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forum losing appeal to those with genuine bad breath?

Do you have any quesions about bad breath?
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Post by halitosisux »

well iva, a quote taken from wikipedia states:-

"LPR is still considered somewhat controversial because there is no gold standard test for its diagnosis."

So LPR is diagnosed by its related symptoms rather than any direct tests being made? That's how i interpret that anyway, i could be completely wrong.

The reason i made that point to dear wnaysha was because if ACID reflux itself is NOT considered to be a direct cause of BB (but maybe it is for secondary reasons, such as irritation of mucous membranes) then its far less likely for LPR to be either, unless of course its for secondary reasons too, such as sinus infection etc.

So, back to your orignal question, no i dont know anyone with LPR specifically, but would you now care to explain the significance of why you are asking me?

Iva, are you saying you know people with LPR? Have you been diagnosed with it? If so, wont completely blocking the production of stomach acid with a PPI be able to confirm matters for you. Im assuming you have tried this of course, but what are your views?

Also, unless the contents of your stomach become extremely foul, or you have esophegal pouches or hiatal hernia etc, then the discussion here is whether acid reflux, whether its silent or not, can directly (not indirectly) cause BB.

I have made a thread regarding bile reflux, if you would like to discuss anything in there.

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Post by iva »


I believe tests for LPR are done in UK and USA, perhaps other countries as well, I do not know, not in my country unfortunately. In my case I was diagnosed with LPR on the basis of related symptoms.
AR is not consiederd to be a direct cause of BB, nor is LPR; all LPR does is damage the tissue of the pharynx and stimulate it to produce thick mucous to protect itself. The mucous or whatever happens as a result is the cause for the bb.
The reason for asking u if u know anyone with LPR is maybe if u knew such a person, u would be able to generalize as u did for people with acid reflux.
I believe completely blocking the production of stomach acid with a PPI is not possible; I believe PPIs only block the acidity not the pepsin production (correct me if I am wrong) and I think pepsin+bile is what the refluxate consists of in my case. High dosge of PPIs also lead me to complete constipation and a burning sensation in the mouth (I can`t figure that one out).
I believe AR can cause BB indirectly -namely by turning into LPR.

And again, thank u for the input, it`s amazing how s.o. who is bb free, is willing to discuss issues he has nothing to do with.
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Post by wnaysha »


iva's right, how can someone like u open a new post on bile reflux?

u don't suffer from it, u don't think any kind of reflux can cause bb, infact u r relying on those medical theories that don't prove anyting about how reflux is related to bb-just like how someone not aware of halitosis would think the sufferer forgot to brush his teeth- thats what u sound like when u talk about issues u don't know about.

that is ur problems halitosisux, u need to stop interfering in other areas of bb u know nothing about. U need to leave it to those who know.

about my common sense cure, well it seems like there are stupid ppl like u here who don't know anyting about acid reflux, and are telling everyone ar can't cause bb-so don't u think ur the first one in need of reading and understanding it?

What? no one has had any problems with u? why do some members leave this site? because they don't find anything new, all they see is u online 24/7 like ur working for some kind of company giving them useless/dangerous advices.

ur proving ur hypocricy when u call my post "common sense cure" wrong and then say everyone can talk about different areas of bb.
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Post by halitosisux »

OH ***k more wnaysha jibberish..
what do you mean iva is right? you've got it completely WRONG AGAIN

And are you trying to say AGAIN that people are not free to discuss ANY BB related matters they wish to discuss? Who the ***k was talking to you about bile reflux anyway? since when were you ****ing running this site?

No i dont suffer from reflux, and according to a recent test you had which you mentioned, NEITHER DO YOU! No i dont believe acid reflux (ITSELF) causes BB because its a KNOWN MEDICAL FACT that it doesnt, but it can cause secondary problems which might do. But its a known medical fact that BILE REFLUX CAN DIRECTLY CAUSE BB and that's why im paying attention to it. YOU EVEN SAID A COUPLE OF MONTHS YOU DIDNT KNOW THAT BILE REFLUX CAN CAUSE BB AND IT WAS THANKS TO MINE AND IVA'S DISCUSSION THAT YOU NOW KNOW ABOUT IT.

Who the ***k are you telling me what i should or shouldnt do? I should leave it others who know?? who YOU?? dont make me piss myself.

I think you are just freaking out because iva could understand and agree with me.

OMG you are making SHIT up as you go along, how do you know people leave this site? They are just not talking because you and drastic have stunned them with your ****ing stupidity, many of them have said so.

I never said your "common sense cure" was WRONG, dont try to twist it, i said it was ridiculously patronising and insulting to most of the people on here who have been battling with this problem for years.

