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Suffering since 6 years old......I wanted to post this again

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 3:15 pm
by lolalola
I am in mid 30’s and bad breath is a constant in my life. It smells like crap 24/7!! I smell it all the time and am aware of how it smells and it controls all aspects of my life and yet it is a secret. I can never talk about it with friends, other family members etc. I have mentioned it to only doctors who did a few tests and I even went to an oral pathologist who have basically told me it is in my head and had a few dentist look at me like I am disgusting!
I remember the exact moment I smelled something weird and tasted something awful in my mouth at 6 years old and it has been downhill since then. Of the cruel things I have endured in grade school are:
Why don’t you flush your throat and this kid made a toilet flushing sound
Kids would come up to me and just tell me you stink
Others would tell me go buy a toothbrush
Other times when kids used to come and talk to me, I would nod my head yes or no or mutter while facing other way or fiddle with things so that I don’t have to make eye contact.
As an adult, I am offered mints or chewing gum everywhere I go and once this happens it shuts me down. This happens at work and I always feel that my co-workers are looking at me funny or that they are all talking about me and my horrid smell…..I just want to leave and get back home.
I hate being at clubs or parties where there is music and I know I have to speak over the music so I cant do that thing I do where I breathe through my nose in short breaths while holding water or something else in my hand and sipping from it or taking bites out of finger foods. I guess I am just hoping the smell that comes out is of the drink or food if anything. If there is no food or drinks there I am in the bathroom brushing my teeth and tongue with Therabreath (which really doesn’t work) and chewing gum and I repeat this a few times a night.
I am married to an attractive man who loves me and I told him my problem and I know it is not in my head because he has verified that there is a smell, but I have pecked him a few time (never open mouth kissed him) and even when we are intimate, I usually face the other way. How sad is that??? Sometimes I wonder why he even stays with me.
I feel cursed and before he came along I wanted to kill myself because I knew that the guys I was meeting were aware of the problem and they would back away from a relationship from me. I never feel like myself because I always have to live my life being aware of the bb and how to avoid someone from smelling it!
The worst part is knowing that I never lived to my full potential because I always think twice before I speak to someone and do tend to walk away when people get too close. I also never wanted to do the things I wanted to do, work in fashion etc because I always felt that if I had to around people I could not hold up the façade too long.
Like someone else mentioned I also saw a therapist and spent all this money telling her everything but the core of my self esteem issues which are all bb related.
I stopped seeing her because I knew like all the other doctors I had seen before she may just tell me its in my head and that would negate all the things I had already disclosed to her about my life…I hate seeing other people speak all close to others and I know that can never be me. I am just bummed out and soooooo happy I found this site because I know its not in my head, its real and maybe one day before I get old I will be able to live my life the way other people do.

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 6:29 pm
by findacure
Hi Lolalola,

Yeah we all have similar stories, my earliest memory probably would be when I was around 9 or 10, my mom rubbing her nose while I was speaking to her, but back then I don’t think it was that bad or maybe I was having a bad day.

Your one of the lucky one with a partner, most member on here don’t have a partner or never had. Being in a relationship is difficult, because you feel you can never really get that intimate. You are always aware of your breath, but im glad that your partner sticks by you with this.

I love partying, which I’ve started to do again, I went out last weekend, I did contemplate weather to go or not, dreading the reactions from people, but over all I probably got about 2 nose rubs, but I enjoyed myself…I would have regretted it if I hadn’t have gone, I would have felt I missed out on a good night, which I would have.

I’m just trying to adapt my life around it, keeping myself entertained weather it’s a DVD, reading, exercising or drawing it all keeps me busy.

If you ever want to chat pm me.


Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 4:07 pm
by lolalola
I so agree with you. I am naturally a fun person with an awesome sense of humor, but I tell you the bb has really held me back many times. Isn't it sad that when something pops up in your mind you have to look around and see if anyone is not too close to open your mouth!!! WTF!!!! Who can live like this forever!!
I love parties too but you know what I mean that you have to make sure you are munching or drinking something all the time. I love wine but it makes my bb like death. I hate living like this, I just want someone to find a cure. I am so angry that they have treatments for all type of diseases and we have to spend our time convincing these a-hole doctors that there is a problem so when is the cure coming??

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2008 11:33 pm
by findacure
lolalola wrote:I so agree with you. I am naturally a fun person with an awesome sense of humor, but I tell you the bb has really held me back many times. Isn't it sad that when something pops up in your mind you have to look around and see if anyone is not too close to open your mouth!!! WTF!!!! Who can live like this forever!!
I love parties too but you know what I mean that you have to make sure you are munching or drinking something all the time. I love wine but it makes my bb like death. I hate living like this, I just want someone to find a cure. I am so angry that they have treatments for all type of diseases and we have to spend our time convincing these a-hole doctors that there is a problem so when is the cure coming??
Yeah, I understand what you mean about having something to munch the things we do!!!

It so crazy, before going out, I made sure i sanitized my mouth I gargled with antibacterial wash, brush twice, and used some Oregano oil on a toothbrush and even put two drops in a glass or juice, I did all this and as I opened my mouth I got reactions...its as if I didn’t even brush my teeth, little do they know the rigmarole I just went through, and me knowing that they just took 3 minutes to brush their teeth and their breath smells like air!!

