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Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2014 10:22 pm
by halitosisux
Thanks for the detailed reply. We're at a very similar stage. I like your idea of using a short duration of low pH, just enough to attack biofilm and then raising the pH again with calcium carbonate to minimize any potential damage to teeth. I'll definitely be trying this soon.

I can also remember a time while I still had my tonsils, that whenever I managed to find a way to reduce my bacterial activity levels in my mouth, I'd go from having tonsil stones to having a soft yellowish gunk.

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2014 9:43 pm
by emotional rescue
searching wrote: I then rinse with plain water and use a chewable, over-the-counter calcium carbonate antacid tablet or two to neutralize the acidity.
Hi searching,


I'm kind of lost about how to get a chewable calcium carbonate antiacid tablet in my country to test this out.

Where I live antiacid tablets seems to have sodium bicarbonate and citric acid.

Do you think that kind of antiacid tablet should work in the same way? Could you tell me the name of the antiacid tablet that you are using to check their ingredients?

Thank you very much

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2014 10:33 pm
by searching
emotional rescue wrote:Where I live antiacid tablets seems to have sodium bicarbonate and citric acid.

Do you think that kind of antiacid tablet should work in the same way? Could you tell me the name of the antiacid tablet that you are using to check their ingredients?
emotional rescue,

Yes, if the product you have is intended as an antacid, it should work as well as what I'm taking. I use a store brand, generic antacid tablet. An effective substitute would be a small amount of baking soda, i.e. sodium bicarbonate dissolved in water.

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2014 4:25 pm
by emotional rescue
searching wrote: Yes, if the product you have is intended as an antacid, it should work as well as what I'm taking. I use a store brand, generic antacid tablet. An effective substitute would be a small amount of baking soda, i.e. sodium bicarbonate dissolved in water.
Hi Searching, Thanks for the reply!

I tried it on Thursday night and inmediatly felt my mouth much cleaner.
I think that yesterday my mouth was yet cleaner than usual.
Now I feel like I need to do it again.

I wanted to ask you if you did this regimen two times a week since the beginning, or if at first you did it more frequently, and with the pass of the weeks you felt that you no longer needed to do it so many times.



Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2014 1:15 pm
by searching
emotional rescue wrote:I wanted to ask you if you did this regimen two times a week since the beginning, or if at first you did it more frequently, and with the pass of the weeks you felt that you no longer needed to do it so many times.
emotional rescue,

I used this technique after a months-long period of brushing my teeth with acetylsalicylic acid, i.e. aspirin tablets, detailed earlier in this thread. Therefore [nearly] all plaque, biofilm, odorous deposits were already removed from my mouth - where the toothbrush was able to reach. I now use the once- or twice-weekly oral irrigation, with dilute vinegar, as a maintenance step.

In my case, when I start with a clean mouth, I’ve noticed that the BB incubator seems to be the tonsil area. From this spot, the BB microorganisms reestablish themselves, possibly in anaerobic pockets such as tonsil crypts, skin folds in the soft palate, or within some other nearby area. The reestablishment may take as little as several days or as long as a week or two. So I irrigate as needed.

Gargling with dilute vinegar or lemon juice can postpone the time at which I next need to irrigate at low pH.

Caution: Each of these methods can harm tooth enamel.

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2014 2:06 am
by emotional rescue
Thanks for the info,

I will see how it goes for me.

Good luck

Posted: Sat Aug 02, 2014 9:27 pm
by searching
Next week marks the one-year anniversary of my use of this technique.

I’m maintaining a good result.

I just had my semi-annual, oral examination and teeth-cleaning by an oral hygienist followed by a check-up from a dentist here in the United States. No erosion, i.e. abrasion, nor corrosion, i.e. demineralization, was observed. I was congratulated by both care-givers on my hygiene due to the condition of teeth and gums.

