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Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 5:55 pm
by Music Lady
My breath also gets worse when I eat eggs but I never thought I had TMAU. And a 1000 times worse during my period. I just don't know if I see the connection with hormonal problems and TMAU. Hmmm

I'm definitely browsing the Curezone board tonight. I remember reading that there are a few supplements people have taken that they say reduce the odor.

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 11:16 pm
there is a link between secondary TMAU and hormones. Many women have worse symptoms around their periods. Check out some you tube videos on the subject. Great britain seem to be ahead of us as far as looking into this condition.

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2012 12:04 am
by Archimonde
I hate to be that guy but was it really necessary to hijack this thread and turn it into yet another TMAU discussion? There must be 30+ threads about TMAU and none specifically about hormones. Can we stick to the original topic for this one? :oops:

So, on the topic of hormones, has anyone decided what course of action to take? I'm at a loss here.

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2012 1:52 am
by seanlee1980
I tried DHEA supplements but the only thing I noticed was I got a pimple. I am going to give DIM a try.

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2012 7:30 am
Arch - if you look on any good TMAU site and read about secondary TMAU it will mention that hormones/menstration will cause a woman to have worse symptoms. Also, one does not always have the body odor. It can manifest only in the breath at times. It is my opinion that TMAU is not as rare as doctors think, and often does not get diagnosed because doctors do not know enough about it. None of the many doctors I have gone to have even heard of it. They are just finding out more about the condition.

It might not be the condition that you have, but if it helps one person on this thread, it is a good thing. There are new people on here all the time and they might not have time to go back and look at old threads.

Hormones affect our digestion and so a decrease in enzyme activity (TMAU) can be directly related to hormonal activity.

just thought some of you might want to see this...

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 2:36 am
by Music Lady
Tired have you tried any of the supplements that seems to be helping folks with TMAU? Namely Vitamin B2. Some folks on curezone say they've either been cured or the odor's been reduced by taken B2.

My symptoms are exactly like yours, but whenever I take any of the B vitamins, the smell goes through the roof. B2 is the only one I haven't taken individually, but B complex, b6, b12 etc. have all made the odor worse.

Also in all the years I've been reading these boards, it just seems rare that only bb sufferers have TMAU or have been diagnosed.

I'm looking in to it but I really don'tt have much hope on the TMAU angle quite frankly. I'm hoping that when the OP of this post responds she'll have good news that her bb has not returned.

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 7:02 am
by ruch
this book may be of interest:

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 11:15 pm
by sadgirlbb
This is interesting great stuff.... I also got bb when I hit puberty. I remember that well. :( And my life has been a struggle ever since.

I'm 48 as well and my periods are just crazy. I don't have a lot of pain but the amount of blood I loose is incredible. And its gotten worse as I have gotten older.

Wish I had a reason to get rid of this woman crap in my body! I would LOVE to be bb free. I don't even know how I would act. Everyone thinks I'm weird because I'll NEVER open my mouth if anyone gets close to me. I'm a pretty girl so I always get dates.... but hardly ever a second date.

Someone please help us!

I'm going to check out the hormone saliva tests.....

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 5:24 pm
Music Lady - I have tried b12 and still take it daily. I don't think it does much good. I still get bad reactions. Some days are worse than others. When I drink foods with choline it is bad. This past week I tried Golden Seal (2 a day). Golden Seal is a natural antibiotic. I stopped because I felt queasy yesterday. I thought maybe it was because I killed too much good flora, so I took an acidophilus. I may be that I felt queasy because I ate foods I normally do not eat and drank alcohol. I will go back the golden Seal today, but I think i will take just one in the morning and one at night. A woman on curezone said that she was cured by taking Liver Balance. Think I might try that too.

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 9:52 pm
by Music Lady
Hey Tired,

I have that same reaction whenever I take B12 or B6 or the complex.

You might want to try B2. I've read that B2 (Raboflavin) helps TMAU sufferers in particular. For some it took that in combination with a low choline diet.

I hadn't heard about the Golden Seal. May look in to trying that.

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 11:25 pm
by sadgirlbb
Well Hopeful One has not posted on here since 1/27... I hope she comes back and updates us soon. Would really like to know how everything is going....

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 1:12 am
by HopefulOne
Hi everyone,

I just posted an update under "Diet and DIM supplements (?)" I'm still trying to balance my hormones with no ovaries.

Re: Finally Cured After 38 Years of Hell? LADIES PLEASE READ

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2016 3:02 am
by wilhemina
HopefulOne pls come back .we need you

Re: Finally Cured After 38 Years of Hell? LADIES PLEASE READ

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2016 1:05 am
by StillHoping
@wilhemina fyi HopefulOne has many posts after that one [you can just click on her profile to find it]. Unfortunately her bb returned after a couple of months :(