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2008 12:24 am
by emotional rescue
Hi lola

my soul is with you

Sometimes i think this is a nightmare, sometimes i´m better....i try to stay positive, to not give up....but sometimes i wonder for how long i could stand this and not give up......

Sometimes it gets so hard to keep trying to have a ¨normal¨ life with all this, with our jobs, to hang out, to our studies, with relationships....i even felt in love with my best shes marring with another guy....

Sometimes you see like all kinds of oportunities escaping away from your hands, and i try so hard to not let them go, to keep fighting....but all things cost so much effort like this.....

but i will stay positive, life sometimes has so beautifull moments......i will keep with that and i will fight for that until our cure is here.....

One day all this will be just a bad bad dream

Hi emotional rescue!

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2008 2:16 am
by lolalola
I also try to stay positive but it is always on the back of my mind. I live every moment being aware of it and try to hide it so I guess that is how i try to stay is wonderful to know that you are not alone and we are all here for each other!!!

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2008 2:48 am
by thanatos

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2008 2:56 am
by lolalola
I am married and when I do lay and talk to my husband I never face him but talk while laying down and facing up and look at the ceiling sometimes i think he is so used to the smell he may not even notice or i guess loves me enough not to tell me about it. I guess if he were to talk about it every conversation would have to start with, your breath smells etc! He is very kind to me so he has never done that.
As I mentioned above, the hardest part is not kissing him, he used to beg when we were dating and he thought something was wrong with him, as time went by he knew i really liked him and i think he knew i had bb and that is the reason although he has never came out and asked me if that is the reason.
I do tend to talk more on the phone than in person with ALL my friends. The only person I am able to be who I can be is with my husband.

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2008 3:59 am
by emotional rescue
Hi lola,

I think you are being to hard with yourself...

If your housband never show you signs of being unconfortable with you and he wants to kiss you, you should kiss him.

It´s something beautifull, let yourself enjoy of it, especially if you have found this special person that loves you the way you are....

You know, theres a lot of people for who bb is not such big deal, and if your husband is one of those and he loves a lot of other things in you, you should enjoy of him and have a healthy and normal relationship..... don´t be afraid!!

I personally kiss, because i love it, and yeah, if i wouldn´t have bb maybe i would kiss a lot more, im not one of those guys who maybe is ten minutes in a row doing a french kiss, i do it more shortly, but i do it anyway, and you know what? never a girl avoid me for that or stop kissing me. I think bb it´s not neceserally sensed by a kiss...... especially if you have a good techniche and good common sense to know when maybe is better to not kiss or something....

Theres a lot of tips that everyone of us has developed to survive with this, and some can be adapted when the time to kiss arrives.....

for example, i always try to drink ice water, especially beffore kissing, no one thinks nothing wrong about it and it give me a fresh and pleacent sensation for a while that gives me more confidence....

Another weird thing (in a good sense) that i discovered over the time is that doing french kissing sometimes get rid of my personal bb. I don´t know, is weird, but it´s like the healthy saliva of the other person somehow cleans my own, with ends givin you more confidence in that particular situation.....

So for me, you should give it a try and see what happends!! If you accomplish this i think you could get you off a big weight of your back!

good luck!!

PD: for how long have you been married?

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2008 9:39 pm
by lolalola
Hi Emotional,
That is very beautiful what you wrote and really so true. I am very hard on myself and my husband always tells me I am beautiful etc. I always make him laugh also so I do know he sees me more than the blob of bb I consider myself.

We have been married for 10 years now.

I am so happy that you are able to try to live your life and still find passion. I love to hang out and go out to dinner which I refuse to stop doing because of the bb. So I guess everyone has things that they are more reluctant to do and other things that they are going to do even if they have bb.

I might do that thing with the ice you suggested and try atleast a 3 second kiss. Baby steps....Thanks!!

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2008 11:08 pm
by mike987
emotional rescue wrote:
Another weird thing (in a good sense) that i discovered over the time is that doing french kissing sometimes get rid of my personal bb. I don´t know, is weird, but it´s like the healthy saliva of the other person somehow cleans my own, with ends givin you more confidence in that particular situation.....
Heh, I remember a long time ago I suggested jokingly that we gargle a healthy persons saliva.. But seriously, I think it could provide some benefits.

Assuming that a bacterial deficiency exists with us, adding in the 'normal' bacteria of another might just clear out all the bad bacteria in our mouths! ... Really, it sounds plausible.. The only problem I see is that effect would only last as long as their saliva is in your mouth. Once the good saliva is washed away, you'll be back to your old state.

Hmm.. new idea.. lolalola.. What if you kissing your husband every night after a period of a week or so... would totally eliminate your bb? What if the only place to pick up these good bacteria that we might lack is from another person, and after long exposure to them, your body picks these bacteria back up?

Admittedly, this might sound silly.. I'm just making up ideas on the spot.. Still, I have a hint of faith in it.. We can't rule it out until we've tried it right? 8-[