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The cure

Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......
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The cure

Post by Ch_Adams »

I guess you are not interested in the body flushing that I talked to you in the other message so I definetly will not post it. Whatever I write you will not believe it because you are so dumb, feeling lonely and depressed... let me tell you something you all are so pathetic. Thanathos why killing yourself... the cure had has been around here all the time but because your minds you will never see it until you open those tiny brains. So masters, God, Site Adm, Heroes, Princes I defy you only one of you to come here to my country i will take you to this doctor and you will do the process as i did, I guess that is the only way you would believe.

An astronaut said, I went to heaven, to the sky, to the moon and let me tell you God does not exist I did not find Him there... a surgery doctor answer to him i have also opened many brains, and I have not seen yet the first idea. That means that because you do not see God it doesn't mean He do not EXIST... and moreover it means that because you do not see the CURE, it does not mean that is do not EXIST.

The cure is so evident that your blind eyes can not see it.

So I am inviting only on person on this forum that wants to come here to get cured. Only one because I only have room for one person. People interested just let me know.



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Post by maclean »

look why dont you shut up about god and post the flush on here im more than willing to do it if it has cured you.
so why all this rubbish just tell me how to do it and i will give it ago,but please dont go on about god not everyone thinks he is real so lets just get on and stop all this crap.
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Post by Bloorain »

#-o ok

What ever floats your boat to get you through this ordeal. We all have our own way of dealing with this.

If you have something you could share that you think would help, by all means please do.....regardless of what people think or what you perceive
Last edited by Bloorain on Thu Jan 24, 2008 8:05 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by thanatos »

Last edited by thanatos on Fri Jan 17, 2014 5:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by mike987 »

Yeh, I say throw up your flush details.

I'm sure many will try it, just as they try everything else that is posted on this board.

If it worked for you, it could work for others. Post it.
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Post by elliott »

I think you have to ask God for it 1st. Otherwise, it will not work. You see, God really wants to help, but you have to ask nicely. He cursed us so we can learn about life... how to live better. Never mind the killers, drug dealers, terrorists, pedophiles, and rapists. It is US. WE need a lesson, so He gave us the blessed gift of Bad Breath. He gave it to you and only He can relieve you from it. Now get on your ashy knees and beg for the flush dammit!
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Post by maclean »

hi there,please can you tell us the flush or are you going to blank us. :-s
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Post by Ch_Adams »

Folks, God has nothing to do with our problems it is our soul, thethan, 90% espirit who choose any condition we go through. We on earth are just 10% spirit the rest is in the ether. We choose our parents and the kind of problems we want to overcome, in order to become better on each shot we are given. This problem is not a Karma even, as I said our soul chose this conditions and we are here to learn to solve this puzzle and paint with the colors we have. Remember we are not bodies with spirit we are a big spirit within a body. And learning to live is not easy, it can take the whole life, or can take shorter if we decide so. Everything is in our minds so I invite you to learn how to live soon, don't take this whole life to the end to see that is was absurd to waste the precious time that was given for being happy and joyful. And either if this condition would be a Karma, you know what a Karma is... it is just a lesson to learn. We have to learn to love ourselves despite anything and anybody. We have to take care of the grooming brush our hair everyday, stand in front of the mirror and say I like me, life is easy and beautiful, put some perfume on, shine your shoes, iron your clothes, do excercise, feel stronger everyday that people notice you are ok and send to you possitive energies, listen to beautiful music... music is the food of the soul... so give it a nice food from time to time. Friends, let's give us a chance to live in harmony and peace with ourselves, others and God. Do not blame Him for every little rock in your shoes, just take your shoe off and throw it away, and now start running... because times is passing by and we have to start living... at what age.. at your age. When you take this rock out of your shoe as I did, you will start seeing how easy life is, how simple and beautiful, you will bring back your wife, business and the beautiful flat you lost. You will go to work and will say hello to everybody and give them a truly smile, and people will start noting the change and will change for betther with you. You will have many things to tell, many people to ask for pardon for being so selfish all the past time. Your wife would notice you a bit stronger, muscles growing stronger, self confidence and would die for making love with you, you will tell this close how much regret you are for being a fool.

