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Chronic halitosis, Rhinitis, PND, bacterial imbalance

Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......
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Post by ruch »

you might want to try upping the # of tablets you ingest. i take 1 in morning 1 in daytime, and 1 before bed. that's 250mg each time. also, i don't think it worked immediately but am not certain. keep trying for awhile and see. it def helps with my tongue coating anyway, i think. someone else on here has said that too. also, try ingesting the actual xylitol too. it helps reduce biofilm. there is a protocol online about the 2 of them if you google it.. supposed to help reduce biofilm

i had a thought.. has anyone ever tried zinc in a saline rinse? zinc has been shown to help with anaerobic bacteria in the mouth (for those whose bb originates just in the mouth), and i wonder if some of us with bb due to PND would find this helpful? not sure how we would use it.. crush up a tablet and mix in with the rinse?

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Post by ruch »

re the zinc idea.. don't try this at home, kids... if you google it, you will find that it can cause anosmia (loss of sense of smell)
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Post by Peace »

It's a good idea to search for possible anosmia with anything that you plan on shooting up your nose. Regarding amoxicillin,there have been some reports of anosmia after oral intake, but nothing clearly established like Zicam. I took amoxicillin as spray over 2 days and got sinusitis and partial loss of smell but it's coming back. Still feels like bb is gone but I am waiting for sense of smell to fully come back to confirm. Alternatively you could spray the amoxicillin in saline/xylitol/lactoferrin on your tongue.
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Post by joeP »

I think I'm "slightly" better than before...I can't say what is helping...the no carb no protein diet or the green foods and supplemenents or the lactorferrin + xylitol + saline nasal rinses or the oral hygiene regiment.

I've been on the diet for more than 2 weeks...and will start adding one portion of brown rice or irish soda bread or a fresh chicken steak to the menu ONCE a day...unless anyone thinks that is not a good idea at this point?

Edit: Slightly better still means it is room filling and both nasal and oral.
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Post by ruch »

here is what worked for me today. i had a date today so i wanted to be as fresh as possible. this worked for about 2 hours, miraculously.. i think anyway!

steps, in order:
1. brushed & scraped tongue
2. flossed
3. swished with 1 tbsp liquid chlorophyll mixed in 1 cup water
3. irrigated gums with hydrofloss machine with warm water + 30 drops grapefruit seed extract
4. dissolved 1 tbsp xylitol in a bit of warm water, swished, gargled and then drank it.
5. took 250 mg lactoferrin
6. sinus rinse with saline solution of water with salt & baking soda (i use those neilmed packets for ease) + 1 tsp xylitol + 1 drop oil of oregano + 3 drops grapefruit seed extract + 1 capsule lactoferrin (250mg)
7. swished and gargled with dioxirinse (has active chlorine dioxide and basically kinda tastes like bleach)
8. rinsed with water to get the taste out
9. a bit later, swished and gargled with smartmouth (contains zinc)
10. about 30 min later, swished and gargled with 1/2 cup water with 3 drops grapefruit seed extract + 1 drop oil of oregano
11. saline rinse again with saline solution
11. swished and gargled with chlorhexidine rinse
12. opened a capsule of lactoferrin and poured contents into my mouth

all these steps seems really excessive but i was really worried about being smelly..

i had dinner and a drink, and i felt fine. after dinner, i brushed my teeth and rinsed again with chlorhexidine.
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Post by ruch »

oh, and i meant to also take a probiotic capsule but i forgot. tonight before bed, i am going to drink a P&B shake (still trying to cleanse my system of parasites, just in case). will have to wait to take the probiotic tomorrow since i read you are not supposed to take supplements within 2 hours of a P&B shake.
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Post by joeP »

@ruch, thanks for the update! Good to hear that you have a routine that's working for least for a couple of hours.

I've order the P&B...waiting until they arrive.

I haven't tried dioxirinse it any more effective than smartmouth?

Any reason why you are not using hydrogen peroxide?