But now you mention it here is an example of the kind of SHIT you have come out with:-
wnaysha wrote:Hi meowkitty,

i'm having the same problems, and to tell u the truth I think here's whats causing this whole thing, I think its constipation, have u ever smelled a constipated person's breath? :-& I think that the reason why it comes out of our nose is that when we breathe, the diaphragm presses the lungs to help it inhale and exhale, while doing that the diaphragm also presses the stomach, and the smell of digested food in stomach comes up and gets out of our nose, making it smell like fart as u said "nose fart" lol
This was someone taking antibiotics who, as far as we have been informed, ended up curing their problem thanks to everyone else's advice. So was that an example of your idea of good advice?
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Post by halitosisux »

Hi iva, and thankyou.
Yes this needs further research and investigation. Need to find out if there are any cases of anyone having had chronic BB being treated in some way for their bile reflux, if its done anything at all for their BB.
I dont know much about it, like is the liver still able to produce and pass bile into the stomach/duodenum even without a gall-bladder? We need to discuss this further in the new thread.
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Post by wnaysha »


I am not gona use that kind of disguesting, and insulting language like you.

And I will listen to everyone and not waste a single second on your stiupid comments, u can keep them to urself.

You are not worth my time.
Jimi Stein
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United States of America

Post by Jimi Stein »

omg we have a war, come on peepz come down,

Halitosis sux is a good guy, you waynasha are good too.

Chat is intendet to relive stress, so if love happens on this board, why not. Some people have hooked up in the past and I am glad for it.

I tool my wisdom out, no changes whatsoever but I am not mad with him, he tried to help.

I am not sure why he spends so much time on this board if he got rid of bb, but I like he stays here, and not run away like the other did. Maybe he just likes people with bb.

But he is a good guy, he tries to help. Just my 50 cents
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Post by Snobuni »

Nice one Jimi, I agree!! :D

I took my wisdoms out and this didn't improve my bb, but it was my decision to do this, I wasn't pushed into it against my will. It's a similar situation to my tonsillectomy, but I'm now able to rule these things out as possible causes of my bb and move onto the next theory.

And surely if Halitosisux chooses to hang around and investigate causes of bb (irrespective of whether he is cured or not) shouldn't we be grateful for his input?
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Post by halitosisux »

ermmmmm wnaysha... go back one page...
wnaysha wrote:Halitosisux,

You are a ****ing bastard
u childish, immature, asshole
You always act like an ignorant asshole when it comes to common sense and logical issues on bb.
Thanks Jimi & Snobuni, i love everyone on here, especially drastic and wnaysha, they know i love them, they even made a thread about the affections.
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Post by wnaysha »

ye Jimi, the reason i found this site interesting was only because everyone was friendly and open about their symptoms.

The truth is that we all can find what we want in other sites, but the only thing we won't be able to find is the understanding of the situation and our common interest here,because we are all suffering and we all want to find a cure,

In this case, Instead of approaching a healthy debate, our discussion was becomming fruitless and impractical, so why waste more time on worthless discussions?
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Post by Harry_2K »


I have taken out all my wisdoms, thinking that I could find a cure. It was not because Hali said that it might give us a cure. Many in this particular thread were also of this opinion (planning or thinking of taking their wisdoms out) and I thought it was worth a try and unfortunately, it did not cure my BB. It was purely my own decision and even before Hali got cured, I had one of my wisdoms out. I had even removed my tonsils, before I visited this site (all with the internet surfing).

It really looks bad to see each one trying to hurt somebody or the other, in this thread. Those who are not genuine BB sufferers and those who are not trying to help, should honesly leave this forum. Only we BB sufferers know what it's all about. Others would really not understand what BB is and how it could take away 99% of our goodest part of our lives.

Let's be united (united we stand; separated we fall) and try something out of the websites & books; which would give us a cure.

All honest guys stay here and others please walk off.

Let everyone be free to voice their opinions, ideas or suggestions. We are all now well informed of various things about BB and we are all intelligent enough to understand what's good and what's not. If someone says you please commit s*****e if you have BB, we are not going to do that. We know what's BB is all about and we are here to fight BB and let's put every single thought of our's towards going Zero BB.

Thank you all and many thanks to Jimi for providing us all a wonderfull launch pad to discuss BB related things alone :)

May the chat room and all threads in this forum, be informative and let's only discuss BB related things and affectionate discussions (pacifying each others feelings), probably.

Posts: 36
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maybe we need to have different topis

Post by celica »

Well Iread all your reactions, argumenta and opinion. Maybe we can put title for those who had experience PND will to that topic and people will just say what they experience and tried and if you want socialization then we can also put up a title so people can flirt, socializa, have fun and forget their problems so at least we can try diffrent methods and we need also to support each other emotionally not to fight and argue because we are here for one cause to fight this together.
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