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The Ambiguous Reactions Thread

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 8:33 am
by thanatos

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 10:45 am
by Busted
If you do suffer from CH, why wouldn't she turn back because of your bb. This shit happens to me all the time. Usually when it's really crowded you can see more people turn away when you speak. This is what I mean with being cursed, almost inhuman.

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 11:42 am
by elliott
Yeah, she smelled that big funk and thought twice. LOL

I really hate it when people ASK for it. They ask you a question right in your face, and you have no choice but to answer. I must have the most pathetic smirk on my face whenever that happens, because I know what's going to happen next.

For now on, that girl is going to touch her nose whenever she sees you. It's funny how people never forget smelling that 1st whiff. You are now associated with the smell of shit to her.

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 5:59 pm
by thanatos

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 11:04 pm
by Larc400
I hear you brother. My new-years-resolution 2007 & 8 was to not pay attention to ambiguous situations, as there are circa 5 daily.

The non-ambigous are worse. Like a few weeks ago, and this was about 90 minutes after using SmartMouth btw, I was in a car (backseat). Guy next to me opens the window. I force myself not to think it's to do with any smell. Afterwards I ask him why he opened the window. He said he felt embarrassed about the stench from someone farting in the car. Nightmare situation coming true ](*,)

I can live with these things when I have a logical explanation. That time I put it down to not cleaning my posterior tongue properly in the morning, and a pasta+peanuts+creme fraiche meal the night before. Still though, the horror of people around you thinking you've actually farted. Traumatic.

:-({|= :-({|= :-({|=

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2008 4:30 am
by mike987
Larc400 wrote:I hear you brother. My new-years-resolution 2007 & 8 was to not pay attention to ambiguous situations, as there are circa 5 daily.

The non-ambigous are worse. Like a few weeks ago, and this was about 90 minutes after using SmartMouth btw, I was in a car (backseat). Guy next to me opens the window. I force myself not to think it's to do with any smell. Afterwards I ask him why he opened the window. He said he felt embarrassed about the stench from someone farting in the car. Nightmare situation coming true ](*,)

I can live with these things when I have a logical explanation. That time I put it down to not cleaning my posterior tongue properly in the morning, and a pasta+peanuts+creme fraiche meal the night before. Still though, the horror of people around you thinking you've actually farted. Traumatic.

:-({|= :-({|= :-({|=
:? That really sucks.. I think my brain would have imploded from the stress.

Today at work, I went in feeling pretty good right? I was absolutely fine (and thought this seasalt nasal rinse was doing a great job) .. But then...

I'm putting dishes away across from these two manager ladies in the back of the kitchen. There's a partition between us. The fat lady puts her finger by her nose and kind of looks at the other lady.. who then looks at me. I stare at her for a moment (before she even turned to look at me) to let her know I'm fully aware of this ****ing nightmare and YES, it IS me that stinks you stupid whores!! I totally wanted to go off about how that lady was so ****ing fat.. Yeh I might stink, but I can't do anything about it. You're fat, and you eat taco bell and drink soda throughout the day.. This is why you are fat. Your problem can be taken care of.. mine can't. So don't even start with me you pig-like cunt.

That was the first thing.. Then of course, my anxiety kicks in and throughout the remainder of the day, I'm analyzing every ambiguous reaction and conversation I'm semi-aware of.

There was one time when I was walking through a constricted area.. This waitress girl comes around the corner.. Probably 2 feet or less away from my face.. I can't very well stop breathing, so unfortunatley for her, I blasted her in the face with what should be regular nose breathing but was probably diarrea mist.. She seemed to let out a disgusted groan.

Later still, similar situation only with a guy. We almost run into eachother and are trying to get around eachother. When I finally got out of there (Seems like forever but was really only a second) I could have sworn I heard him say "what is that ... somebody farted.. sblah blah"

I really started thinking about s*****e again. How I should go about doing it. I got so frustrated and upset.. I started hating how my father seems completely ignorant to my problem while he thinks I'm lazy and irresponsible... I know his opinion and expectations of me have fallen drastically in the past few years... what he doesn't seem to understand is that it's because every waking second of my life is a nightmare and just being in the presence of others makes feel distressed and inhuman.