So friends you will think that i am pulling your leg with the flush. I will post it this night. It is 2.21 pm here. So tomorrow you will start living again. I am not telling this is the only cure there exist INFINITE cures, one for each one of us. This worked for me try it and do not give up, there's no time for loosers, you can be anything that you decide so do not QUIT and stop complaining life is just BEAUTIFUL. Once you overcome this problem as I have done you will see that we can enjoy any single thing in life that for other is just nothing.

Take care friends, I love all of you, GOD bless you. And if someone still want to come here to Colombia is invited to my place.
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Post by maclean »

right its 4:30am i was just reading your last message and can see that your a women so i pick my words i dont want to be rude to you but you seem to be a little mentle.i see that your up in the clouds with your thoughts and thats very nice but listern darling,i lost my wife because i couldnt bring my self to kiss her or make love to her,i lost my business because i couldnt bring my self to trade/sell anymore and i lost my beautiful flat because i lost my im 27 im back at my mum and dads i stay in every weekend and feel like my life is passing me if you can help me please do but dont start telling me how to live my life that will not change this rank smell coming out my mouth.i have many of offers in my life/girls/business,but wouldnt even dream about starting again untill i get rid of this please cut the crap now and post the flush i dont want to here any of your silly silly talk and points on life i just want the flush i dont want to be rude to you sweetheart but please help me out if this works for me i will come to your country just to say thankyou from the bottom of my heart.
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Post by thanatos »

Last edited by thanatos on Fri Jan 17, 2014 5:13 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by billie »

Ch_Adams wrote:Folks, God has nothing to do with our problems it is our soul, thethan, 90% espirit who choose any condition we go through. We on earth are just 10% spirit the rest is in the ether. We choose our parents and the kind of problems we want to overcome, in order to become better on each shot we are given. This problem is not a Karma even, as I said our soul chose this conditions and we are here to learn to solve this puzzle and paint with the colors we have. Remember we are not bodies with spirit we are a big spirit within a body. And learning to live is not easy, it can take the whole life, or can take shorter if we decide so. Everything is in our minds so I invite you to learn how to live soon, don't take this whole life to the end to see that is was absurd to waste the precious time that was given for being happy and joyful. And either if this condition would be a Karma, you know what a Karma is... it is just a lesson to learn. We have to learn to love ourselves despite anything and anybody. We have to take care of the grooming brush our hair everyday, stand in front of the mirror and say I like me, life is easy and beautiful, put some perfume on, shine your shoes, iron your clothes, do excercise, feel stronger everyday that people notice you are ok and send to you possitive energies, listen to beautiful music... music is the food of the soul... so give it a nice food from time to time. Friends, let's give us a chance to live in harmony and peace with ourselves, others and God. Do not blame Him for every little rock in your shoes, just take your shoe off and throw it away, and now start running... because times is passing by and we have to start living... at what age.. at your age. When you take this rock out of your shoe as I did, you will start seeing how easy life is, how simple and beautiful, you will bring back your wife, business and the beautiful flat you lost. You will go to work and will say hello to everybody and give them a truly smile, and people will start noting the change and will change for betther with you. You will have many things to tell, many people to ask for pardon for being so selfish all the past time. Your wife would notice you a bit stronger, muscles growing stronger, self confidence and would die for making love with you, you will tell this close how much regret you are for being a fool.

Are you reading that f*****g book (THE SECRET) sound just like it
It´s b*llsh°°t.
That book is saying the same thing. (We choose everything we f*****g go through)
What a b*llsh**t :-({|=
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Post by Larc400 »

Please inform us of the Flush. If it works well, I will come to Columbia and cherish you and God for eternity.
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Post by maclean »

please can we have the flush you said that you will give it to us tomorrow and you still havent give us it,for someone thats is in to god you dont keep your word very much.
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Post by maclean »

this is ****ing doing my head where are you you silly girl hurry up and post the flush
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Post by coeric »

this guy/girl is a troll if there ever is one. she ought to be ashamed for wasting everyones time.
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