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Finally Cured After 38 Years of Hell? LADIES PLEASE READ

Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......
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Post by jen »

HopefulOne, your post is an inspiration to me. I have suffered for 30 years, tried everything (got rid of nasal odour by using psyllium husk at least), but bb goes from mild to bad and then to worse and back. Maybe hormone fluctuations if you get something like that. Sometimes I can survive without gum in my mouth (when I'm at home) other times I want to hide beneath my desk. Now I have hope again that maybe God will answer my prayers one day.

Hali-girl, did I miss something? You were so helpful with all the things that you tried and now you don't want to share with us. I wonder if somebody has offended you in any way. If so, please don't mind them. Think of us, your bb friends who need all the help we can get!

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Post by Tibya »

Its sad that something as natural as "love making" can be the cause of bb (if it is).
Stress, hormonal imbalance, bacterial imbalance, GERD all may be the cause of this horrible bb. For most of them if it started at the age of 11-13 yr, you already know that its something to do with puberty or maybe even stress (Young adults face much more stressful life than we can even imagine).
Stress has been the cause of many disease. And with bb its more.
Going on with zantec and 3% hydrogen per oxide gargling. The thick coating at the back of my tongue is reduced, but bb from nose is still present.
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Post by mindyb »

I found this test kit.

However I think I still may make an appt. Sooner than later with my endocrinologist. I really want to be clear in explaining my bb in relation to possible hormonal imbalance. Jen, do you think the overload of progesterone from the contraceptive shot put your bb on overhaul?
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Post by mindyb »

Hopeful one, how are you doing currently? I want to talk to my endocrinologist who treats my thyroid. However fearful of the same old response and no idea what to say to me.
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Post by jen »

mindyb wrote: I really want to be clear in explaining my bb in relation to possible hormonal imbalance. Jen, do you think the overload of progesterone from the contraceptive shot put your bb on overhaul?
Mindy, when I read the post, I thought, definitely. My bb was like a dead animal in my mouth. Before I started using it and after I stopped, the bb is still bad, but nothing like during this period. However after doing some research about progesterone dominance and estrogen dominance, I just don't know. It is so confusing. I think the only thing is to get tested. But... Like you I'm so damn tired of always getting the same old response: "everything is normal...there's nothing wrong with you". It drives me up the wall. I just need to know what is causing this.
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Post by malory »

[quote="HopefulOne"]I don't know much about TMAU. But I do know that I have not had any other body odor but my breath. I do believe I've suffered from a hormonal imbalance most of my life.

So glad to hear that someone has managed to beat this bb.
I have TMAU and my breath is the main source of odour and has been for almost 15 years. TMAU can manifest itself almost exclusively as breath odour.

I get terrible bleeding gums prior to and during menstruation and my odour is definitely at its worst around this time also. Nothing can reduce or hide my breath odour around this time and I am considering full hysterectomy. Very interesting what you said about progesterone allergy. I have pnd and cated tongue but no hives. I had an enormous ovarian cyst at just 16 but don't know if that has anything to do with hormones.

anyway, good luck hopefulone and hope you can rename yourself 'The One Who Conquered'

ps. check out this tmau educational video project at MEBO Research

http://www.bloodbornebodyodorandhalitos ... eryls.html
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Post by mindyb »

Wholistic hormone testing.... Anyone have any if the following tests done? I think the saliva test may be very telling for everyone here, man and woman. This clinic is in Sydney, so I'm going to try and make an appt. Near me in USA, if I can find something. ... siteid=717

If alot of went and had all of these tests done, we could compare results and look for a common factor if the doctor was unable to conclude anything..
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Post by solider »

malory is it possible to have only bb with tmau? i thought bo was an issue to do u have nasal odor and what does it smell like
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Post by malory »

TMAU can manifest itself as bad breath only.
Since my diagnosis, I can see how, at times, I also had body odour from my left armpit (mostly during menstruation when the smell was so much worse) but I must say that bb was/is my main source of odour. When I menstruate, I think that I smell all over and it is utterly impossible to control. I also have nasal odour at such times. My odour is mainly fecal. Occasionally I have been horrified to smell farts produced from my own mouth. Horrific.

Let doctors know what we have to put with:
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Post by mike987 »

I really need the peace of mind of having a TMAU test..

Any such tests going on in Japan, or Ohio, USA?
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Post by TIRED »

my bb started after taking the pill for the first time when I was 18. I am now 40. i have always suspected that it is hormonal. It is much worst around my period. I can't smell it, but others say it smells like marijuana, fecal, or sewage like. I think that I have type 2 TMAU and need to just cough up the $400 and get tested. Higher hormone levels make the TMAU worse. My husband, kids, and mom cannot smell it which is another sign of TMAU. I have eliminated the high choline foods from my diet and I do not seem to fill a room with my bb anymore, but I still have very bad breath. None of my many doctors over the years have been any help. Lately I have just tried to not think about it and I stopped getting on this sight for a while, but I really want to find a cure. I want to go back to work someday as a teacher, but I will not go back if I have bb. I will try the flaxseed. I already have some. My pantry looks like a pharmacy - you name it, i got it. Also, vitamin B2 is good for TMAU sufferers. A hysterectomy scares me. I know hormones keep you looking young and feeling young, and so I am afraid that after a hysterectomy I will start to have other problems. I will have to research this. My periods have been lasting 10 days since having my son 3 yrs. ago, and so eventually I might need one, who knows.
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Post by halitosisux »

Mike & Tired,
have you tried taking choline tablets to see whether it has any effect?
See Aydinmur's thread.
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Post by mike987 »

halitosisux wrote:Mike & Tired,
have you tried taking choline tablets to see whether it has any effect?
See Aydinmur's thread.
I bought some Choline Powder at the suggestion that some people may actually not have enough of it in their diet..

Haven't done anything with it yet.
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Post by TIRED »

saw that thread...I feel like I have already done this experiment because eggs have a lot of choline and when I eat eggs I get very bad reactions, even my husband smells it. He'll keep saying things like "who farted" and I will say "you are finally smelling my breath!" He gets mad and thinks it's all in my head. It's weird because my bad breath does not seem to be coming from my mouth as much as my lungs because when I yawn or laugh real hard I get the worst reactions. It is definitely systemic. I am 95% positive it's TMAU. Even if I took the test and it came out negative I would still stay on the TMAU diet because it has eliminated the very bad reactions to my breath and the room filling bad breath. If not TMAU then I have a problem digesting food in some way - maybe not enough acid or something. I was trying apple cider vinegar with meals, but it made my acid reflux worse and I was having stomach pains. Had lots of energy on it though!
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Post by TIRED »

Estrogen Balance for men and women...I may have to try this! ... B003JJYSZM
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