
The meds are real I went through a European pharmacy that had really good reviews. But I guess the fact that the meds could be "fake sh*t" doesn't really matter because her whole story was obviously "fake sh*t".

I doubt she will come back and explains this!

Posted: Sat May 11, 2013 5:15 am
by Jimi Stein
I think she will not reply, I had to personally ask her before to reply so she just posted same answer in three posts she made. SHE DOES NOT CARE

THis is the true face of a spammer. Jut to make things interesting here is her email and real name

Spammers keep away from our site

[email protected]
Diane T,
She lives in Los Angeles

So if you get any sideeffect from that drug you know who to contact and bring to court.

I knew from the start that she is a spammer, you see she posted on several forums just to plug and then she is lazy to answer

Posted: Sat May 11, 2013 8:13 am
by halitosisux
I still reckon she's cleverly spamming the other two oral products, by getting attention with her SIBO claims. It doesn't add up why these two oral products she mentions happen to be the only two things which she claims could help her, and just so happen to have tried everything EXCEPT those two products. Jesus what bullshit.

Don't give up on SIBO though. The ease with which SIBO can occur and the effects it can have on the body are almost certain to lead to some degree of blood/secretion borne odour, and perhaps even direct gas coming right up past the stomach. Rule out common triggers, like helicobacter pylori, and current/past medications etc and find a doctor who will take you seriously and test you properly and give you the antibiotics you need to find out if SIBO applies to you or not. Don't buy any meds online, not only because it is dangerous, but because you may make false assumptions based on any false medications you receive.

Posted: Sat May 11, 2013 8:29 am
by halitosisux
Proposed link with Rosacea. Rosacea is just one of the many symptoms of SIBO which some people may or may not have, but read this:-
Intestinal bacteria may play an etiological role in the dermatological condition Rosacea. A recent study subjected patients to a hydrogen breath test to detect the occurrence of SIBO. It was found that significantly more patients were hydrogen-positive than controls indicating the presence of bacterial overgrowth (47% v. 5%, p<0.001).
Hydrogen-positive patients were then given a 10-day course of rifaximin, a non-absorbable antibiotic that does not leave the digestive tract and therefore does not enter the circulation or reach the skin. 96% of patients experienced a complete remission of rosacea symptoms that lasted beyond 9 months. These patients were also negative when retested for bacterial overgrowth. In the 4% of patients that experienced relapse, it was found that bacterial overgrowth had returned. These patients were given a second course of rifaximin which again cleared rosacea symptoms and normalized hydrogen excretion.[32]
In another study, it was found that some rosacea patients that tested hydrogen-negative were still positive for bacterial overgrowth when using a methane breath test instead. These patients showed little improvement with rifaximin, as found in the previous study, but experienced clearance of rosacea symptoms and normalization of methane excretion following administration of the antibiotic metronidazole, which is effective at targeting methanogenic intestinal bacteria.[33]
These results suggest that optimal antibiotic therapy may vary between patients and that diverse species of intestinal bacteria appear to be capable of mediating rosacea symptoms.
This may also explain the improvement in symptoms experienced by some patients when given a reduced carbohydrate diet.[34] Such a diet would restrict the available material necessary for bacterial fermentation and thereby reduce intestinal bacterial populations.
The part about reduced carbohydrate diet is interesting too, because I know many people have tried that and it improved their BB.

Posted: Sat May 11, 2013 8:34 am
by halitosisux
A diet void of certain foods that feed the bacteria can help alleviate the symptoms. For example if the symptoms are caused by bacterial overgrowth on complex carbohydrate rich foods (for example bread), eating light food consisting of fruits and green leafy vegetables may substantially lessen the symptoms.

Posted: Sat May 11, 2013 2:34 pm
by Stankie

Posted: Thu May 16, 2013 8:35 am
by crazy4it
my view on sibo and h pylori i dont think anyone should assume they have. h pylori or sibo just because the fact that they have bb. most of these pple that had it seemed like they were fine for most of their lives all of a sudden got hit by sibo or h pylori and had symptoms therefore antibiotics helped cure them. if u had bb since u were born and dont have symptoms besides bb i suggest u look elsewere and not harm urself with stuff ur body doesnt need good luck