Each morning I:
• Dissolve one (1) aspirin tablet in my mouth and brush teeth, gums and tongue with a water-dampened toothbrush.
• Rinse with water
• Brush teeth, gums and tongue using ordinary toothpaste
• Rinse with water
• Take one (1) 265mg tablet of bismuth sub-salicylate, e.g. Pepto Bismol™

Each evening I:
• Floss teeth
• Brush teeth, gums and tongue using ordinary toothpaste
• Rinse with water
• Take one (1) 265mg tablet of bismuth sub-salicylate, e.g. Pepto Bismol™

The oral-hygiene steps listed above result in a clean mouth with no persistent biofilm. The bismuth sub-salicylate sorbs excess sulfur in my digestive system and prevents, or dramatically limits, the formation of volatile sulfur compounds from entering my system and exiting as a gaseous species.

I use no mouthwash, nor any other antimicrobial agent(s) apart from those listed above. These tablets are low-cost, portable, and readily available without prescription.

If I stop the routine my breath will, within a day or two, [likely] rival the BB of a typical sufferer that frequents this site. When I again follow the routine, fresh breath is restored within hours. I believe this indicates the systemic benefit of bismuth.

I have my tonsils. My wisdom teeth were removed decades ago. I eat all types of food, cooked or raw, plain or spicy, meat, fish, fowl, eggs, dairy, vegetables, starch, cake, candy, coffee, beer, liquor, etc., i.e. nothing is off-limits.

I spend much time, up close with my wife. We have a satisfying, 30 year long, relationship. She would let me know if there was a need for improvement.

This protocol works very well for me.

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2014 9:20 pm
by halitosisux
Good to hear searching.
Have you stopped using the Waterpik? (were you using it before?)
Have you ever tried stopping either aspirin or Pepto Bismol to see whether it is one of these that is helping the most? Could the Pepto Bismol be affecting the flora in your mouth as it comes into contact with your mouth?

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2014 10:11 am
by searching
halitosisux wrote:Have you stopped using the Waterpik? (were you using it before?)
I use it once or twice monthly.
halitosisux wrote:Have you ever tried stopping either aspirin or Pepto Bismol to see whether it is one of these that is helping the most?
I believe the Pepto provides the greater benefit; however, not exclusively. The bismuth seems to decrease systemic generation, or liberation [evaporation] of VSCs keeping them in condensed/bismuth-complexed phase for elimination in solid waste. The aspirin appears to provide non-offensive oral ecology.
halitosisux wrote:Could the Pepto Bismol be affecting the flora in your mouth as it comes into contact with your mouth?
Not likely as I often swallow the tablet whole.

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2014 8:20 pm
by halitosisux
Very interesting information, especially if you are a Type-1.

Might be worth also trying the suckable Pepto tablets too, if you haven't already tried them. The same thing you've described going on in the gut presumably also occurs in the mouth too with the suckable tablets. The VSCs turn into some other black odourless compound.

I think you might have been one of the members who tried this actually, so excuse me if you were. If not, you'll find the threads where lots of members tried this with positive results. Snobuni was one who gave lots of great feedback.

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2014 9:22 am
by searching
halitosisux wrote:Very interesting information, especially if you are a Type-1.

Might be worth also trying the suckable Pepto tablets too, if you haven't already tried them. The same thing you've described going on in the gut presumably also occurs in the mouth too with the suckable tablets. The VSCs turn into some other black odourless compound.

I think you might have been one of the members who tried this...
Yes, mentioned in 2007 & 2008 posts, seen here and here.

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2014 9:24 pm
by halitosisux
Has anyone else tried this?

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2014 2:04 am
by ruch
I did try both aspirin and pepto bismal chewable tabs when i read about them on here but for some reason, i stopped, though they did work to some degree (though i never used both together). i think i stopped because of fear of ingesting pharmaceuticals on a regular basis, and also the corrosion issue. i am glad to hear it has not been an issue for searching. i should return to this method again.

searching: is there a reason you decide to swallow the pepto instead of chew it? i was chewing it and letting it coat my mouth.

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2014 2:09 am
by ruch
there is another thread about bismuth, aka pepto bismal (a study!) here:

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2014 12:06 pm
by searching
ruch wrote:is there a reason you decide to swallow the pepto instead of chew it?
Either way seems to be effective. I've been ingesting the tablet, or caplet, without first chewing, to leave the oral ecology undisturbed.