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We cant smell eachother?

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2008 9:40 pm
by Orodor
Hello everyone!

Me and another person from this forum met here in Oslo this week end. This was our first live meeting, after having exchanged a lot of emails some months........ But to make a long story short we found out that we can not smell eachothers BB. And before anyone jump “are you sure you have BB”…. We have both lived with this problem for many years, so it is not that at all. The question is… Can we not smell eachother, and can it be that this applies to some other people as well? I have noticed that some people react to my BB different than others. But not that it could not be smelled. That has never been in my mind at all.

Does anyone have experience with this? Hope to hear more tales on this issue.


Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2008 9:44 pm
by Larc400
This has happened at other meet-ups, arranged by the Yahoo group etc... If it's the same type of bb it would make sense. Still a bit odd though 8) Did you do actual close-up tests..?

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2008 11:12 pm
by thanatos
If it's the exact type of bad breath yeah. Seems like a lot of people have one specific type of mouth odor.

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 3:11 am
by emotional rescue
This seems so strange to me! i can´t understand how two persons with strong bb could´nt smeel each other, but it´s not the first time that someone post this....

We really need more cases about this, please the members that have the opportunity try to meet each other and see by yourself.....

I can´t figure it out, cause I smelled people with bb many many times!! i can´t see how i couldn´t be able to smeel another sufferer....

saddly i´m from argentina, some other member pm that is from argentina but never reply me again for now, if you are reading this we should meet.

Orodor, just to now, when was the last time that someone told you directly that you had bb, or you heard someone telling this to another person about you??, not touching noses or bad faces, or things like that, just a person saying directly that you have bb??
Cause now i got the doubt that what if some of us got really bad bb in the past and now we stay like paranoid or worried about it, but we don´t got so much bb anymore, but how can we now if someone isn´t able to smell itself properly???
I´m thinking about this because of this halithophobia shit and for example, in my case I must say that i don´t get a straight ¨your breath stink¨ in a loooong time, but i´m still so paranod about it like the first time....what tha ***k i can´t figure it out,

Another thing, Today i went to see a therapist for the first time in 26 years and i talked straight and clear about all my psicologycal problems due to bad breath, he told me that i got really heavy thinks kept inside.....

Lets see if this is usefull or not, but i just don´t see any light anymore and I need to got some hope that this will get better, at least someday.....i need something to work in, so now i´m trying this....
I´ll let you know

good luck to all

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 4:32 pm
by Orodor
Larc400 wrote:Did you do actual close-up tests..?
Oh yes believe me we did. Several times.
Even in a public place, which made a few bystanders look oddly at us!

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 4:37 pm
by Orodor
emotional rescue wrote:Orodor, just to now, when was the last time that someone told you directly that you had bb, or you heard someone telling this to another person about you??, not touching noses or bad faces, or things like that, just a person saying directly that you have bb??
Cause now i got the doubt that what if some of us got really bad bb in the past and now we stay like paranoid or worried about it, but we don´t got so much bb anymore, but how can we now if someone isn´t able to smell itself properly???
Of course it might be the case that this was in the past, but the mind isnt with it yet. I do however get reactions from people, so I am 99 percent sure that I still have it. I say 99 percent and not 100 because I feel that is the right thing to do. I can also smell myself at times, and my tongue tonsil smells awful.

It would however be nice if more people post their experience with this. If most of us cant smell eachother.... Maybe we should just create a small country? The BB country :P Can imagine having diplomatic talks eh?

From joke to serious tho. I think it is serious issue if so many of us cant smell eachother. Then it might be a body structural thing? If it was only bacteria, then that would seem odd? Or could it be because we smell yourself so you dont notice on others?
So many questions.......

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 6:22 pm
by Larc400
A lot of human receptors, including smell receptors, become desensitized to things that they're used to. So in the same way as a normal person gets used to the smell of a room or whatever after 10 minutes, we are extremely used to the stench of sulphur and shit :oops: so we won't smell it on others. At least, that's the theory..............................

Re: the bb country 8) ,,, we've had pretty far-going discussions about just getting on with it and buying an island where we can live happily. It may still happen ... I'm in.... (if it's tropical)

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 6:31 pm
by Orodor

Everything you need is there. You can get a good sized Island for 1.5 mill euros in a warm place.
Im sure a lot would be in for it. Just the first step that would be problem hehe

I do think your right about your room example.

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 6:46 pm
by Scientist42
Hi All,
I posted the following message on Yaoo Trimethylaminuria message board on Jan 12th 2004. I guess this is very relevant to the thread!

I have breath and body odor but tested negative for TMAU in 1995.
Actually, I was more interested in the odor analysis than in being
tested but got both done anyway. I am aware that false negatives
occur but have no plans to be retested.

I am curious about howmany of you have actually met anyone else from
the Group? I see this as an important starting point for support and
research. I would like to tell you all about my experiences of
meeting other members since we would very much like to encourage you
to also meet up with each other (especially your nearest members).

On Jan 11, 2004, I met a lady in person whom I had been corresponding with for quite a while (2-3 years). Her name is Maggs (she very boldly
asked me to state her name in this posting)and we met in Harrogate,
North of England.

Like myself, she has strong fecal breath odor and we initially made
contact via an odor group. She has a family and our meeting was
entirely related to mutual support and research.