..I die a little everytime I'm aware of an 'ambiguous' reaction..

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2008 12:48 pm
by Busted
Spongemike 987-pants, you have to lie to yourself now. it's the only way out. Whenever you see someone reacting just think it's anything except your bb that had something to do with it.

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2008 11:01 am
by Busted
I'd have to write at least 7 pages full if I had to describe what reactions I get every day. Sometimes I think someone who sitting/standing 11 meters away from me is actually reacting to my bb, but it's impossible. But this is what CH does to you.

Most of the reactions I get are related to my bb. But I think there are some that are not, because I refuse to believe that my bb can really travel that far.

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 12:06 am
by elliott
Busted wrote:I'd have to write at least 7 pages full if I had to describe what reactions I get every day. Sometimes I think someone who sitting/standing 11 meters away from me is actually reacting to my bb, but it's impossible. But this is what CH does to you.

Most of the reactions I get are related to my bb. But I think there are some that are not, because I refuse to believe that my bb can really travel that far.
I think people who already know you have CH, react in strange and interesting ways. Yes, they can be way across the room and make some sort of reaction, but it doesn't mean that they smell you... yet. That reaction is their 'defense mechanism' so to speak. I don't think people are conscious of it. When they see us, their instinct is to protect their self. Like if someone sees a dog from afar, they may tense up immediately. For us, people touch their nose, or cover their mouth.

I hate to be blunt, but our biggest impression to many people is our smell. Many people cannot get past it. There are some unique ones out there, but the majority will struggle. I guess smell is a very important sense for humans! :-#

Sucks when you think you're having the odd "fresh" day, until you open the coffin up and release death upon 4 people in an elevator! Great times.

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 5:25 pm
by thanatos

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 6:21 pm
by Susie
I'm putting dishes away across from these two manager ladies in the back of the kitchen. There's a partition between us. The fat lady puts her finger by her nose and kind of looks at the other lady.. who then looks at me. I stare at her for a moment (before she even turned to look at me) to let her know I'm fully aware of this ****ing nightmare and YES, it IS me that stinks you stupid whores!! I totally wanted to go off about how that lady was so ****ing fat.. Yeh I might stink, but I can't do anything about it. You're fat, and you eat taco bell and drink soda throughout the day.. This is why you are fat. Your problem can be taken care of.. mine can't. So don't even start with me you pig-like cunt.

HAHA! I don't have nothing against fat people, but I will have to agree with you. They can control their problem and have no room to make fun of anyone!!! Most fat people will make every excuse why they are fat, but until they are running their FAT ASS 10 miles everyday they shouldn't complain or make excuses about being fat. Now, if they are running 10 miles a day and are still fat....well ok then they have a real medical problem. If I could run 10 miles a day and this nasty breath would go away I would do it in a heartbeat and not think twice about it.

And please nothing against fat people so don't send me nasty messages!!

Have a nice day all!


Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 6:22 pm
by Susie
oops I guess I didn't put that first paragraph(in the above post) in a quote box! sorry


Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2008 10:30 pm
by thanatos

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2008 1:17 am
by findacure
Susie wrote: YES, it IS me that stinks you stupid whores!! I totally wanted to go off about how that lady was so ****ing fat.. Yeh I might stink, but I can't do anything about it. You're fat, and you eat taco bell and drink soda throughout the day.. This is why you are fat. Your problem can be taken care of.. mine can't. So don't even start with me you pig-like cunt.
haaaaaa hahaaa....lmfao...this made me laugh, i understand where your coming from.....I have lady at my job who has poor oral hygiene...some days she smell fine then others she stinks.....and she is always trying to get people to notice my bb by making getsures to customers who im talking least mine isnt my fault she needs togo and brush her damn teeth. -x-

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2008 4:47 am
by thanatos
Wow, you guys know some pretty mean people.