I can't recall if you mention it...are you following any particular diet?
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Post by deebo »

@ruch . Well how the heck did your date go ? What did you eat/drink ? We want juicy details 8)

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Post by ruch »

when i first tried dioxirinse, it worked for me for a week or so.. but then it stopped working. i put it away but recently found it again so i thought why not just finish it.

i should mention the routine doesn't always work.. but when i am desperate, i try everything.. and if i am lucky, it might work for a bit or at least reduce the bb. the thing is, i don't know if it really works or if my sense of smell/taste gets affected by the grapefruit seed extract (it might). however, it does make me FEEL better and so i can have more confidence and that is worth quite a lot, i think.. as you all know..

oh, and i have tried hydrogen peroxide but it doesn't really work for me very well. i also used to put some in my hydrofloss machine.. but i have read that longterm use of hydrogen peroxide will erode your mouth and teeth, so i would rather steer clear, especially since it barely works anyway.

as for the date, it went well.. but it is hard to date anyone when you have bb. i am in constant fear of getting close when i feel like i have bb, even a little bit of bb. it has gotten to the point where i might not always have it, but feel paranoid about it and am still afraid to get close.

i am getting a tetracycline oral rinse tomorrow from an oravital clinic. i have tried it before and it works while i am using it (for 2 weeks) but stops once i go off of it. however, since i am now using lactoferrin and xylitol, both of which breaks down biofilm, i am hoping i may have better luck this time.. an the bacteria will not be so resistant.. we'll see..
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Post by joeP »

@ruch, thanks again for the update! Hope tetracycline works even better this time for you!! Did you have an analysis of your oral bacteria with oravital as well? If yes, how did that go?

Generally...just wanted to say that I really had a terrible day yesterday....BB really at its extreme!!

I'm following the routine previously outlined and the candida + raw diet with occasionally every other day or so once brown rice (boiled) or a chicken steak (fried in olive oil) or soda bread (no yeast).

I'm thinking the only differences in my daily routine that contributed must have been one or more of the following:

- xin yi san tablets (which I'm still taking).
- fresh chicken steak prepared according to candida recipe for dinner on night before (as I was told that chicken freshly prepared should not cause any damage).
- 5-6 hrs sleep only
- dentist appointment in the morning, where my mouth (gum health, teeth, etc) were thoroughly checked and cleaned. Note - no positive effect on the BB.
- 2 pieces of soda bread with virgin coconut oil for lunch
- 1 tablet of milk thistle max strength (200 - 250 mg)
- somewhat a stressful day as I had to attend a few appointments/meetings and was running late for a few

Now I do expect more stressful and tough days ahead....and it is incredibly disappointing that all the supplements, diet and oral and nasal hygiene are not working to help at all :(

I've now also bought Echinacea Goldenseal plus tablets (450 mg) and propolis (1000 mg) tablets. I will start taking them next week to try and get short term relief.

Post by Stankie »

Last edited by Stankie on Sat Aug 17, 2013 5:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by joeP »

Thanks Stankie, anything legal that would work just as well? :)

I think I want to give antibiotics (metro and/or amoxicillin) a try next, coupled with 50 bln. or so of different probiotics.

If that doesn't help, I'll be seeing a homeopathic doctor... I heard some people have had success using homepathy.
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Post by joeP »

I have some very good news....and need your advise!!!!

Today I was able to reduce my nasal BB "substantially" was barely noticeable for almost 4 hrs or so - no coughs or anything. People were happily coming close.

I was trying my best to offend people by breathing out strongly in front of them to see supermarkets, shopping centers, small shops, etc.

Trust me...I have been having extremely bad nasal odor for the past 4 weeks (and moderate nasal odor for about 8 years)...completely room filling in seconds!

I still had oral BB but it was also much less I think.

So what could have helped suddenly.........I suspect the following (apart from prayers):

1) I took one sachet of CitraFleet ... -8007.html with water for clearing the bowel as I have an ozone treatment tomorrow about an hour before I went out.

2) I've been eating 4 different brands of probiotics (20bln + 10bln + 2bln + 1bln) once in the morning and once in the evening, mixed with goat milk probiotic yogurt - and the effect may have finally happened ( i hear a lot of sounds down there sometimes).

3) I added "lactoferrin" + "sea salt" to the usual xylitol + saline nasal rinse that I use in the morning.

4) I've been taking 3 tabs of lactoferrin a day and they may have finally had an effect.

5) I've increased my intake of xylitol with tea.

6) I've increased my intake of ginger wit tea.

7) I'm still taking omerprazole and it may have finally kicked in (?)

8 ) the candida diet finally kicked in (?)