We met up yesterday for the very first time. It was a long drive for
me but I was curious about this lady because she claimed to be able
to smell (and taste!) her own breath odor all the time. I can never
smell (let alone taste) my own odor.

Initially we met outside a foodstore and there was a slight mutual
awkwardness in making eye contact. However, as we sat at the table
in a Thai restaurant this quickly disappeared and I noticed that
neither of us seemed to be 'offending' each other.

Rather baffled, I asked her if it would be alright if I could have a
little sniff since we were the only diners in this restaurant. It
was perhaps an unusual request however she sort of expected it and
we blew full blast into each other's faces several times.

Okay, here's the bizarre bit....neither of us could smell a thing!!
Believe me, this is more than absurd since my odor has in the past
resulted in people resigning en mass at work :(

Well, it had to be a mistake! Something was wrong! Was she lying to
be polite? Absolutely not! We had agreed to be completely honest
with each other (no matter howmuch it hurt) so that we could help
each other control it!! I sniffed her hands and all I could detect
was a very slight odor of soap. Her breath smelled only extremely
faintly like a mint we get here called a tic-tac.

Okay, so what about my body odor (I have both breath and body
odor)? ...maybe she could detect that? Well...she looked a little
bemused and so we did it discretely. She went to powder her nose and
passed me on her return. I lifted my arm to scratch my head and she
sunk her nostrils into my arm pit. Hmmm...perhaps not so discrete! :)

Well?....nothing offensive! Only the slight odor of sweat!! Being
seated at a window seat we were proudly displaying our antics to
passers by on the busy High Street:) Harrogate is a posh town (or
should I say pawwwwsh!)

The waiter arrived looking a bit perplexed and bowing profusely (it
was a very traditional Thai restaurant). As he served us I noticed
that he had a very strong body odor - it was not fecal but strong
and strange. There was certainly nothing wrong with our sense of

After the meal we went to a pub and chatted and exchanged further
sniffs. I spent 6 hours with this lady in order to see if there was
any change in odor as a result of eating or drinking or talking
excessively but neither of us smelled anything!!

When the lady got home she phoned me to say that her son had smelled
a really strong unpleasant smell on her clothes after our meeting.
This happens with me a lot since my odor is very very strong.

Believe me, this is not the first time this has happened to me. Two
years back, I met a teenage girl from the support group who claimed
to have strong fecal halitosis and she came to my house several
times for a chat. Neither of us smelled anything!!

I have also worked with someone who is supposed to have either
breath or body odor but only once smelled a strange body odor on him
when he looked hot, sweaty and flustered. I also once had a friend
who had strong fecal breath odor which I could smell when I was 14
years old however my odor has got stronger since then and I can no
longer smell him any more.

Okay, so what am I trying to get at? Well it is this. If any of you
have similar odor descriptions and meet up in person then you are
unlikely to smell each other. Please do NOT assume the other person
is lying or mad!!! These are my observations.

Do you understand what I am saying? I am trying to tell you that if
there is no immediate total cure for your condition you will at
least feel completely at ease with a partner who has the same odor
as you!

You can at least live some kind of happy life together and you will
not be able to smell each other. I hope nobody is offended by what I
have just said. I am actually trying to help!

In view of what I have said I think it would be a good idea if
members listed their location and their odor description.

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 9:06 pm
by Orodor
Thank you for your post Scientist. Your post was not offensive at all, but rather full of inspiration.

So the conclusion CAN be:
Our illness is not the end of the world. But it require to adapt in the "society" we live in? What thought have you done about this? I have had assumptions that we can not smell eachother, but are now starting to be sure. But this is very new to me.

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 12:44 am
by Ice
I met with three bb suferers and we couldn't smell anything, and I met with each of them, about 7 times so far...and offcourse completly different feeling talking to a person with same problem.. freely, relaxed.....:)

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 1:45 am
by Iris
Scientist, now I am curious about when we smell someone breath or body. Do you think this is because our smell is different from the people we can smell? For example, when I was studying overseas, I used to bump into a guy with a very strong body odor. His odor was so strong that I could tell by a distance if he had arrived on the library before seeing him. I could tell the place he had passed just because of the smell he used to leave wherever he pass. Some days were stronger than others. The stronger smell was of dead fish. Other days I could smell something like homeless people. What was interesting is that he had a friend who use to sit with him and talk with him as if he had none odor. I had the oportunity to meet her by herself and she does not have any odor at all. It seems that he had no bad breath because no one used to cover the nose when he used to speak.

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 9:53 am
by OneDay111
I can smell other people but there breath is different from mine the fecal kind. Mine sewery.

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 11:04 am
by nelly
First when I came over this forum and read about bb folks who could not smell each other, I could not believe it. After having read several postings over time, I still found it strange.
I met Orodor last weekend, and was exited if we could have an odorless meeting. We did, too our great surprise. Its against my nature too breath directly at anyone, but we did several times. We had been drinking some gin with lemon, and I could only smell the lemon. We were together for many hours, not a smelling moment. I can always smell myself, so its strange.

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 3:26 pm
by emotional rescue
nelly wrote:We had been drinking some gin with lemon, and I could only smell the lemon. We were together for many hours, not a smelling moment. I can always smell myself, so its strange.
Hi nelly,

and in this meeting you were smelling you own bb but orodor didn´t smell it??