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acid reflux

Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2008 12:45 am
by DK3790
Anyone else here have acid reflux? I've been thinking about what may be the cause of my bb and I think I have the answer. It is my acid reflux. Whenever I take OTC medicines for this it works temporarily but then stops working. I was wondering has anyone with acid reflux tried Nexium? Does it work?

Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2008 2:48 am
by Maria
Yes,I did.It helps acid reflux but ,helping bb NO!
I'm still using Nexium.The truth is I developed aacid reflux after lots of stress due to bb.and later other stuffs came up....GREAT ,huh?

Soon cancer will appear and ... I dont know if any thing better can happen to some body!!!
sorry to disappoint you.Dont give up.I'm getting new ideas from people here.try as much as you of these remedies might work for you.
good luck

I have G.E.R.D. as well

Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2008 2:56 am
by Eric
I am taking Prilosec OTC for it. One time I had some Zantac before I ate and it seemed to neutralize my chronic BB temporarily, (maybe a couple of hours)

Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2008 3:05 am
by Maria
by the way I elevated my bed about 15 cm and it really helps specialy during the night.

Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2008 3:08 am
by Maria
Did you experience diarrhoea before taking medication?

Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2008 3:25 am
by Eric
I never really had dhiarhhea (however you spell it lol) before taking Prilosec, but I did have a lot of bad gas it seemed like. I don't seem to have as much gas now. I'm going to try drastically changing my diet and seeing if it helps at all.

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2008 9:07 pm
by DK3790
well i used to have just bb from my mouth overall in addition to my acid reflux and ever since i improved my oral hygiene and taking the vitamin C's, the oral part of the bb went away and now i'm trying to find a way to fix my acid reflux. The OTC's didn't do anything. I used zantac.

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2008 12:51 am
by tdonline
I've posted this in another thread: two ENTs diagnosed me with acid reflux, specifically LPR. One of them said that the bad breath is probably from the acid that is refluxed.

I was on Nexium and then switched to Protonix after I had side effects from the first med. I also got all the tests for acid reflux and I was deemed "normal". Keep in mind that you can reflux up to something like 50 times a day and still fall under "normal". Unfortunately, 50 times is enough to give you bad breath episodes. After six months I stopped taking Protonix because I was on double doses and I didn't see any significant improvement. Basically, the symptoms correspond with stress. When I finished grad school, my acid reflux got a lot better. Unfortunately, it only takes one or two incidences of it to produce a bad episode of someone rubbing their noses, pulling away from me when I talk. It's really frustrating because I keep being told I do not have bad breath.

I talk to my dentist pretty freely and he has reassured me that I do not have bad breath and that my oral care is exemplary. Basically he and the ENTs have said to live with the incidences of crappy breath due to acid reflux.

It's not 100% confirmed, but from the incidences of the last 3 years, I'm pretty convinced that the bad breath outbreaks are linked to my digestion system. I remember one very embarrassing episode where I ate Italian food, and I guess all the tomatoes and garlic really spiked up the acid reflux. As I was in a car with 3 other people, I was having terrible reflux. And we were talking a lot. Finally one passenger just said that we should stop talking because someone was stinking up the car...And it was particularly bad that day because I could smell it the crap odor myself. Usually I can't smell it and only can tell by people's reactions.

Same thing has happened on airplanes. I think something with the change in air pressure really messes with my LES muscle and causes it to relax and then the refluxing starts. One time the odor was so bad, I could tell this woman across the aisle looked at me with this weird look and I realized that she probably smell the reflux. I knew it was bad...but didn't think the odor was reaching her way. I bolted to the toilet.

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2008 7:08 pm
by DK3790
ok...when you talked about how you talked to your dentist and whatnot and they told you how you don't have bb. Well, whenever I talk to people, they don't even respond and they just walk away with very weird face reactions. That part you described at the end, yea that's my life everyday.

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 1:02 am
by tdonline
Have you been diagnosed with acid reflux? Have seen a GI doctor?

Re: acid reflux

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 4:02 am
by sweets07
DK3790 wrote:Anyone else here have acid reflux? I've been thinking about what may be the cause of my bb and I think I have the answer. It is my acid reflux. Whenever I take OTC medicines for this it works temporarily but then stops working. I was wondering has anyone with acid reflux tried Nexium? Does it work?
i used to have horrible acid reflux. i was so bad that i'd have acid coming into my mouth just sitting up straight. i made the mistake of taking prilosec for more than a week and it gave me bad breath (it's known to cause bb). strangely enought, once i quit taking the pills, i haven't had a problem since. thank god! having acid reflux is the worst feeling.

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 4:20 am
by Eric
i used to have horrible acid reflux. i was so bad that i'd have acid coming into my mouth just sitting up straight. i made the mistake of taking prilosec for more than a week and it gave me bad breath (it's known to cause bb). strangely enought, once i quit taking the pills, i haven't had a problem since. thank god! having acid reflux is the worst feeling.
I am taking Prilosec OTC right now, have been taking it for a almost a couple of weeks. I am not completely sure, but I think my bad breath before taking this was more from regurgitated stomach acid and digesting food, but now since I don't have that it seems to be more bacterial/fecal (I think). Has anyone had a similar problem to this/ what did you do?

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2008 8:13 pm
by DK3790
has anyone else had constipation problems when taking pepsid and/or zantac?

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2008 9:23 pm
by mike987
Each of us has about a thousand abnormalities.

I may think I'm on the right trail to isolating the cause for BB then realize there are so many other things wrong with me that could also have an influence or maybe even spawned during my attempts to cure my BB.

-Stressed constantly (from BB interferring with my life)
-I go through periods where I have diahrea every morning w/ my gas smelling like PURE rotten eggs (It's truly horrific. So glad the toilet is it it's OWN room)
-Ear and sinus problems as a child
-PND and other sinus issues that persist today. Narrow nasal passageways (My nose always feels at least 30 percent stuffed)
-Allergic to animals and other nature
-Stomach often bloated.
-Starting to believe that I've become lactose intolerant.
-Tonsils stones coming from extremely cryptic tonsils
-Not much saliva production
-Hairy Tongue with thin white coating.
-Super fast metabolism that belongs in a circus side show
- and more! .. Who knows what new problems await me in the years to come :p

Perhaps it does all come down to metabolism.. Though cryptic tonsils is a physical mistake on it's own.. Damnit america.. I need about a thousand more dollars to make Tonsillectomy possible.

How much are tonsillectomies from a good doctor in other countries?

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 1:05 am
by tdonline
DK3790 wrote:has anyone else had constipation problems when taking pepsid and/or zantac?
Yes. Nexium made me so constipated and when I was able to go, I got hemmorhoids. I switched to Protonix, which still made me constipated but not as badly as Nexium. I had to take Citrucel to help with "regularity". Yet another reason I gave up on PPI's.