9) I've been taking the xin yi san tablets as prescribed and they may have kicked in.

10) I've been using snoreeze nasal strips and air nasal breathing aids during the night

11) I've been waking up with a dry mouth in the night and drinking water.


I did NOT do the following today that I usually do:

1) I didn't use chlorhexidine or zinc mouthwashes - which means it may have been even better if I did use them.

2) I didn't use oregano oil or GSE to irrigate my gums.

3) I didn't even drink much water this morning.


It has become worse again....but I will try to reproduce this. I'm really really hoping this is NOT due to the CitraFleet.!

What do you guys think?? Let me know your best guess what it could have been!!
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Re: Chronic halitosis, Rhinitis, PND, bacterial imbalance

Post by ikageorgian »

joeP wrote:Hi,

I've been having chronic bad breath for almost 10 years. Initially just from the mouth, a few years later, also from the nose. It increased year after year and now is "extremely" "extremely" (!) strong.

I use twice a day:
Sensodyne toothpaste to brush,
Dental floss,
Orabrush Tongue cleaner dipped in chlorhexidine mouthwash
Multivitamins tabs,
Vitamin C and Zinc tabs,
Dentyl ph to rinse and gargle,
Smartmouth to rinse and gargle

I drink 3-4 cups of green tea and some cleansing tea with lemon and ginger. I also eat a portion of activia yogurt every day during breakfast. I chew airwaves gum and drink plenty of water all day to keep the mouth moist.

I've been to the FBC in london a year ago, who were useless. I've also tried therabreath products before and realize that they only help for minutes if at all.

I actually felt everything was under control until a few days ago, when my breath became much worse... both out of nose and mouth. My tongue is also a little white towards the back despite of cleaning it, which it only used to be when I didn't brush for a few hours.

I've been working at a company for years having had rough days but have been respected despite of having strong bad breath, but recently people have started to "say" that it stinks around me.

This must be due to the following changes in my routine:

- I tried to improve my condition by using steroid spray "Nasonex" once a day regularly for 3-4 weeks after speaking with my ENT.

- I tried Therabreath's K12 probiotics hoping to see a minor improvement.

I DO have intrinsic rhinitis as confirmed with an MRI.
I DO NOT have candida or acid reflux.

Now I'm worried that the worsened condition may be "permanent"...(i.e. until there is a cure).

Has it permanently worsened for anyone before or does it get better again?

In my diet, I eat toast for morning, once a day chicken with rice or a burger and once a day vegetables with bread.

I also have some carrots (for cleaning the back of the tongue) with my meals, some raw spinach (for chlorophyll)
I also want to use the nasal irrigation, but I'm worried it may also make the situation worse. Does anyone know if it really makes the nasal breath better?

Other things I've tried that didn't help are:

- Liquid chlorophyll for gargling
- other types of oxidizing mouthwashes
- chlorella
- periobalance GUM tabs
- CB12
- Hydrogen peroxide mixed with water (back 6-7 years ago which made my nasal breath worse)

I'm thinking of taking chorophyll tabs and culturelle tabs to see if that helps, allthough I do not really think my bad breath is coming from my stomach.

Hope someone on this forum can help as I need a quick solution to help me get grip on everything again .

SORRY for this long message....but any help from you is much much appreciated!!!

Dear joeP

I know what you are saying, it was happening to me every f.......... day of my life, during 31 year,started when I was 14 and ended one year ago aged 45, hang on pal and everything's gonna be cool. Candida diet is a Halitosis diet, I bet. It is not necessary to have candida albicans in the gut, same happened to me, my bacteriological tests does not reveal candida infection,but I had experienced exactly the same symptoms, so I had to improvise, because the Medicine is helpless, candida diet helped me to defeat this F...... disease,
Give it a try, believe me buddy, I bet you will not loose.
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Post by MrChips »

@joeP In your first post, you stated you chew Airwaves gum. From my personal experience this gum tended to actually dry the back of my tongue and my tongue would end up going white. My advice is to try the OrbitComplete gum in the light blue packet. Its more expensive rrp 80p but my opinion is its better than airwaves. Also i advise to chew for no longer than 5 minutes because this will also have a drying effect.
p.s/ I also went to The Fresh Breath Centre lol. An expensive waste of time!
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